


Status: Complete

{handwritten} AL-68 {handwritten}
Mrs. Ellen R. Blanchard (White) Adelaide Rogers
409 High Street Montgomery County
Montgomery, Alabama
{handwritten} Dreadful {handwritten}


"Well... if you think you'll be contented here with me and the
children and our pets, I'll he glad to rent you the room, at ten
dollars a month, I believe - all things considered - that's a fair
price. The room is nice and light and is convenient to the bath; it
has a fireplace, as you saw, and a large closet. And as there is
nobody here during the day but me, you won't be disturbed while you ar e
writing. When I am not at my mother's, I usually sit in here and sew
or read, until the children come in a little after five. My daughter,
Frances works at the Capital, and my son is with an insurance company,

"No, I haven't a job now. My children say its my turn to stay at
home and rest and enjoy myself, while they work and take care of me.
I did have a job though, as assistant housekeeper at the Ashley Hotel,
I was there fifteen years. Before that I was a stenographer in the
Department of Public Welfare, when Mrs. Bush was its Director.

"Girls didn't take business courses when I was young as they do
now. So I didn't learn typing and stenography until after I had been
married for some time. In fact I have never attempted much of anything
until I got married. That marked a turning point in my life. Oh must
you go? I thought maybe you would sit awhile and talk. People do live
in the same house ought to know each other real well. And there's
nothing like a good long talk for getting acquainted with somebody. Oh you
will stay for awhile? That's fine! I get awfully lonesome sometimes,
staying so much by myself. I'm the sort that likes company. I like to
see folks happy too, and comfortable.

"You are not close enough to the fire. Try this slumber-chair with


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