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2 revisions
MKMcCabe at Oct 18, 2022 11:54 AM



Honorary Lifetime Members:

John Motley Morehead
William R. Kenan
Luther H. Hodges
John W. Clark
Frank P. Graham
Gordon Gray

Messages were received from the following members stating regrets
and reasons why they could not be present:

Archie K. Davis
James L. Pittman
R. Walker Martin
Roy Rowe
W. A. Johnson
Mrs. Ed M. Anderson
Carl V. Venters
John Van Lindley
T. Henry Redding
Irwin Belk
Claude W Rankin
Bowman Gray
Kemp B. Nixon, who has served longer on the Board than any other
present member, was absent because of illness.
Frank P. Graham, Honorary Member.

President Friday

President Friday was recognized and he presented the following Univer-
sity report which was enthusiastically received:

Retiring Facuity Members

"As is the custom of this Board of Trustees, Invitations to attend
this meeting and the luncheon to follow have been extended to members
of our faculties who are retiring this year.

"There are ten members of the faculty of the University of North
Carolina who will retire: two from Raleigh; two from Greensboro,
and six from Chapel Hill. I am pleased to join you in recognizing each
of these individuals this morning, and I should like to ask each of them
to stand as his or her name is called. Once each person has been
recognized, I am sure you will wish to welcome this entire group
with warm applause.

"Miss Edith E. Averitt (present). Miss Averitt has been with the
University at Chapel Hill for 39 years and retires as Geology and
Geography Librarian.

"Miss Helen Burns (present). Miss Burns retires as Associate
Professor and Freshman Academic Class Adviser after 27 years with
the University at Greensboro.

"Mr. C. F. Parrish (present). Mr. Parrish actually retired last
December 30 as Extension Professor of Poultry Science, with 38-1/2
years of service at North Carolina State. (Mrs. Parrish also present).

"Mr. Erie E. Peacock (present) Professor Peacock has been with
the University at Chapel Hill for 44 years and retires as Professor of
Accounting. (Mrs. Peacock also present).

"Mr. Glenn O. Randall (present) Mr. Randall has been associated
with North Carolina State for 39 years and retires as Professor of
Horticultural Science. (Mrs. Randall also present).

"Miss Florence Schaeffer (present) Miss Schaeffer retires as
Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry in the University
at Greensboro after 42 years of service.

"Dr. Roger E. Sturdevant (present) Dr. Sturdevant has been with
the School of Dentistry at Chapel Hill for 14 years and retires as
Professor of Operative Dentistry. (Mrs. Sturdevant also present).

"Dr. H. R. Totten (present) Dr. Totten retires as Professor of
Botany at the University at Chapel Hill with the very impressive record
of 51 years of service. (Mrs. Totten also present.

"Dr. Paul W. Wager (present) Dr. Wager has served the University
at Chapel Hill for 38 years and retires as Professor of Political
Science. (Mrs. Wager also present).