p. 209
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3 revisions | Mick at Dec 03, 2024 08:37 PM p. 209180
186. Incombustible Oil.
Rx. Castille Soap, shaved small
[?] [?] [?] min the [A.S.]. with [?] [?] camphor
[?] Mix them with [?] put them into a [?] or [?] well [?d] [?] in Horse Dung
for [?] [?] [?] Then [?] Mix the [?] with
Olive [?] [?] [?] again & you will have
an Incombustible Oil to use in a
2nd Process
Rx. [?] [?] [?] grind
these well together, & mix with Petroleum to
the Consistence of a Syrop - then [?] gently in
[?] & reserve the Liquor,
3d Grind [?] with aa of the [?] of
the 1st process. Mix this with [?] & [?] & 180 186. Incombustible Oil. Rx. Castille Soap, shaved small 2nd Process Rx. [?] [?] [?] grind 3d Grind [?] with aa of the [?] of p. 209180
186. Incombustible Oil.
Rx. Castille Soap, shaved small
[?] [?] [?] min the [A.S.]. with [?] [?] camphor
[?] Mix them with [?] put them into a [?] or [?] well [?d] [?] in Horse Dung
for [?] [?] [?] Then [?] Mix the [?] with
Olive [?] [?] [?] again & you will have
an Incombustible Oil to use in a
2nd Process
Rx. [?] [?] [?] grind
these well together, & mix with Petroleum to
the Consistence of a Syrop - then [?] gently in
[?] & reserve the Liquor,
3d Grind [?] with aa of the [?] of
the 1st process. Mix this with [?] & [?] & 180 186. Incombustible Oil. Rx. Castille Soap, shaved small 2nd Process Rx. [?] [?] [?] grind 3d Grind [?] with aa of the [?] of |