


Status: Complete


North Carolina receiving same and to the objects specified in any laws making appropriations for its support, or in accordance with the expressed wishes of any donor, as far as practicable, (cf. G.S. 116-17)

All gifts and endowments, whether moneys, goods or chattels, or real estate, heretofore or hereafter given or bestowed upon or conveyed to any one of the institutions, as existing before March 27, 1931, shall continue thereafter to be used, enjoyed, and administered by the particular unit to which they were given or conveyed; but if there were trusts, they shall be administered by said unit in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed creating them, for the benefit of the particular institution to which such deed was executed. The administration of all these funds, endowments, gifts, and contributions shall, however, be under the control of the Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina. (cf. G.S. 116-18)


The trustees of The University of North Carolina, including the University of North Carolina, the State College of Agriculture and Engineering and the Woman's College of The University of North Carolina, are authorized and directed to fix the tuition fees for each of the institutions in such amount or amounts as they deem best, taking into consideration the nature of each department and institution and the cost of equipment and maintaining the same; and are further instructed to charge and collect from each student, at the beginning of each semester, tuition fees and an amount sufficient to pay room rent, servants' hire and other expenses of the term. Indigent cripples are exempt from the provisions of this paragraph. (cf. G.C. 116-143)

In the event that said students are unable to pay the cost of tuition and required academic fees as the same may become due, in cash, the said Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to accept the obligation of the student or students together with such collateral or security as it may deem necessary and proper, it being the purpose of this section that all students in state institutions of higher learning shall be required to pay tuition, and that free tuition be abolished, except such students as are physically disabled and are so certified to be by the vocational rehabilitation division of the state board for vocational education, who shall be entitled to free tuition, (cf. G.S. 116-143)

The Board of Trustees may charge non-resident students tuition in excess of that charged resident students, (cf. G.S. 116-144)


(a) Tax Exemption.

The lands and other properties belonging to the corporation shall be exempt from all kinds of public taxation. (G.S. 116-19)

Property belonging to the State . . . shall be exempt from taxation. (N.S. Const. Art V., Sec. 5)

(b) Liability for Torts.

The University is not liable for any tort claims except as provided by G.S. 143-291, et seq.

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