p. 49


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2 revisions
NunezA at Jun 18, 2020 04:21 PM

p. 49

19. 22 Rx [recipe] a Gallen of spring water take out a pint and set apart. put out the rest of good Opperas [Zv?] simmer gently over the fire, and take off the skim as it rises and fithe. Add of Rock Allum Zy - Sugar Candy powderd Zi - and Gum Arabee Zii dissolvd in the Pint of water set apart - Infuse there in a Shone Bottle with tbi of blue Galls powderd, [?] in a warm Place and shaken every day, for 8 days. if it should not be black enough add some drops of Tinilum of Steel. - It makes a fine black [?] ink. Excellent Black Ink D Parker. Tried To [Gol Cerry?] J. of W. July 1798 23. In the Liver of the Pa there as whel the Butchers cal the [Mull bal?] ther very hard and give it to a dog. [?] To make Dogs follow you. Mr. Durell.



Rx [recipe] a Gallen of spring water take
out a pint and set apart. put out the rest
of good Opperas [Zv?] simmer gently over
the fire, and take off the skim as it rises
and fithe. Add of Rock Allum Zy - Sugar
Candy powderd Zi - and Gum Arabee Zii dissolvd
in the Pint of water set apart - Infuse
there in a Shone Bottle with tbi of blue
Galls powderd, [?] in a warm Place
and shaken every day, for 8 days. if it should
not be black enough add some drops of
Tinilum of Steel. - It makes a fine
black [?] ink.

Black Ink
D Parker.
To [Gol Cerry?]
J. of W. July 1798

In the Liver of the Pa there
as whel the Butchers cal the [Mull bal?]
ther very hard and give it to a dog. [?]

To make Dogs
follow you.
Mr. Durell.

p. 49