Recipe book :; [manuscript].

[United States], 1800-1843. Comprised chiefly of culinary recipes from the middle Atlantic region of the United States with recipes for rock fish, shad, sturgeon, crabs, and oysters, as well as recipes for preparing wild ducks, meats, pickles, preserves, cakes and biscuits, keeklings, puddings, floating island, small beer, and cider wine. Of particular interest is a detailed recipe for making portable soup and "Philadelphia receipt for cream cheese." Section near the end has recipes for dyes and dyeing using natural materials. Recipes are attributed to Mrs. Armistead, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Turberville, Mrs. Taliaferro, Mrs. Grimwell, Cousin Nelly Alexander and others.


p. 26

p. 26

40 Walnut Catsup Provide a stone pot which will hold 3 gallons provide the following ingredients, 5 ozs of common salt 1 lb of garlick sliced thin & 1/2 oz of horse raddish scraped 3 ozs of ginger powdered 1/4 lb of sweet orange peel fresh & sliced, 1 oz cloves powdered, mix them all well together, the walnut leav[ing?] when they are 1/2 grown cut them a chop very short, then put a layer at the bottom & sprinkle [or?] a few of the ingredients, and so or alternately till your pot is full as you can pack it, tie paper over it & set it in the sun every day for a fortnight, then prep out the liquor & strain it throug a flannel.

A Cake Pudding Any number of eggs say from 5 to fifteen according to the size of your cake the eggs in one scale & the butter sugar & flour made equal in the other. Beat the eggs very light cream your

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 27

p. 27

41 butter & dry the flour, (sift it) unite the butter & flour, then the sugar & eggs, mix them all to= gether & beat them very light add any thing you chose.

To Preserve Peaches Gather your peaches & put them in strong salt and water, let them remain until they change colour, then boil them in clear water till the skin will peel off easily: then take their weight of su= =gar with a handfull of white race ginger, boil the ginger in the syrup & pour it boiling on the peaches every day until it has penetrated enoug [sic] to them then mak [sic] a second syrup with the same ginger which is to remain with them the second syrup [?] be boil'd once or twice more if neccessary. The ginger must be well washed & soaked before it is put in, & when the syrup is boil'd and put to the peaches the steam must be confined--

Last edit almost 4 years ago by PattyGilson
p. 28

p. 28

42 To make Walnut Catsup Gather your leaves when full grown, cut a crop very fine put a layer at the bottom og the pot & then some of the ingredients until it is filled pack it down, cover it with paper & let it remain in that state for four hours. then pour your potfull of boiling vinegar. When it is cold cover it & tie it down and set it in the sun for 2 [hours - struck through] weeks, press out the liquor with a strong hand. strain it through a flannel & bottle it for use -The ingredients are for one gallon pot 5 oz's of common slat 1/2 oz of sliced garlick [sic] 3 oz's pounded ginger a 1/4 lb of horse raddish [sic] 1 or 2 oz's cayenne pepper a quarter of an oz of cloves --

To fricasse [sic] Chickens cut up 2 chickens in joints wash them nicely, pepper & salt them lightly and put them in a hash pan with some thyme 1/2 lb of butter & a

Last edit almost 4 years ago by PattyGilson
p. 29

p. 29

43 of mace, cover them close & let them stew slowly over a gently fire till tender take the yolks of 2 eggs [?] wine, some juice of lemon, top it up together in the pan serve it up with fryed in butter & force meat balls, in place of 1/2 lb of butter only a 1/4 & in place of a spoonfull of cream 6 or 8 I think it would be better.

A Carrot Pudding Take 3/4 of a pound of butter 8 eggs 3/4 of a lb of sugar [3?] spoonfulls of carrots, you [must?] leave out the whites

Shrewsbury Cake To a quart of flour put 1/2 a lb of sugar 1/2 lb of butter & 3 eggs.

Batter Pudding To 8 eggs 1/2 lb of flour

Last edit almost 4 years ago by PattyGilson
p. 30

p. 30

44 Spanish Biscuit Beat the yolks of 8 eggs for a 1/2 hour then beat in a spoonfull of fine sugar, beat the whites to a strong froth then put them with your yolks & sugar & beat them for 1/2 an hour put in 4 spoonsfull of fine flour & a little lemon peel grated, bake thin on paper in a moderate oven.

Icing for Cakes To the whites of 12 eggs put a lb of dou= ble refined sugar pounded & sifted through a fine seive [sic] mix them together in a fine ear= =than pan. & beat it well for 3 hours with a wooden spoon till it looks white & thick, then with a thin paste knife spread it all over the top & sides of your cake & ornament it with sweet for fruit paste or sugar images & put in a cool oven to harden for one hour - or set it at a distance from the fire, & turn it frequently till it is hard. You may perfume the icing with any thing you please -

Last edit almost 4 years ago by PattyGilson
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 211 in total