


Status: Complete


fight like. Dis one only two years old." Bolo left to get the Coca
Cola and her mother settled down to tell me about the life of her

"My father, he come to this country when he was a very young
man. Then he send for his wife to the Old Country and they have
five children and good success." It sounded a little rehearsed when
she started to talk but less so as she continued. Her accent was
more apparent when she forgot to make an effort to speak correctly.

"My father he hass been in the store business for a long time,
ever since I can remember. He use to have a little grocery store
and we did not have all the nice things then that we have now. But
my father he iss a good buyer and my mother she iss a good saver
and knows how to save the money in the home.

"My mother never spend too mooch of the money in any easy way.
She feel she can save the money by not buying a lot of things that
some people buy; like going in debt for a heap of things for the
house. She won't do that and she always do all the work the hard
way. She do all she could to save and make something in the home,
while my father he do the best to make something in the home,
while my father he do the best to make something in the store.

"So we get a little money saved up and then my father, he go
in the big store and sell nothing but sweets and from the day he
opened up he done a big business."

Bolo returned with the Coca Cola and a plate of chocolate
creams. Ceceilia offered the candy again and again.

"Eat as much as you can. It is good and cold. The children


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