


Status: Complete


Is dey gwiner inherit dat house dey oruves, or is ole Aunt Lucy gwiner up an'
leave it to somebody else - after all?

"'Look Uncle Henry,' dey 'low, 'peer in yo' glass an' see kin you spy out
what she's intendin' fur to do wid all dat money. It's a shame fur hit to go to
somebody else after my visits an' 'tentions to de ole lady. T'ain't right, Uncle.
Dere ought to be some way I kin fence off de others. An' if dey is sich a way -
an' you p'ints it out to me, - I might give you five dollars."

Uncle Henry paused to emit a chuckle. "Five dollars?" I says. "Why Chile,
it ain't a goin' to cost a cent under ten dollars fur us to see who yo' Aunt Lucy
is gwiner leave her money, an' diamonds an' houses to. No'm, not a cent under ten
dollars. My eyes is gittin' old lak de res' of me. It ain't he'p 'em none, neiver,
strainin' to see dem dim shapes in my crystal goblet, or my sperit glass. So if
you can't 'fode ten dollars, fur a lil supernat'chal info'mation, de property
jus' hafta go to somebody else. Dat usually gets 'em, " he added craftily, "an'
day'll more 'en likely come back to hand over de cash.

"One lady useter come to see me all de time, tryin' to find out when
her husband aim fur to die. 'Don't you worry yo' se'f, Chile'. I says finally.
'Dat man ain't studin' 'bout dyin'. He'll live a long time yit. A long time.
I kin see him hyah twenty yere fum now.'

"Well sir, she bust out cryin' 'Oh Uncle Henry ' she sob. 'I needs


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