List of warrants sent to [[Cumberland County, North Carolina|Cumberland]] by Col. Hardy Murfree which was located by Saunders & Moloy - Vizt.
Lt. John Williams. - 1144 acres Grant [speed]
Sergt.Jacob Robinson - 428 Grant [speed]
[No.?] Peter [Nhem?] - 428 Grant [speed?]
Jeremiah Smith 274 }
Croſser Johnson 640 }
these 2 are not my
own but am to be
paid by the owners for
Securing them -
Lent by Capt. William Waulton. -
The Heirs of Moses Moore Grant 640
[No.] - William Moore - 640
{no return has
been made}
[No.] - Benjamin Moore - 640 -
[No.] Shadrach Cobb - 640 -
[No.] John Matthews Grant 640 -
Lent by Col. Robert Hayes
[Fifer] William Spain - 1000 Grant
[No.] Thomas Spain - 1000
Sergt. Caps Spain - 1000 Grant
[No.]Austin Spain 420. this I am to have
[Secured] in the name of A. Spain for himself
[Completed] with C.G.
Cond. over
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