Oak Grove Sept. 23rd 1821
Dear William, It was with pleasure we received your first & second letters, which informed us of your health and progress in your studies, we are much pleased and grateful to hear that you are content with your home, and so much in love with the judge. We have reason to hope from the delight the judge takes in instructing & exploring intricate cases to his pupils that you all will benefit by his labours, & that each of your parents will not regret the trouble & expense that it must surely cost them: With solicitude I look forward to the time when you may not only feel & hope (for) the advantages of your present oppportunities but that you will adorn (yourself in them) & benefit the society - that you may be called to sojourn among - while in this mode of existence.
Among all the attainments in this life there is one that from it importance & duration, and to object in view is by far par-ramount to all others. Our Saviour. being Judge says there is one thing (read as: one being)d mindful & as he is the giver of every good and perfect gift: I would my son with the most earnest solicitude advise you to apply to Him who refuses none that appease: Who giveth liberally & avoid-eth not --Who giveth life & immortality to all that appease upon [him].
Gospel terms Search the Scriptures says our beloved Lord; for in them we think we have eternal life, & they are why that testifyes [testifies] of me says our beloved Lord.
In your searches after truth & knowledge, forget not - my son to search the scriptures for the truths there in contained ever more precious to your never dying soul than the wealth of the whole world. for what is wealth, what is honour, or the pomp & grandeur of this World to a Soul just ready to launch into eternity with out that preparation in that one thing needful so declared by our beloved Saviour my Son lie in the union of means appointed by Jehovah who hath all power in heaven & earth who can kill or can make alive, who giveth liberally & affraideth not - He it is that inviteth you to come by the atonement He has Made as to except the offers of mercy & eternal life: all your attainments are nothing wihout an interest in Him. for what is time compared to eternity: may the Lord draw you by the cords of his love to seek Him in your youth.
I have enclosed you $15 Which hope nears you in time my White family except little Susan who is sick with the agency enjoy reasonable health Some of negroes are sick but I hope not dangerous. We all join in love then affectionately yours J Battle
Raleigh. 5th Dec. 1821 Dear Sir
I have only time to say that the documents herewith, will give you a more correct view of the business of the Legislature than I could probibly detail in the short limits of a Letter, had I time to enter into such detail. In addition to what you will learn by the Papers I will however inform you that, we yesterday had thru the Ballotings for our next Governor (Franklin having declined on re-election) without succeeding in the Election of any one: there are four names in nomination (to wit., Hut G Burton of Halifax, Gabriel Holmes of Sampson, James Mebane of Orange and Joseph H Bryan of Granville.
The Balloting was as follows, 1st Balloting Burton 49 Holmes 60 Mabane 41 Bryan 33 2nd do ........ do 49 do 65 do 44 do 24 3rd do ... do 49 do 68 do 47 do 18
The friends of each, are very indefatiguable in their exertion for their particular favourites, but how the Election will terminate is as yet very uncertain: we are all doubt and all expectation, I should for one despair of Burton's success, were it not that his friends are so true to their post & trust. I can only hope that we may succeed in confering on him the appointment - a Convention is spoken of out of doors; but no Bill has yet been introduced; tho we expect
expect it shortly; but sir the Eastern Section of our State, are not so regardless of their interest, nor are they so insensible of the north of that Legacy which our fore fathers has purchased with their blood & bequeathed in Letters of Gold, as to surrender it into the hands or submit it tamely to the discretion of designing men. no sir, We view the Constitution of our State as the grand Palladium of our Rights & our Liberties & consequently we shall hold fast to that which we know to be good.
I am compel'd to stop for want of time
In great haste your friend & hbl Servant Henry Blount
PS Give my respects to your family individually also to Dr Lefrence & family
Hy Blount
Saml Westray Esq Westrayville No Ca