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having been applied to by the Treasurer for the payment of this Bond, informed
him, that the field was taken out of his possession by the Trustees for the purpose
of building the Steward's House; ^ before the [expiration?] of the time for which it was rented to him and that his fences being cintinually kept down
to allow [hakling?] &e- he received no benefit from it, in consequence of which,
he hopes the Board will relieve him from his debt_ The Treasurer therefore begs
the Direction of the Board_

The Treasurer having in his last Report, requested the instructions of the
Board on several matters therein stated, again begs leave to call their attention there-
to, as he cannot with propriety proceed thereon without their advice on the subject.
As the Board will probably refer to the said Report, he thinks in unneces=
sary to repeat those cases_

The Treasurer further reports, that Mr. John Talyor the Steward, being in=
=debted to the Trustees in the sum of £40 for which Execution had issued from
the County Court of Orange, and being desirous of taking on himself the pay=
=ment of a Debt due by Jesse Neville, to whom the Steward is also indebted;
has requested the Treasurer to relieve Mr. Neville from his debt, and take from
him (the Steward) such security as he might deem proper, for the punctual
payment thereof, together with his own, by the first of Feby. next. As the
Treasurer did not conceive himself authorized to make such agreement, he
undertook to state the matter to the Board for their determination, and by
the desire of Gen Davie agreed to stay the said Execution until the present
meeting_ He therefore begs to be directed by the Board on the subject.
The balance of Mr. Neville's debt is about £95 including interest, this added
to that due by the Stewart, viz £40, will make £135, the sum for which
he wishes the above indulgence_ The Treasurer has also delayed to
institute suit as Neville until the decision of the Board be had on this

The Treasurer is sorry to observe, that his apprehensions of not re=
=ceiving more considerable payments of the sums due for the present year
have been too justly founded. From his letters to the Attornies & his Agents
he had conceived hopes of being able to [show?] to the Board at this meeting,
a more satisfactory account of the collections, as well as the state of the
Accounts of the Several Commissioners &e [Attornies?]: but he regrets that
the causes above mentioned have put it out of his power to accomplish
the business to his satisfaction_

Raleigh Decr. 6th. 1796
Gavin Alves TReasurer_

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