Wilkesboro June the 24th 1813.
Dear Sir I Recd your letter Requesting me
to search my Office for all Debts, dues, &c. owing to
the State previous to the Year. AD. 1799. I have
complied with your Request & made the search
which has been a very Troublesome task owing
to the [Tattered?] & improper Situation in which
the Records & papers of my Office are in: that
was kept by the first Clerk of Wilkes County, to
wit, George Wheatley. As to what kind of
copies of Records are Necessary, I am at some
lost to know; but it will be out of my power,
or any Person to make out complete Transcripts
from the Situation of the papers as before Mentioned.
I send you on this Sheet a Statement of all the
Judgements in my Office Previous to the Year
1799 that I can find which are Owing to the State
with Remarks on each Judgement. I am, &c.
Health & Respect
Robert Martin
Robert Williams
N.B. I shall make no particular Charge you
may pay what you think is [Due?] [illegible]
R. Martin
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