p. 223


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3 revisions
Mick at Dec 03, 2024 08:38 PM

p. 223

194 & you will have a hard transparent Substance, that will cut Glass like a Diamond 235. A Medicine for All Diseases of Man & Beast It has always been a Great Dispute among the Learned if One Medicine would cure all Diseases an answer to which we will here prove the Truth of it & for this Reason That all Diseases have their Origin in the Stomach

& you will have a hard transparent
Substance, that will cut Glass like a Diamond

235. A Medicine for All Diseases
of Man & Beast
It has always been a Great Dispute
among the Learned if One Medicine would cure all
Diseases an answer to which we will here prove
the Truth of it & for this Reason That all Diseases
have their Origin in the Stomach

p. 223

194 & you will have a hard transparent Substance, that will cut Glass like a Diamond 235. A Medicine for All Diseases of Man & Beast It has always been a Great Dispute among the Learned if One Medicine would cure all Diseases an answer to which we will here prove the Truth of it & for this Reason That all Diseases have their Origin in the Stomach

& you will have a hard transparent
Substance, that will cut Glass like a Diamond

235. A Medicine for All Diseases
of Man & Beast
It has always been a Great Dispute
among the Learned if One Medicine would cure all
Diseases an answer to which we will here prove
the Truth of it & for this Reason That all Diseases
have their Origin in the Stomach