


Status: Incomplete

Waynesborough April 4th 1842

My Dear Wife,
Mr. Bryan reached
here this morning with your letter, and I was
truly sorry for the " [glorious?] news" announced
in the concluding sentence- I hope however
that his and all other [ ] will have
ceased long before this meets your eye, and
that you will be, as youwere when your letter
was commenced, in fine health and spir-
its- I arrived here last evening from [ ]
[ ] when I was detained all the
week by a [ ] civil, and still larger [ ]
[ ] docket. I got there on Monday to [ ]
[ ] [ ] court on that day and transacted
all the business usually attended to, the
first day of court. Eighty miles in a day and
a half would be pretty fair travelling for
one or more representative [ ] myself for
hard driving. Yes John seems none the worse
for it and I am almost [ ] to [ ]
to the conclusion that he is pretty much
of a horse- an Friday we had one of
the most solemn and [ ] trials
that has ever occured in North Carolina-
Eleven men were arraigned and tried
as the same time for the crime of murder

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