Francis Taylor Diary

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Diary, 1786-1799

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4[258] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795 February 22, [continued] about two hours returned to C.Taylor's. I went there with them,about noon. Miss'es Watkins & Alexander(being sent for) went to W.Dade's. I dined there. J.Taylor jr was there in evening. --[SUNDAY]-23, Rained moderate before noon,heavier in evening. I went to Court. Mr T.Barbour jr gave me his note of hand for $923. to bear interest from date, it being for $958.19.0. Certificates & Interest, he had the 6th instant-$600. being at par, the balance 18/- in the pound. He & Col Ja's Barbour are to give bond when we meet for the above. Some persons sid Brutus fought a Mad dog to day,at Mr Shepherd's, but I see no bite. 24, Cleared in morn. Windy-cool evening. I rode to Court. Wrote Letters to Col.E.Pendleton jr about suit vs Thornton. also to Col Ja's Taylor inclosing a Land Warrant he sent Oct'r 1792. Capt Conway promised to Convey the letters. Z.Nooe paid 12/- for 12 lb butter had the 6th instant. 25, Windy night,cold,clear and very windy day. Reuban Taylor called on me,we went to Robert Taylor's to dinner. C.P.Howard,John Taylor & C.Taylor there. In the night Wm Herndon(of Madison) called here & warmed,complained much of the wind & cold being severe. 26, Very cold. Had 4 Lambs from 2 Ewes, 1 dead. J.Taylor, C.Taylor, Reuben Taylor, C.P.Howard,John Taylor & Rob't Coleman dined with me. 27, Continues cold. John W.Berry [m. Ann, dau. of Jonathan Taylor-WKA], of Kentucky came here (from Mr.Nooe's) to breakfast. He went with me to Ja's Taylor's. C.P.Howard & wife, John Taylor,Milly Glassel, Wm Moore jr, two of Col J.Barbour's daughters, C.Taylor & Reu Taylor dined there. Eliz'a Pendleton & children went to Madison to T.Barbour's. J.Pendleton & J.Taylor jun'r went to Culpeper a day or two past. I sent 3 1/2 Bus' Wheat to Dade's mill & got it ground. No Toll taken, I am to pay for it. J.W.Berry returned with me at night. Jos Clark sent ____yds Cotton Cloth home, I paid his son James 15/- in part fr weaving. 28, Cold weather continues. Joel Dogget & Geroge Thomas came here from J.Taylor's to breakfast, they, Mr Berry & I walked to C.Taylor's. Jas Taylor, Reu Taylor, C.P.Howard, John Taylor,Robt Taylor, Wm Dade, Robt Coleman,Nancy Taylor, Fanny & Lucy Barbour, dined there. Mr Berry ret'd with me. I paid Wm Dade 2/3 for Toll of Wheat. 1 Eew had 2 Lambs fell to day.

March, 1, Sunday, Fine morning- Frogs cry- evening cool. J.W.berry & I rode to Reuben Taylor's. John Gore & Rob't Coleman there. Mr.Berry intends going down the country tomorrow. 2, Fair day, cool but not severe, dry. I staid at home till evening,then walked to the School house- saw J.Taylor in the road. 3, Fair,moderate, wind South. Billy Wood came here & got some Garden seeds. In evening I walked to J.Taylor's, his wife &c gone to Mrs Thomas's. The ground in high places frozen very dry. 4, Fair and moderate. J.Taylor called to know if I had any butter to spare,but I had not. Cabbage, Lettuce & onion seeds sown in plant bed. 5, Very warm and fair. Began to plow with one plow in road field. C.Taylor sent & got Peach trees. I rode with J.Taylor to Gum Spring, a Sale was advertised, but none made. Reu Taylor was there, we called at his house and dined. 6, A little hazy,smoky,warm & very dry. Trimmed the Apple trees. Sowed peas in the middle square next to gate,6 rows to the South, the common sort, 5 rows to the North, nonpareil of Marrowfat. Scattered Cabbage,onion,Lettuce & turnep seeds over Asparagus bed- had part burnt yesterday. 7, Warm,smoky,cloudy,with light showers of rain.Thunder storm at night. Guinea Sow had 4 pigs. M Biggers out 6 shoats yesterday & marked the Sow shoats, turned 1 boar shoat out. 1 Ewe had 2 Lambs. Had clover seed sown this side the meadow

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECED BY COPYRIGHT.

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5[259] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795 March, 8, Sunday. Cleared in night very cold & hard frost, flying ckouds with blasts of snow, windy & cold day. I staid at home. Phil brought my boots he had mended but one of them tore in getting it on & he took them back, I paid him 1/3. 9, Hard frost, clear. Capt Cresman(of Rockingham) came here & brought 2 Barrels corn for his teams going with Whisky to Fredericksburg- I bought half a bar'l, 16 1/2 Gals. Whisky at 4/- received 24/- for the corn & paid him $3.6.0 for the whisky & am to let him have one bushel corn, on his return for the cask & 1/3 he paid. 10, Sharp frost,clear,evening milder. I rode to Court house,got Shepherd's smith's Acco't,Bought a Scrubbing brush & paper, Ink powder, and returned to dinner- In evening went to J.Taylor's- got a quire of paper of him. 11, Frost, but moderate, clear. Jos Clark called her and got some seeds,he had been with his Waggon for Lime. Barbour jr sent me 2 pair chains, I spoke to him for them some time ago. 12, Cloudy morning, small or fine rain in evening. Tho Barbour jr & Ja's Taylos jr called here on their way to Fred'g- I let J.Taylor jr have 3 dollars to buy some things for me, he ret'd 9/- & got articles with balance(see 15th). 13, Friday, Dark cloudy morning, a little rain with spits of snow, cleared about noon,cold and windy. Capt Cresman's Waggoner called & got a Bus' Corn W' ch was paid for the 9th. 14, Severely cold last & to day, windy & clouds. C.Taylor came to see me. I sent for J.Taylor,who came also and they dined with me.Wm Pollock jun'r came here from J.Taylor's, but went away before dinner. I gave him 1/3 for a quire paper. I lent C.Taylor 20 plays & Farces, and gave him sundry Garden seeds. M.Biggers went 1/3 & got a bottle Whisky. 15, Sunday, Clear & cold but more moderate. I went to J.Taylor's. C.Taylor was there Thomas Barbour jr & J.Taylor jr got there about noon from Fredericksburg. Tho' Barbour jun'r paid me $80.9.10 in part for Certificates &c. I paid him 3 dollars for 2 pair plow chains. I paid J.Taylor jr 9/- for articles he bought for me. 16, Began to snow before sunrise, it covered the ground before noon,but soon dissolved, cleared moderate at night. I went to Court house,it being the day for Election of the Representatives for Congress-But few people met,the number who voted did not amount to 30, all for J.Madison. I paid Mr A.Shepherd for Shepherd & Day's account for Smith's work, $1.10.8. Do for Shepherd for Brent's Do $4.4.5 & 1/2 he paid for Waggoning, total $5.16.3. Cash. Capt Conwy let me have 4 sail needles for Spaying, he sent from C.Taylor's in evening & got Garden seeds. 17, Fine day, hazy in evening. Mr Wm Dade sent a boy with a jug for two Gallons honey,which I sent. Sent to J Taylor's & got 2Pear trees & planted in the yard Also got nest tumblers & salts, J.Taylor jr bought for me. I went to C.Taylor's about noon, he was gone to Col.Wm Taliaferro's(who is sick)- J.Taylor & family & Sally Burnley dined at C.Taylor's. 18, Cloudy morning, constant rain afternoon, mild. I was unwell last night-mending to day. 19, Sharp frost,cold windy,Snow at G Mountains. I have head ache and am sicker than usual. M.Biggers with Davy,S.Daniel & Little Peter, went to work on the road- he said Roger Bell & J.Taylor's people were to meet him, 20, Sharp frost,windy & cold, Evening more mild. C.Taylor came here. I settled and paid him for his balance due from the Estate or Geo Taylor dec'd and took his receipt for $14.13 0 1/2, he would have staid for dinner but was sent for to Mrs. Madison's. I was very unwell last night & in morning, am better this evening. 21, Smart, frosty,hazy,windy and cool. C.Taylor sent for and got a Turkey cock. I staid at home- Downey(the Pedlar)called here,wanted Corn & fodder. I did not sell him any. 22, [SUNDAY] Cloudy,some drops rain, smoky & warm. I Walked to J.Taylor's-E.Chew there, James & Nancy from home.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-Z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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6[260] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795 March, 23, Warm,hazy and smoky. --Monday-- I went to Court. Mr Wm Watts delivered me a Land Warrant for 100 acres No.1206, dated 5,March 1795, which he took out in my name & paid 17/- for Warrant & Register's fee, which I this day repaid to him. I paid Jos' Clark 1/- balance for weaving. Began to make soap. Capt C.Conway came home with me. 24, Warm &c as yesterday, dry. Reuben Taylor called on me in the morning. I paid him cash to make the amount $90. with what he had before rec'd of Estate of G.Taylor dec'd & took his receipt. Capt Conway, R.Taylor & I went to Court. 25, A little rain in morning-warm,fair even. I went to Court house-Court adj'd to Ct in course. J.Taylor was unwell & came away by noon. Court sat till near sunset. 26, Warm morning, cloudy,cold evening & some rain. I packed up my Bacon in ashes- had used only now 9 Jowls,2 Midlings & 1 Shoulder of New Bacon, 18 hogs,4 Gam's old,36 new, 35 do shoulders, 34 Midlings & 9 Jowls- Replanted in Orchard 6 Apple trees out of my Nursery and planted Slips of grape by 2 cherry trees in yard. Finished braking up road field. Thompson Taylor arrived here at night from Kentucky,brought Letters from brothers Richard,William & Benjamin, says (27) he left friends generally well. I believe it rained, all night, early in morning began to snow & continued with mist & cold wind all day- the ground covered & frozen weather. Thompson Taylor continued here-J.Taylor jr was here in evening but returned at night.Roger Bell came here in morning. M.Biggers had asked him to assist to spay some Shoats,but I had them turned out, on account of the cold weather. Finished making Scap-very cold. 28, Snowy mist & hail in the night & continued till noon & then snowed very fast- cleared in evening mild. Thompson Taylor set off about 9 o'clock in bad weather J.Taylor jr & Cha's Bell dined with me. Snow about 3 inches very close. 29, Sunday. Sharp frost-mild day- Snow melted much.I went to J.Taylor's to dinner. C.Taylor & M.Chew there-Janey & Nancy from home. 30, Some frost-most of snow disappeared,warm even. I was unwell, violent headache- I walked to School house in evening. 31, No frost, cloudy raw day, nothing fell.I took a dose of salts and feel better. Had about 30 Peach trees lanted this side of Apple orchard & some in the Mountain orchard where missing- 10 or 15. the trees not in bloom but near.

April, 1, Mild day,hazy & a few clouds. I carried my gun to D.Davis's to get the lock put in order and left it with him. Reuben Taylor,J.Taylor jr & Cha's Bell joined me from School house on the way- we fished in Mill dam,but caught nothing. Returned by Z.Herndon's new house,got Beer,cyder,Bread,Cheese &c. Some blossoms blown on peach trees in my yard. 2, Cloudy morning,moderate rain in evening. I planted 2 Apricots in Garden & 2 in the yard. J.Taylor came here before noon, I gave him silver 90/5 for a Doubloon. He dined & staid till evening. I sent Frank in the morning to Daniel Davis's for my gun which he brought home; Lock was repaired. 3, Rained a great deal in first part of night, cleared and was a fine day.I staid at home, trimmed Apple nursery. 4, Saturday. Fair pleasant weather. I have been more unwell than usual and took a dose Ipecac & Jallap. Roger Bell came here- he & M.Biggers spaye 10 Shoats- M.B. cut 6 last month- Mrs James and they breakfasted here- Mrs James paid 30/7 Cash & I gave her credit 12/- by G.C.Taylor for Laying Betty. I sowed some Barly Wheat in a bed- & some of the common sort adjoining. Went to J.Taylor's in evening- he & son from home,two of Phil Pendleton's sons & E.Chew there. 5, Easter Sunday, warm & hazy-Thunder at night. I went to Aaron Bledsoe's meeting & heard him preach(the first time) a large congregation there. I saw Daniel Davis at meeting & paid him 2/6 for repairing my Gunlock.Got up about 3 o'clock, left my mare & walked to J.Taylor's.Sally & Betsy Taylor, Suky Conway,Allen Massey, went there to dinner. George & Jos Pendeton & E Chew dined before. Paid Syl 9d. for 2 Iron Spoon.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLYl PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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7[261] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795 April, 6, Very warm,some clouds & drops rain. I have been very unwell for several days. There was to be a Cockfight at John Waugh's and most of the men went from about here- I went to C.Taylor's-J.Taylor's wife, Nancy Taylor,children, Mrs Dade & children & Kitty Nooe, M Chew were there. Frank rode my colt from home before noon & did not get back till dark. 7, Warm & Spring weather. Sowed about 5 Bus Oats,some below the Overseer's,and about the same quantity by Peach Orchard. I took a dose salts- Replanted 4 Apple trees. Frank complains of being sick-gave him salts. 8, Warm, a little rain in morn'g, cloudy day. Sowed about a bushel Flax seed in Mountain Valley. I went down the run, caught a few fish. Mr. J.W.Berry got here at night, returning from his father's to Kentucky. 9, Thursday, Turned cool in night-some clouds-cold evening. Reuben Taylor came by I went with him and J.W.Berry to Wm Dade's- Suky Gibson,Suky Conway,John Nooe & sister Nancy Taylor, Sally & Betsy Taylor & Mr Coleman dined there. Col L. Taliaferro's two daughters came in evening & Mr Massey there a little in day. Mr.Berry came home with me & walked to J.Taylor's. Reu Taylor came away when we did from Mr.Dade's. M.Biggers fixed Steps to my East door to day. 10, Cold,windy,sharp last night, ice 1/4 thick in the porch and cold fair day. John Washington Berry came from J.Taylor's early in morning. He left a Bank note 5 Dollars for G.C.Taylor which sum he had borrowed. F.T. pd 5 Dol's to G.C.T. I sent Letters to Jon'a Taylor & Rich'd Taylor. After breakfast J.W. Berry set out intending to night to get to Mr Joel Doggett's. 11, Hard Frost, I fear has injured most of the fruit, smoky andcontinues cool. J.Taylor brought an order from G.C.Taylor on me for $26.19.0, which I paid & charged to G.C.Taylor's acco't w'th G'T's Estate. J.Taylor paid me for Mess'rs Tho's & Ja's Barbour $26.5.5. & 13/7, the balance against him in my father's Estate acc'o. 12, Sunday. Frost but not sharp. Smoky and cloudy evening and began to rain about sunset. I went to C.Taylor's- he was from home & Sally was gone to Cap Conways Dan'l Davis dined at C.Taylor's where he went to get advice about a sick child- He came here & I gave him some garden peas to plant. Friday, the 10th instant, M.Biggers sowed Cabbage & other seeds in burnt patches, says those sown formerly(except Lettuce) were destroyed by insects. Had last evening some Cimbling seed planted13, A good rain in night-cloudy morn,find day. I had headache & fever. Aug'ne Webb came here from Office,wanted me to go there but I did not, he said J.Taylor was gone from hone. John Pence came here & got licence to marry Eliz'a Lucas- Zach Lucas security. 14, Fine day. I went to J.Taylor's, paid him Licence fee received of Pence, he paid 3/- for 3 lb butter- C.Taylor & family came & I staid there to dinner. R'd Barbour came with J.Taylor jr in evening. Began to plant corn about an hour by sun in the evening in the Pasture field- finished that field the 16th & Mountain field the 18th- and a wet place below the Spring the 20th. 15, Fair good weather. Sowed peas in Garden-3rows next the first patch of Midling sort- 4 rows Nonpareil- Sowed 2 rows Saddlestrap beans the farthest. Sowed in Hogpen,Carrots next Potatoes,Beets next, 2 rows Parsneps & the farthest row Scarcity. Continued planting corn in Pasture field. 16, Fine weather, some clouds & a few drops rain in evening. Lightning at night. Finished planting Lower field of Corn 2 or 3 o'clock and afterwards began to plant mountain field. Planted Sugar Beans,Snaps,Watermelon & cucumber seeds by the Hog pen. Col.T.Taliaferro sent by Mr Bond &Mr Taliaferro(son of Robert) to ask for Cabbage seeds: I sent some. 17, Fair & drying. I went before breakfast to a Spring on the road & walked from there to the branch by R.Taylor's- Cut canes & ret'd over the Mountain, got home about 4 o'clock-fatigued. 18, Saturday, Cold and Cloudy.I rode to Courthouse,saw a good many going to muster at Bishop's- I heard there were some negroes to be at Court house for sale,they had gone past. I paid Mr.Shepherd 1/- which he had paid Breedlove for bringing 66 lb Iron, 12 lb Coffee & pr Sheep Shears, from Blairs.Finished planting corn in Mountain field before noon.I came home from Court house about noon

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PBULISHMUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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8.[262] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1795,1795 April 19, White frost and cold for the season. I went to J.Taylor's and dined-E.Chew there J.Taylor jr came home(from Muster) in the evening. ---[SUNDAY]--20, Cold,but saw no frost, windy, Fair mild evening. I rode to Reuben Taylor's, J.Taylor & wife, J.T.jr, Nancy Taylor & Betsy Taylor, were there.I agreed to give Reu Taylor Ten pounds for the Mare colt he bought at G.T's Estate, She is now about Three years old-in poor order. R.Taylor trimmed my hair before. Finished planting corn in a moist spot below Spring. 21, Cloudy and cold for the season. Had 400 hills planted with sweet potatoes. 22, Frost & cold, some clouds. Tho's Richards, by Z Webb, wrote that he would take my Hay- I let Webb & two other Waggoners have 479 lb which I told my price 4/- They are to take the balance of Stack when they return from Town. About noon I went to J.Taylor's- Reuben Taylor, Gab'l Barbour,dined there- they with J. Taylor & J.Taylor jr went after dinner to T.Barbour jrs. Geo Waugh came to Office after they went away but did not do his business. 23, Cool, smoky & windy. After breakfast I walked to J.Taylolr's to look for my spectacles, which I missed when I got home last night. The family were gone to Mrs. Thoma's, as I returned I found my spectacles. I walked on Walk- and Scarcity in bed from Gate towards Stable. Had Cucumber & Cimbling seeds planted in Nursery beyond Garden. 24, Cold morning,some clouds-fair evening-very dry. I had Irish potatoes taken up & planted in pen by nursery & b S.Daniels- Sowed Beets in the bed from Garden gate towards Meat house & the two beds in front to right and left of the main walk- and Scarcity in bed from Gate towards Stable. Had Cucumber & Cimbling seeds planted in Nursery beyond Garden. 25, Saturday, Small rain or mist most of the day. I staid home. 26, Sunday, Cloudy morn & evening- Sun shone abt 1 or 2 o'clock.I staid at home. Zach Webb, about noon, with Smith & Sebree, came, came and got 1,110 lb Hay on D.Triplett's account. Sold ____Francis, a Huckster from Fred'g, Six Bus Corn & 55 lb Hay for 17/- at night. 27, Cloudy morning, rainy day & very dirty at Court house. I went to Election- the rain occasioned it to be conitnued,Davis was foremost,Wright 28 more votes yn Johnson- I paid Tho's Mallory 1/6 balance he said I owed him for 1 lb. 5 oz. Spun Cotton in 1792. I paid 4/- before which he said was not enough,but that he is now satisfied. I entered 100 acres Land with H.C.Webb-Surveyor- between Z.Herndon & Langham's lines & the road from Brick Church to Gum Spring-on a Treasury Warrant No 1,206,dated 5 March 1795. Col wm White,James Early & son John, came home with me & I went the 2g with them to Court & Election which was concluded, Davis ____Wright____& Johnson____,Votes. G.C.Taylor's [S?ry?], Delivered of a boy-Venus with her28, Fine day,a little shower of rain in evening. J.Davis & John Wright were Elected to represent the County, the latter had 31 votes more than Johnson. I took Thos Barbour jrs & his father J.Barbour's bond for $823.16.6 the balance due for certificates sold them some time ago. Wm Banks & Philip Barbour witnessed the bond Col.J.Madison jr was at Court to day. 29, Fair day,rather cool,hazy evening. I went to J.Taylor's,gave him a mem'dum to get some things for me at Fredericksburg, he intends down tomorrow. I dined there-Not so well as usual. T.Barbour's wife & family & E.Chew at J.Taylor's 30, Cloudy cool, afew drops rain. I went to J.Taylor's-Reu Taylor & family,Miss M.Conway,Sally Taylor,C.P.Howard, Ja's Bell,Gabriel Barbour,T.Barbour's wife &c, Lucy Barbour and E.Chew, Ch's Bell writing in Office yesterday & today Sowed Hemp seed by Sheep pen. Lent a gallon Whisky to J.Taylor this morning.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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9[263] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795, May, 1, Friday, Cool,hazy & smoky,evening warm. Mr. Tho's Bell, Ja's Bell,Wm Banks,C.P. Howard, Reu Taylor,Rich'd Barbour (Madison), Gab'l Barbour,J.Taylor jr & C.Bell dined with me. Kille a small shoat,sent a fore quarter to M.B. 2, Cool foggy morning, warm,smoky after. Sister J.Taylor sent & got 1 1/2 lb butter. Had Indian Peas & Irish potatoes planted together in the Mountain Young Orchard Planted Mrs Daingerfield's sort of Indian peas in some borders in the Garden. Do. Cimblings & Cucumbers in other borders. 3, Sunday, Foggy morning, very warm smoky day. I walked to J.Taylor's,he is not ret'd from Fredericksburg. _____Wishart came to search the Office for a Record which J.Taylor jr could not find. T.Barbour jr & family, Lucy Barbour & E.Chew there, Sister J.T. sent & borrowed 2 lb Coffee. 4, Warm,hazy,smoky. Began to use corn out of New House, 108 Barl's were put in. I walked to J.Taylor's, he got up last night. T.Barbour jr & family went home to day- I walked to C.Taylor's,he was from home. Got a plaister for Davy's for Davy's knee, came home & went to J.Taylor's to dinner. Mr. T.Bell, Jas Bell, L Barbour, E.Chew there 5, Smoky, Thunder but no rain here. I took Ipecac 15 & Jallap 25 grains, worked me. Widow Day was here & got a horse & boy to go to Mill with 1/2 Barrel Corn from M.Biggers's Delivered to D.Triplett's Waggons 630 lb Hay, Z.Webb. See 22d, April 479 & 27th 1110, total del'd 2219 lb to this date. Reuben Taylor came here- I paid him $ for a young bay mare I bought of him 20, April, she is yet at his house. Had 2 Shoats put in pen to fatten,turned Hogs in Woods. I walked down the Run with Gun & hooks but caught very little. Had Watermelon seed planted in Pen by S.Daniels' 6, Much thunder last night,a little rain,cloudy morn, warm day.J.Tayor came & got Pompion & water melon seeds- Roger Bell borrowed my Spade to Ditch meadow- Had Broom corn seed planted in mountain field. 7, Very warm smoky and dry. Had 19 Geese picked. I walked in evening to J.Taylor's. Henry Pendleton there returning from Richmond. he gave me 2 Lemons. Lucy Barbour & E.Chew also there. I rec'd 1 1/2 yards Linen,2 oz fig Blue, 1 Box Anderson's pills, J.Taylor paid for, and am to have 10 lb Rice. 8, Friday, Very warm,smoky, with some clouds- J.Taylor & family(except J.Taylor jr.)set out early in the morning to Culpeper. Col.Jos Spender & Rob't Moore (is son-in-law)came here from the Office & wanted me to go there but I was unwell & did not think cou'd do their business. William Edwards came here about noon & paid $26.1.6. in further part payment of his bond for Land. I had planted in Pen by S.Daniels' Indian peas, viz't early Crowders- Reu Taylor's do Horn peas. 9, Cooler & clear of smoke-very dry. I staid at home-Negroes planting for themselves 10, Sunday, A little rain in morning & evening. A wether died. Black mare hurt herself by humping over the pales into yard- M.B. bled her. I went to C.Taylor's (they sent for me) _____Williams,Allen Massey,Jonath Gibson,J.Taylor jr & M.Chew, dined there. [Note-Jonathan Gibson,was the name of the Diarist's maternal grandfather. the above J.G. was probably an uncle of 1st counsin-WKA] 11, A pretty rain in morning, but cleared off and did not show much by night. My mare had last night a female colt. Joseph Clark called on me. I let him have about $7.16.0. to purchase sundry articles for me. I sent my Keg by his waggon &c. Wrote Mess'rs D. & J.Blair to send me some rum & G.Ozna's- J.Taylor went by here to muster at Wright's. M.Biggers also went to muster- I went at Mr.A.Shepherd's request to Court house to meet com'rs to Settle the Exr's accounts for Estate of Wm Bell deceased- The Ex'ors & some of the others concerned were there but only two Com'rs, Col.Madison & self,so that we could not proceed in the business12, Warm, cloudy,dry, Thunder- Z.Webb called here & got 224 lb Hay- Mr. Baimain & C.P. Howard called here returning from Mrs Burnley's and asked me to go with them to Aunt Taylor's- Maj'r Willis's family, Mrs Burnley & do. Rob't Taylor & do. Rob't Taylor & do and Mrs Baimain there- Mrs James came here and paid 14 dollars towards discharging her account with G.Taylor's Estate. 13, Arm & dry. Alight. G.C.Taylor & J.Taylor jun'r called before noon,were going to dine with Mr. Banks- G.C.Taylor took Ben with him to get cloathes made,

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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10[264] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795 May, 13, [Continued], intending to carry him away when he goes- I paid G.C.Taylor 5 dollars specie for a Bank note left by J.W.Berry,for him,with me. _____Bartlett came for an affidavit(J.Taylor jr left with me) with the Seal of the County affixed & paid 11/- for tax & fee which I p'd J.T. jr next day. Mr. Hay Taliaferro sent me a dozen herrings and for some water melon seed- I sent some Anthony. 14, Clear and pleasant. J.Taylor sent & got 11/- I rec'd yesterday & went to Culpeper. I sent Frank to Court house for Knitting pins & Newspapers. I went to Ch. Taylor's. Mr. Williams, Jonath Gibson, G.C. Taylor,Elijah Brockman's wife & her mother & E.Chew there. Jos Clark brought me a Wheat fan which he 'id Miller $4.16.0 of the money I sent & ret'd the rest except 13/- for bringing that- And a Barrel Tar, Keg of Rum, 50 yds Ozn'a, a Tin Coffee pot & 10 lb Seed Cotton from Blair's. He brought sundries &left for C.Taylor & he sent for. Elisha Jarrel got 140 lb Hay Tho's Richards' note. Mess D. & J.Blair wrote me they had paid F.S.Taylor's Draft for $15. 15, Some Clouds, a little rain in evening. Had Water melon seeds &c planted nigh Wheat house. 16, A little rain last night, fair & dry. John Leathers came her to see Advertism't about Slave his son George took up. I staid at home. 17, Cool, some clouds. I went to Court house, heard Mr Balmain preach. Went to Rob't Taylor's to dinner. Mr W Dade & wife, Dan't Triplett & Wm Madison dined there. 18, A light shower of rain before day, cloudy. Rob't Wilson came here. I went with him to J.Taylor's, he wanted some blank writs. Roger Bell said the Office key was not left with him. 19, Some rain last night, misty to day. I sent Frank to Reu Taylor's, he brought the mare I bought- she is very poor. Z.Webb brought me some nails, I suppose 2M-8& M-10, I wrote Mr Triplet for. 20, Moderate rain last night, warm day,Thunder in evening,without raining here. Planted Cabbages in morning. I walked to J.Taylor's, he & family(except J.Taylor jr) returned from Culpeper two days ago. My Horses beat and hurt very much the Mare I bought of Reu Taylor. 21, Warm, a light shower in evening & appeared as if much rain with thunder below. The mare the horses beat yesterday appears badly, got M.Biggers to bled her. 22, Cloudy dripping day, tho's but little rain. I staid at home. Two of the widow Day's children came here to ask me to send a Bag of Corn to Mill for her- I sent word she must send for it. 23, Cloudy morning-fair evening. I met at Nooe's with Col.Madison,Maj'r Moore and Capt J.Taylor [Note- The Diarist here gives his eldest brother,James, the title of "Captain."-PFT.], Com'rs to Settle the Exers accounts of Wm Bell, dec'd the parties concerned & Lawyers, R.Taylor & J.Barbour attended, we made some progress but did not conclude the business. Hear that Reu Taylor is very unwell 24, Sunday, Clear & pleasant,dry.Zach Webb came with his waggon & received 382 lb Hay,being the last I had, making with what was before delivered,2965 lb. I went to J.Taylor's. Maj'r Daniel & wife, Nancy & Milley Bell, Rob't Moore, Sally Burnley & E.Chew dined there. Mr.T.Bell was there in evening. 25, Clear, pleasant, but dry. I walked to Court- did no business. 26, Cloudy, cool morning-clear afternoon. I rode to Court-Spoke Mr.D.Grinnan to buy me a negro boy if he could get a suitable one. 27, clear & warm morn. Mr.D.Henning called as he was going to Court & got some Cabbage seed. Sheared 25 Sheep, the wool from them weighed as it came off 100 lb- 1 skin of Wether that died not included. Had 7 Lambs cut- marked 1 Ram & left 4 uncut & unmarked- 7 Ewe lambs- Total 19 Lambs. J.Taylor's boy came & got half Barrel corn to carry to Mill for the Widow Da. 28, Thursday, Cloudy morn, moderate rain in evening. I staid at home, had peas for dinner. Macon Biggers opened the swelled place on the mare I bought of Reu Taylor, it bled a good deal.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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11[265] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1795,1795 May, 29, Rained last night & today a plentiful moderate rain. Sent J.Taylor's Steelyards home by Frank,who brought 2 lb Coffee & Brass cock I lent-also 10 lb Rice J. Taylor bought some time ago for me. The Red cow,Cherry, calved-a male. 30, Fair morning, a little rain in evening. Gave the sick mare a Drench of milk & molasses and afterwards Linseed oil. Grandison came for honey, I sent ab't 5 quarts to J.T. Finished thinning corn. 31, Sunday, Clear & pleasant. I went to Court house,Heard Mr Lacy(a Presbyterian) preach, there was a good many people. I paid 10/- to Aunt Taylor for Venue Laying Sary. Paid Moses 1/6 for altering Branding Iron. I went to J.Taylor's to dinner. T.Barbour jr & family & young sister, Reuben Burnley, Phil Barbour jr, Stephen Smith & E.Chew there- John Pendleton & son James came in evening.

June, 1, Cool & clear. Took 1 Hhd Corn out of New & put into old house,making 5 Rhds taken out since 4 May. C.Taylor came by & I went with him to see Reu Taylor who is recovering from his sickness,tho' weak. We walked from R.Taylor's to Hay Taliaferro's. I heard he wanted to sell a Negro but he said he did not now. I paid him 3/-, the balance I owed for Cyder. J.Taylor was here when I got home,wants some butter2, Cool and fair morn-Some drops rain in Even'g. J.Taylor sent & got 4 1/2 lb butter. I walked to J.Taylor's and dined there. Belf'd Cave's son & Wm Pollock jr was there for business of Sheriff's, the latter, T.Barbour jr's family-P.Bickers & daughter, dined there- Phil Barbour(of James) camethere in evening- I felt very heavy all day. 3, Warm-some clouds in evening- I walked by M.Biggers's. Mrs James, her G. daughter & E Brockman's wife there. M.Biggers's wife got some green peas here in morning-I went through my wheat,by Barn,which is as likely as I could expect-Went from there to C.Taylor's-Misses Polly & Fanny Moore & J.Taylor jr dined there. 4, A little rain last night, cloudy morn. Rec'd a Scythe from Triplett's Store, C.Taylor got. J.Taylor,T.Barbour jr, J.Taylor Jun'r, C.Taylor,C.P.Howard,John Taylor & Felix Gilbert jun'r dined with me- I spoke to John Taylor to try to purchase a Negro boy for me in Caroline, he intends to set out tomorrow. 5, Cloudy, without rain. I staid at home. 6, Warm dry weather. J.Taylor sent & I went there to dinner. Thomas Barbour jr & family, M.Chew & C.Bell there. J.Taylor jr was from hone, he went to a Barbecue at the Springs yesterday. 7, Sunday, Warm and dry. I staid at home. 8, Fog in morning, fair and dry. I staid at home, J.Taylor jr here in evening. Had Irish potatoes planted below the Spring. 9, Dry-but pleasant. James Early called on his way to Fred'g, he brought 2 pair Stockings- I took the largest,coarsest pair & paid him 7/6 for them. The other & pr I carried & left with Nr.Shepherd- C.Taylor was there & I came to J.Taylor's & dined. M.Biggers carried the Scythe C.Taylor got to Triplett's Store, returned tgat ^ took 2 others. Rec'd a letter dated 15, May from F.S.Taylor but not the articles he mentioned he had sent. 10, Several good showers of moderate rain. I walked down the Run & was in some rain Planted Cabbages in garden. Mrs Burnley & Reu Taylor sent here & got Cabbage plants. 11, Cloudy morg,fair Noon, Rainy evening. Reu Taylor sent & got 250 nore Cabbage plants- Widow sent & got ____ Cabbage plants. A swarm of bees came as if from the tree by Spring and Settled beyond Corn house. Hived them. Rec'd a letter with Newspapers from F.S.Taylor but not the Castor oil &c mentioned in former letter. 12, Showery but no heavy most of the day. Sent 200 Cabbage plants to Mr Dade's by Peter as he went to Mill. J.Taylor came here after dinner & staid till evening. 13, Rained last night & most of this day,moderate N.E., I staid at home. J.Taylor jr & W Madison got here at night, came from Fred'g and were wet- J.T.jr, said he got 2 pieces Nankeen for me from Blair's-

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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12[266] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1795,1795 June 14, Rainy morning-cloudy afternoon. J.Taylor jr, & W.Madison went home after breakfast. I wentto J.Taylor's to dinner. After dinner, C.Taylor,John Taylor & Felix Gilbert there. ---[SUNDAY]--15, Fine morning-cool for the season. I rode to the Court house,but a few articles from Banks': Dined at Mr. Shepherd's. Mrs Wood & Alex Shepherd there. Had the grass Scythe strapped at the shop & brought home. 16, Fine day- A little rain about sunset.Had my early wheta out at the Barn. J.Taylor jr brought 2 p/s Mankeen, wh'ch he got on my acco't last week at Blair's- C.Bell was with him, we went to Wheatfield-they went on. J.T.jr asked me over. I went to J.Taylor's to dinner. Aunt Taylor, John Taylor's wife &c, Mrs Howard, Sally Burnley,Felix Gilbert jr, Jas Barbour (Atto) & C.Taylor dined there- Mr Howard there after dinner. 17, A little rain, pleasant weather. I was unwell-But went to C.Taylor's to dinner. The same as at J.Taylor's yesterday, & J Taylor & family. Sent 3 lb butter by C.Taylor's Frank. 18, Fine day,warm evening. Mr Shepherd sent word a Box was there for me. Two bottles (of four) of Castor oil broken,and all the Limes rotten, part of the Oranges (6 of 10) not spoiled. 1 Cocoa Nut came w'th do. I sent Frank who brought the above- Cocked wheat out the 16th. 19 cocks. 19, Fine weather,some clouds in evening. I had early wheat by meady reaped-very thin from 5 Bus' Sown, expect not more than 10 or 15 bus. Hives in small Gum a Swarm Bees from Hewed hive. Went to J.Taylor's in evening, he & Nancy gone to T.Barbour's. J.T.jr gone to Barbecue at Reuben Fry's. 20, Rainy morning.Showers & heavy rain at Night. Turkey hen killed last night by a Hawk. Wm Taylor (of Botetcurt) arrived here about dusk in the rain which was very heavy-by far the greatest rain that has fell here the present year. 21, Sunday, Fog in morning, cleared. J.Taylor jr wrote to Wm Taylor that he was going to dine at Col L.Taliaferro's- W.T.went with him. 22, Clouds without rain. Wm Taylor came to breakfast, I went with him to Court-he returned with me in Evening. 23, Clouds,some drops rain in evening. W.Taylor & I walked to C.Taylor's,he went with us to the Appraisement of Mrs Thomas's Estate. Benj'a Porter, C.Taylor, Jos Clark,Wm Dade & myself were Appraisers, they were all present,but only the three last signed the Appraisement,which amounted to about $730. Col T. Barbour the Ex'or- & sundry others there. I came by J.Taylor's in Evennn'g- W. Taylor staid there- Cocked the Wheat cut the 19th. 24, Rained a little in morn, rained in even'g & heavy at night Sent Moses with a Sledge to Mr Shepherd's for a Cask Whisky(suppose 25 Gallons) John Taylor purchased for me. I walked to J.Taylor's- he & Wm Taylor went with me to Mrs Thomas's-to Sale- the wetness of day,there was only a few people &(ecept a few things to Legatees) the sale deferred to 10th next month- Wm Taylor, J.Taylor jr & I came by C.Taylor's & dined. C.Taylor was unwell- & I caught cold from wet- W Taylor & J.Taylor jr came home with me25, Cloudy & some rain in morning,ceased in evening. Wm Taylor,J.Taylor jr & I went to Reu Taylor's,dined there. Wm Moore jr came there after dinner, they staid. I came home being very unwell-sore throat & cold- R.Taylor cutting common Wheat I paid Negro George1/3 for Wm Gardes order for Soaling my shoes. 26, Fine day. Began to cut my common Wheat in Barn field.WmEdwards called & paid $9.14.7 in part of his Bond.J.Taylor sent Charles for 4 Bottles-which I sent, being the last of those he bought at G.T's Sale. I also sent 2 lb Butter.Zeb & James May Mowed wheat from 11 o'clock till night & I paid them a dollar. 27, Fine day- cutting & Cocking wheat. J.Taylor sent for me, I dined there, Wm Taylor was there and came with me in evening. 28, Sunday, Some clouds, warm,no rain. I put $50.16.4 into Wm Taylor's hands & desired him if he could purchase a negro boy to do so for me. C.Taylor came here to breakfast, gave Wm Taylor a mem'dum to purchase some articles for him at Fred'g for which place he set out after breakfast. I went to C.Taylor's to dinner, none but his family there.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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13[267] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1795,1795 June, 29, Some clouds in morning,Shower in evening. Cutting Wheat- Hired T.Proctor's Bob to Mow & George to Rake &c. 30, Showery, bad for securing grain. Hired same as yesterday-Wm Taylor's boy, who has worked in my harvest-Sic to day- M Biggers sent me a fine Quarter of Shoat

July, 1, Wednesday, Fine morning-very heavy rain in evening. I went to C.Taylor's-carried Nankeen to get Vests & Breeches made- I went by my Wheat field- The people coc[?]ing. Had a Swarm of Bees hived in small knotty gum. J.Taylor rode here in evening-left last Newspaper,which T. Barbour jr brought up,returning from Baltimore 2, Cloudy morn, Fair noon,rainy night,very wet. About my wheat in Barnfield.Rob't Taylor jr came here from school to ask for Linseed oil. I sent about a pint. Z.Nooe jr was with him. discharged Bob at night, he has worked 4 days. 3, Rainy morning. Discharged T.Proctor's Negro man, he had cut 4 days. Cha's Leathers came here & says he will (if he can get timber) get me 2,000 pales. 4, Fine day. I rode to Court house,dined at Mr Shepherd's,no stranger there- J Taylor came here in evening. Finished Cocking wheat in the Barn field. 5, Sunday, Some Clouds,a very little rain at night. J.Taylor called here & I went with him to Bledsoe's meeting- He dined here on his return- Wm Taylor got here from Fred'g in even'g to dinner. Ret'd the money I gave him to buy me a boy. 6, Very fine harvest weather. Cut my wheat at home & had some Cocks put up. W.Taylor & I went by J.Taylor's & C.Taylor's & they went with us to Rob't Taylor's to dinner. Mrs Burnley was there: R Taylor was gone to Triplett's- W, Taylor went with Mr.Howard to Aunt Taylor's7, Some clouds in morning, fair evening. Finished cocking my wheat at home,being the last. I walked to Aunt Taylor's- J.Taylor & family, C.Taylor, Rob't Taylor & family, Mrs Burnely& do, dined there- W, Taylor said he was going to J.Taylor's, I came home. 8, Fair cool day. I was very unwell last night & this morning, better in the evening, was at home alone. Sary began to spin wool, had 3 lb. 9, Fair, Began to cut hay in meadow. Elijah Brockman came & got a half Joe changed 10, Cloudy warm, with a Shower of rain. Finished cutting hay-put in small cocks. Wm Taylor came here from J.Taylor's- I rode with him to a Race at Barnett's ford- Came back with J.Taylor by a sale at Mrs Thomas's- Dined at J.Taylor's- Some young people gathered there in evening to dance- I came home. 11, Warm, some clouds, Shower in evening. J.Taylor sent here for Butter, I sent some in White bowl-w'ch with butter weighed 8 lb. I went to J.Taylor's to dinner. The young people in the neighborhood, C.Taylor, Mrs Gaines & E.Chew there. 12, Foggy warm morning, Fair evening. Bought 1 doz Chickens of Col Willis's Phil- he had a pair Breeches & to pay me 1/6 worth more. I rode to Mr.T.Bell's- J.Taylor jr, Nancy Taylor, Wm Taylor,C.P.Howard & WM Banks dined there- Mrs Burnish, Nelly Madison & Miss Lee came after dinner. ---[SUNDAY]--13, Very warm fair day. My Oats cut and Hay stacked. Wm Taylor & I went to Col Madison's,were met at Courthosue by J.Taylor,J.Taylor jr, & C.Taylor- W Madison was there. Mr Macon & family, who came up last night, & their usual family of Col Madison jr, his wife & Miss Payne- We went up together(except J.Taylor) & ret'd back14, Fair morning,very warm, Rain in evening.Stacked my Hay yesterday, 2 Stacks & 1 cock. Cocked my Oats to day- 3 cocks.I was alone 15, Cloudy day,some mist or small rain. I was at home. 16, Pleasant day. W.Taylor & I went to C.Taylor's, J.Taylor, J.Taylor jr and Mr. Banks dined there. I paid Sqlly Taylor 4 dollars on acco't of work done by the family. 17, Fair pleasant day. Wm Taylor & I went by C.Taylor's,who with his daughters-Mr. T.Macon & wife, went to a Barbecue at J.Waugh's given by Mr.W.Banks, W.Madison, W.Dade,Hay Taliaferro, Gab'l Barbour & J.Taylor jr- A numerous agreeable company was present- A good Barbecue &c ice &c. W Taylor came to my house at night

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the South Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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