p. 219

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4 revisions
Mick at Dec 03, 2024 08:38 PM

p. 219

190 Hours it will be sufficiently done. When cold pour off the Liquor gently, [?] small [?] well closed & marked to distinguish them as the Liquor is very poisonous & you must not [?] the Vapours in your Nose Use Write first with Ink made of a Solution of Salt of Lead in [alchemy symbol ?] & write with this upon Paper.

Hours it will be sufficiently done. When cold
pour off the Liquor gently, [?] small [?]
well closed & marked to distinguish
them as the Liquor is very poisonous
& you must not [?] the Vapours in
your Nose

Write first with Ink made
of a Solution of Salt of Lead in [alchemy symbol ?] & write
with this upon Paper.

p. 219

190 Hours it will be sufficiently done. When cold pour off the Liquor gently, [?] small [?] well closed & marked to distinguish them as the Liquor is very poisonous & you must not [?] the Vapours in your Nose Use Write first with Ink made of a Solution of Salt of Lead in [alchemy symbol ?] & write with this upon Paper.

Hours it will be sufficiently done. When cold
pour off the Liquor gently, [?] small [?]
well closed & marked to distinguish
them as the Liquor is very poisonous
& you must not [?] the Vapours in
your Nose

Write first with Ink made
of a Solution of Salt of Lead in [alchemy symbol ?] & write
with this upon Paper.