Administrative Papers, folder 002



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Western lands

[ - ]

Last edit about 2 years ago by Alexis Amico
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15 14 --- 60 15 --- 210 10-10

15 8 --- 120

14 9 --- 126 6-6 4-8 --- 6-10-8 3-5-4 --- 9-16-..

6 3-1-9 50-15-7 3/4 1-2 --- 60-19-4 3/4

7-1-9 104 22-[8?] 10-..-8 12 --- 65-10-5 60-19-[4?] --- 5-11-..

856 3200 3000 2560 640 --- 10256 2560 --- 12816

45 8 360 6 --- 23 / 2160 \ 94 907 --- 90 97

Last edit about 2 years ago by Alexis Amico
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List of warrants sent to [[Cumberland County, North Carolina|Cumberland]] by Col. Hardy Murfree which was located by Saunders & Moloy - Vizt.


Lt. John Williams. - 1144 acres Grant [speed]

Sergt.Jacob Robinson - 428 Grant [speed]

[No.?] Peter [Nhem?] - 428 Grant [speed?]

Jeremiah Smith 274 } Croſser Johnson 640 } these 2 are not my own but am to be paid by the owners for Securing them - C.G.

Lent by Capt. William Waulton. -

The Heirs of Moses Moore Grant 640

[No.] - William Moore - 640 {no return has been made} C.G.

[No.] - Benjamin Moore - 640 -

[No.] Shadrach Cobb - 640 -

[No.] John Matthews Grant 640 -

Lent by Col. Robert Hayes

[Fifer] William Spain - 1000 Grant

[No.] Thomas Spain - 1000

Sergt. Caps Spain - 1000 Grant

[No.]Austin Spain 420. this I am to have

[Secured] in the name of A. Spain for himself [Completed] with C.G.

Cond. over

Last edit about 2 months ago by guest_user
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Brot. over

Lieut Arthur Cotgraves 256 2246 acres was put in the hands of Capt. Anthony Crowther by Major Thomas Evans to be located and Surveyed C.G.

The Heirs of William Anderson .. 640 was Sent by same person which Capt. Thomas Armstrong cannot recollect he actually took the warrant from the office and did send it out. Which Claim I have since bought from the Heir. C.G.

It is to be observed that all the above mentioned Lands are my own right except those already noted vizt.

Austin Spain

Jeremiah Smith & }

Croſser Johnson }

Charles Gerrard

Last edit over 1 year ago by Laura Hart
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Coppy's of Locations of Western Lands

No. 1579

Lieut. Arthur Cotgrave enters 2560 2246 acres of Land on the west fork of yellow Creek to include a large Spring & tree marked S M by Saml. Martin D.Gr.

Peter Nhem locates 428 acres of land on the So. side of Cumberland river on the first big Creek below the mouth of red river beginning a Clay lick about one mile from Cumberland running up the Creek chiefly on the lower side. -

located by Saunders & Molloy 45 miles from nashville W.[B].S.

Jeremiah Smith locates 274 acres of land lying on overhills Creek adjoining the upper line of Martin Kings precemption and extending up the Creek for quantity. -

Located by Saunders & Molloy 12 miles W S W from nashville.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Laura Hart
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