


Status: Needs Review

{[Vicksburg, Miss.]}

Louisville Ky Oct the 22 1854
Master I take this liberty to ask you Pleas to
bye henry and let him com hom and live with
me pleas over look my not writing you to beg
him when he was here but I thought that you wer
angry with him becaus he did not agree to com
to you when you offerd to bye him Master.
You no the nature of a man when he is got a
family it is to make all he can for them henry
only objection of living with you is becaus
he could not make any thing in A private house. I
did not no that Mr Miller had boght him in tel
the morning All that he a left me and then I thought
it was to late to say nathin to you for [capt steargen?]
promsed me he wold not sell him out of the place when he
found that he was forced to leave me it was lik taking his life
And I supose he be com desprit and thought if he could
Make his excap Master pleas over look his fault & bye my
houseband if you pleas. You no how hard it is
to leave your famly when you no there are all well
proved for I hope you will think for a moment how hard
it is my housband is take away from me & never
expect to see him agen in this world no Master pleas
bye him I have don all tha I can if you dont bye him
pleas get som body to bye him that will let him
com & see me Miss [lewiser?] has promist me that she would
ask you to bye him Your resecby humble servent

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