p. 72


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6 revisions
Mick at Dec 03, 2024 08:37 PM

p. 72

42 the Matter grossly, & proceed as on the former Experiment 3. The same with [?] Rx [?] dessolve it in [?] [?] & evaporate to dryness. let this run [?] to a gold Coloured Liquor evaporate this Liquor to a Pellicle & let it crystal lise. To [?] of this [?] put [?] of fine Powder of Flints. mety them as in the preceeding Processes, & proceed as before 4. The same may be done with Salt of Pot Ash. It is very well known, that all the Salts {underscore} when they have lost their volatile Spirits {underscore} by the Fire {underscore} are reduced to a melting Finely. by wch they

the Matter grossly, & proceed as on the
former Experiment
3. The same with [?]
Rx [?] dessolve it in [?] [?]
& evaporate to dryness. let this run
[?] to a gold Coloured Liquor evaporate
this Liquor to a Pellicle & let it crystal
lise. To [?] of this [?] put [?] of fine
Powder of Flints. mety them as in the
preceeding Processes, & proceed as before
4. The same may be done
with Salt of Pot Ash.
It is very well known,
that all the Salts {underscore} when they have lost
their volatile Spirits {underscore} by the Fire {underscore} are
reduced to a melting Finely. by wch

p. 72

42 the Matter grossly, & proceed as on the former Experiment 3. The same with [?] Rx [?] dessolve it in [?] [?] & evaporate to dryness. let this run [?] to a gold Coloured Liquor evaporate this Liquor to a Pellicle & let it crystal lise. To [?] of this [?] put [?] of fine Powder of Flints. mety them as in the preceeding Processes, & proceed as before 4. The same may be done with Salt of Pot Ash. It is very well known, that all the Salts {underscore} when they have lost their volatile Spirits {underscore} by the Fire {underscore} are reduced to a melting Finely. by wch they

the Matter grossly, & proceed as on the
former Experiment
3. The same with [?]
Rx [?] dessolve it in [?] [?]
& evaporate to dryness. let this run
[?] to a gold Coloured Liquor evaporate
this Liquor to a Pellicle & let it crystal
lise. To [?] of this [?] put [?] of fine
Powder of Flints. mety them as in the
preceeding Processes, & proceed as before
4. The same may be done
with Salt of Pot Ash.
It is very well known,
that all the Salts {underscore} when they have lost
their volatile Spirits {underscore} by the Fire {underscore} are
reduced to a melting Finely. by wch