p. 183


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2 revisions
PattyGilson at Sep 01, 2020 11:25 AM

p. 183

153 {sidebar} [?] page 118 157. To make a Candle which burnt in a cloze Room makes it appear as if full of Water Sperma Cete. Fat of Eels + Fat of Vipers aa [?] mix & make a Candle NB Perhaps Sperma Cete & the Oil of the same Fish clarified will do as well.- 158. Vermin in Dogs to kill Gunpowder powderd, Sulphur Hogs Lard [P.?] make into an Ointment, & rub behind the Neck. 159. To make Butter Better Rx of the best common Salt PH [?] Sugar - Salt Petre aa Ph [?] beat them up together & mix well

page 118

157. To make a Candle which
burnt in a cloze Room makes
it appear as if full of Water
Sperma Cete. Fat of Eels +
Fat of Vipers aa [?] mix & make a Candle
NB Perhaps Sperma Cete &
the Oil of the same Fish clarified
will do as well.-

158. Vermin in Dogs to kill
Gunpowder powderd, Sulphur
Hogs Lard [P.?] make into
an Ointment, & rub behind
the Neck.

159. To make Butter Better
Rx of the best common Salt
PH [?] Sugar - Salt Petre aa Ph [?]
beat them up together & mix well

p. 183