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Diary, 1786-1799
3[320] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1797, 1797, January, 31, Tuesday, Cloudy morn & some drops rain, fair, warm evening. I am better to day but not as well as usual. Had a two year old Steer killed, for quarter weighed 66- hind quarter 65 lb. Let M.Biggers have a fore quarter-He has had 73 lb Beef and 487 lb Nett Pork before- 8 Barrels Corn & 1 Bus' Salt, which makes 39 lb Beef over his allowance- 13 lb Pork less than do and 1/2 Bus Salt still due him for the present year- Had 3/4 Beef Salted put on [?]aktpetre.
February, 1, Wednesday, Cloudy, mist, some drops rain, warm dark day. I staid at home. In evening Rec'd a letter from Wm Taylor that he had paid G.C.Taylor 70 dollars for me. M.Biggers brought the letter from Stephen Fox's 2, Thursday, Fair pleasant day:no ice left in sight. I walked to Court house- There was a Ball at T.Bell's last night- Some Gentlemen there to day playing at Cards. I dined there & paid 3/3, Hazy morn-some frost, fair at night-moderate. I walked to C.Taylor's and from thence went with him & family & Lucy Fitzhugh to J.Taylor's to dinner- John Pendleton & family- Fanny Pendleton, M[elly].Burnley & Polly Glassell were there- Rob't Moore & Wm Pollock got there to dinner-The young people danced in evening. I staid till in the night. 4, Frost- Fair pleasant day. I had 32 lb Tallow, 15 lb Bees wax & 1 lb wick made into 210 candles- they are rather small. I walked to C.Taylor's- J.Taylor & family, J. Taylor jr & wife- J.Pendleton & family, Fanny Pendleton, Nelly Green Lucy Fitzhugh & Rob't Moore dined there. 5, Sunday, Moderate- some frost.I went to sermon at Court house,and to Rob't Taylor's to dinner- Mr. O'Neill, J.Taylor & wife, J.Pendleton & wife, Reu Taylor J.Taylor jr's wife, Nancy Taylor, F.Pendleton and Fra's Conway dined there. 6, Monday, Clouds & a little rain in morn- very warm, South wind. Eliz'a Pendleton sent the Bed ticks &c. She made up for me, I sent her by the girl a Gammon old bacon. After dinner J.Taylor jr's wife, Fanny Pendleton, Nancy Taylor and Charles Bell walked here, staid an hour or two & returned- They mentioned that Mr C.P.Howard got back from Philadelphia last night. 7, Smart frost, fair pleasant weather. Roger Bell, Fanny Mallory, Patsy Leathers & another young woman was here & got seeds- J.Taylor came after breakfast & got seeds- said Mr Howard wou'd dine with him & asked me over- I went to dinner- Aunt Taylor,C.P.Howard & wife- Polly & Janey Glassell, Mrs Burnley, Rob't Taylor, C.Taylor,Wm Pannill, John Pendleton & family, Miss Pendleton & Green, C.Bell, E.Chew & J.Taylor jr there(his wife at Maj'r Moore's) I paid C.P.Howard for 2 sheets tin & Court plaister 3/- Began to plow with one plow-2 mares. 8, Frost- Fair and pleasant:mild evening.Sent 2 Bags Corn & got ground at Dade's Mill.J Pendleton & C.Bell called here. I went to Mrs Burnley's with them- Bro'r James's wife, J.Pendleton & wife, Nancy Taylor,Fanny Pendleton,Nelly Green, Aunt Taylor, C.P.Howard & wife & Polly Glassell dined there. 9, Warm, some clouds & drops rain. J.C.Taylor & Janey Pendleton came here & got walnuts. After dinner I walked to J.Taylor's & returned. 10, Friday, Began to rain before day, continued with spits of snow till middle of day- There was a great deal of rain: turned cooler, sun set clear,but cont'd cloudy- This day was appointed for*Mr Gambill to be buried, it was so wet I staid at home- Charles Leathers called here in evening to know if I wou'd sell 500 lb Hay, said he w'd give 6/- per C/t.[ * He died Jan.17th, see entry Jan 18 WKA-- This means his funeral sermon was to be preached-PFT.] 11, Frost- fair pleasant day. Heard frogs for 1st time. Mrs Bell's Bob brought a ticket of invitation to Mr.Gambill's funeral to day- I went- Mr Gambell sen'r and two of his sons and about twenty or thirty of the neighbors were there- Mr O'Neill officiated. I came home to dinner. About dark Mr D.Triplett's Tom came(returning from Fredericksburg)and got 40 Bus' Wheat- I weighed 4 Bushels 242 lb. Tom said he was in want of corn to feed his horses- & I let him have a Bushel- I bought a Rock fish of Tom for 3/1 1/2. M.Biggers brought one for 1/6
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
4[321] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1797, 1797, February, 12, Sunday, Warm, No frost-some clouds but no rain. I sent the smallest fish to C.Taylor- I walked there. Nancy Taylor & Fanny Pendleton dined there. Betsy Taylor has been sick several days & is still sc. 13, Monday, Warm-Fine rain & misty all day. I rode to J.Taylor's and with him to the Glebe,shere a Vestry was appointed- Nobody having met we did not alight, but returned home- I got a little wet. 14, Thick cloudy and some rain, warm. J.Taylor sent and got 5 1/4 lb fresh butter. I was at home. 15, Fair after morn- Windy & a little cool. I sent to J.Taylor's to know if his & J.Pendleton's familys intended to dine with me to day- they sent word that Reu Taylor & family were expected there and for me to go over- I went to dinner. Reuben Taylor &c did not go- J.Pendleton & family & girls who came with him. E Chew & C.Bell there-After dinner Col Madison, C.P.Howard and Rob't Taylor there, the two former came from Aunt Taylor's. 16, Smart frost- fair pleasant day. J.Taylor, his wife, Gibson & Nat Taylor, Jno. Pendleton and family, Nelly Green, E.Chew, Charles Bell, C P Howard, his wife, & C.Taylor dined here. 17, Friday, Cloudy-began to rain with spits of snow about 9 o'clock and continued small rain all day. John Pendleton came here and I rode with him to Reuben Taylor's, he was gone from home, we did not alight, returned and dined with me. 18, Rainy night, and morning-cleared at night. I walked to J.Taylor's, heard the river past fording. C.Taylor,J.Pendleton & family,E.Chew & C.Bell dined there- J.Taylor jr, his wife & Nancy Taylor not returned from T.Barbour's. 19, [SUNDAY], Great white frost-fog in morn, fair after,cloudy evening. C.Taylor sent and got a little more than pint wine. I walked to J.Taylor's-and dined early. After dinner John Pendleton & Family & Nelly Green went(in J.Taylor's carriage) to Tho's Barbour's- J.Taylor went & saw them cross the river at Barnett's ford. 20, Warm, Rained a little before day, Cloudy morn, Cleared-J.Taylor sent & got 4 1/4lb butter Grandison- Sent the two Franks with corn to Dade's Mill, which was dressing- they went to Madison's & got meal. About noon, C.Taylor's wife sent to ask me there. C.T.was from home- I wrote D.Triplett C.Conway, who intends there 21, Tuesday, Cloudy day, began to rain after sunset. I staid at home, walked out in the evening. Rob't Moore called here while I was away. 22, Heavy rain last night, warm & fair after morning. I sent Frank to Aunt Taylor's & got Balm, Hyssop & Rue. After dinner I walked to C.Taylor's,carried Lining for vest-Paid Sally Taylor 3 dollars for making cloaths. Bro'r James's wife & Lucy Fitzhugh there. 23, Clouds and sunshine- cooler than yesterday. I walked to Court house-returned to dinner. The young pied Cow had a female calf.(2d, calf) 24, A little rain last night- thinclouds all day. Had seeds sown in plant patch near the Spring in the Mountain field. After dinner I walked to J.Taylor's- J.Taylor jun'r, his whife,Nancy Taylor & Fanny Pendleton, came from T.Barbour's yesterday. 25, Cloudy and cold. Maj'r Moore came here. We went by J.Taylor's, who, with J.Taylor jr, went to the Seat where Ben Winslow pat'd to build a mill. There was a Jury ( I was one of) who thought it wou'd not flow so far up the Run to damage John Baylor's land, which crossed about 300 yards above the Seat. The following persons were Jury- Pearce Sanford, Joseph Clark, Robert Clark, Ben Porter-Edmund Terrill, Joseph Smith, Robert Wilson, William C.Webb, Colby Cowherd, John Leathers, William Sutton & F.Taylor. They made their Inquest that,if when the Dam shall be built the water should overflow any of Baylor's land, in that case Ben Winslow must pay the said Baylor at the rate of 40/- acre for the land overflowed- Wm Moore,Sheriff, J.Taylor, J.Taylor jr, Stephen Smith, one Harrison, beside Ben Winslow &_____ Martin, were present- There was Whisky, Meat & Bread.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARMING: HOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECED BY COPYRIGHT.
5[322] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1797, 1797, February, 26, Sunday, Sharp frost- Clear and cold. I went to Sermon at Court house preached by Mr O"Neill. came to J.Taylor's to dinner- Reuben Taylor, Tho's Jenkins,William Moore jr, Robert Moore-Fanny Pendleton, Betsy Gaines, J.Taylor jr & wife were at home & E Chew was there. 27, Monday, Cool morning- Fair,mild evening. I went to Court-saw Mr Triplett, he said he had no money,but wou'd try to have at next Court- I wrote to Mess'rs Blairs to send me Iron,Steel and a Sack Salt- Wrote F.S.Taylor to send me 2 Reams Brown paper, 25 lb Rice,Oysters,Corks,Castor Oil & Raisons. There was more people at Court than usual in Reb'y. Candidates for Congress & Assembly were there. The old Brinble Cow had a male calf. (Calf 3d,) 28, Cool Cloudy morn, a little snow & rain afternoon. I rode to Court- The Court laid the Levy and did some other business- T.Doolin & I left it to Mr Shepherd whether or not I shou'd pay for making a coat that did not fit. Mr. Shepherd gave his opinion I ought as I kept and wore the Coat. The weather has been generally mild this month- Some heavy rains, but little frost,snow or ice. 18 Lambs alive-- 5 dead-- 3 calves alive, at this date. I acknowledged a Deed to my nephew Wm Taylor yesterday for 1,000 acres Land, Floyd's fork,Shelby County, Kentucky. to be certified & sent out.
March, 1, Wednesday, Smart frost- fair moderate day. Sent my Cart and got Pine bushes for Sheep. I staid at home, hurt my leg. 2, Cloudy morn- Began to snow about 12 o'clock and continued till night, about 5 inches. I was at home all day. 3, Snowed in the night, ceased before day-7 or 8 inches deep. Cloudy day and thawed much. J.Taylor rode to my out gate, called to me that he was going to Mrj'r Moore's- I got my mare & went there to dinner- J.Taylor, his wife, Nancy Taylor, Betsy Gaines, Fanny Pendleton & J.Taylor jr's wife were there- John Moore gone to Madison. J.T.jr went hunting- Wm Moore jr brought home a Red Fox he had caught. 4, A little rain last night- The snow melted so much that I cou'd see none at night. I was at home all day. 5, Windy drying day, not cold, fair. I dined at home- In evening walked to J.Taylor's. Mr C.O'Neill & F.Conway came here & staid at night. 6, Monday, Last night very windy and clear, turned cold and froze hard, clear & windy day- Mr O'Neill and F.Conway jr went away after breakfast-intend by Rob't Taylor's- I sent my Cart to Aunt Taylor's & got a sack Salt, 12 lb blistered Steel & 2 bars 87 lb Iron, brought from Mess'rs Blairs by Val'e Winslow. 7, Cold morning, a little shower of snow but not enough to cover the ground- Smoky mild evening. I was rather more unwell than common, at home. 8, Rained a little in morn, very windy- warm. Wm Leathers came in morning with a Cart, and got about 30 Apple trees for Mrs Burnley to plant. I expect they are indifferent fruit, tho' don't know.I was unwell, headach &c, too a dose of Salts, did not operate well, head continue to ake.Sent 2 Bags corn to Dade's Mill & got meal. 9, Last night windy, froze hard in morning- Fair & cool. J.Taylor called here- I went with him to Reu Taylor's, who went with us to Hay Taliaferro's, who was not at home- we came back & dined at Reu Taylor's- J.Taylor sent his Cart with a cask to get Cyder of Ray Taliaferro- I sent my Gallon Keg-but H.T. being from home cou'd not get Cyder- The Cart & casks left. 10, Friday, Some spits of snow in morn- Thin clouds-cool. I walked to Aunt Taylor's- J.Taylor & family, J.T.jr & wife, E.Chew, Fanny Pendleton, Betsy Gaines, C.Bell & T.Bell dined there. J.Taylor's Cart brought Cyder fro me from Hay Taliaferro's. Sawney brought the key to the house after dark.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chape Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
6[323] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1797, 1797, March, 11, Cool, smoky, thin clouds and a very little rain. I had sown in Garden by the pales next meat house, Cabbage, Lettuce,Turnep,Sellery & Mustard seeds. Reuben Taylor called here after dinner, had been to Court house & J.Taylor's Gave him quills and some seeds. Macon Biggers got seeds to sow in plant bed below his house.(24th Feb'y, sowed by Mountain Spring.) Some blossoms on Apricots. 12, Cool, thin clouds-some drops rain at night. I walked to J.Taylor's,dined there- E Chew there- J.Taylor jr & wife went to Rob't Taylor's- Nancy Taylor,Fanny Pendleton & Betsy Gaines were at Mrs Bell's, they all came before I returned. 13, Cloudy morn & mist- Warm smoky even, some clouds. I sowed Peas in square to left of Garden Gate. The 6 rows next the yard common- the other 3 Marrow-fat or Nonpariel pens. Greftae some of Aunt Taylor's pears(by cellar) on cyons under Pear tree in Garden. Macon Biggers fastened Slabs on Stable cover. C.Taylor sent a note by John, by whom I sent a Pot of butter for Capt Conway, 21 lb pot included. 14, Very warm,some clouds,a very light shower of rain in even.Reu Taylor came here I went with him to D.Tripletts store and bought articles $2.3.6.- Mr Triplett was not returned from Fred'g- Nancy Taylor & Fanny Pendleton walked here about sunset and sat half an hour. I have been unwell to day than common. 15, Fine warm morning- Cloudy cool afternoon. I went to J.Taylor's-Paid him 6/- for tax on County Seal & gave him credit for affixing Seal & certifying my acknowledgement of Deed to Wm Taylor for Land in Shelby County Kentucky. Rob't Moore F.Pendleton,Betsy Gaines,E.Chew,C.Bell,J.Taylor jr & my wife dined there. 16, Thursday, Cloudy and light mist all day, warm. J.Taylor jr, Robert Moore & C.Bell came over- we had a hare hunt: they dined here. 17, Misty morn- a good rain before noon- warm clear evening. Reuben Taylor had been to J.Taylor's, came here when it rained and staid to dinner. I agreed to let him have a Land Warrant (100 acres) which he intends to locate on land adjoining his, which he expects is vacant- he ret'd the warrant the 20th. I had 4 Apple trees planted in the place of dead ones in the Orchard- 2 Apricot trees in Garden- 3 Common Cherry trees in the 1st row in Orchard. 18, Fair, warm and very windy. I went to J.Taylor's & dined- J.Taylor returned from the Wedding at Capt Conway's-The Horses having got away- J.Taylor jr & wife & Nancy Taylor had not got home when I came away. Fanny Pendleton & Betsy Gaines & E.Chew there. A fire burnt much of Mrs Bell's & Mrs Burnley's fencing- I walked with J.Taylor there. My Overseer & Negroes & most of nigh neighbors helped to suppress the fire. ---[Susannah Conway- dau of Capt Catlett Conway, m. Mar.16,1797: Ray Taliaferro, b. *Rose Hill* 1775: d.June 25,1834. He was son of Col.Lawrence & Sarah (Dade) Taliaferro--see Hayden, 264-- PFT] Diar.16, Hay Taliaferro md. Sukey Conway--] 19, Sunday, Fair, changed to cold in afternoon, windy. I sent for C.Taylor to see Sary's child- He came by & directed Castor oil to be given,w'ch I understood operated well. I went with C.Taylor to Sermon at Court house- Came to J.Taylor's to dinner- Mrs James, Col T.Barbour's daughters, Lucy & Nelly, Col.J. Barbour's, Lucy- F.Pendleton, Betsy Gaines, Cap Jas Barbour & Phil Babour (of Ambrose) dined there- J.T.jr & wife went to Maj'r Moore's. M.Biggers & wife here about sunset- J.Taylor ret'd 1/2 Bus Salt borrowed 28 Oct'r last. 20, Sharp frost- Fair cool. I went to Election for a Member to represent this District in Congress- John Dawson had 156 & Thos Posey 45 votes in this County- Reuben Taylor returned the Warrant I let him have the 17th instant,not thinking he will want it. Had ___Bus Oats Sown adjoining Meadow and Sowed Clover Seed with it. I paid Valentine Winslow a Dollar for brining a Sack Salt, Iron & Steel from Blairs. 21, Smart frost, fair morn-Smoky cloudy evening. Had Flax seed Sown below the Spring in Hog pen. M.Biggers informed me that a Sow had killed 4 Lambs and that only 14 are alive. Sary's child continues sick- Sent for Doct'r Taylor to see it. He came in the evening. I took 20 grains of Ipecac & 20 of Jallap, this morning
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
8[325] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1797, 1797, April, 1, Saturday, Fair moderate. Reuben Taylor called here and got me to write a Will, which, after got witnessed, he left with me. I gave him a letter with a Deed inclosed to William Taylor[son of Jonathan--WKA]- the deed for the Land I sold him on Floyd's fork, in Kentucky, for 1,000 acres more or less I also gave Reuban Taylor Letters to my Brother William Taylor, Benjamin Taylor, Hub'd Taylor and Richard Woolfolk- He also took my plat for 1,000 acres Land N.W. of Ohio, two of his own for 1,000 each & one of Wm White's for 460 acres, to get them made out properly by Col Amderson[ Richard Clough--W.K.A.--] Surveyor of Military Lands. I went with Reu Taylor to J.Taylor's to dinner. Maj'r Moore, Mrs Moore, Mrs R'd Barbour, Rob T.Moore, Mr Howard & wife, C.Taylor, Betsy Taylor, Tho's Jenkins, Capt P.Merry, Ch's Bell, Mrs Day-E.Chew, J.Taylor jr & wife & Fanny Pendleton were there & Rob't Taylor. Elizabeth Chew executed a Deed of relinquishment to James Coleman in consequence of the s'd Coleman's Deed to her for Hannah &c made 27th March. 2, Sunday, Cloudy morning- Fair afternoon & windy. I went to C.Taylor's- He & daughters Sally and Betsy were from home- I dined there. Came by J.Taylor's- Capt Richard Barbour, John Moore, Wm Moore, Benj a Gaines & Fanny Pendleton were there- J.T.jr & wife & E.Chew. I paid Joe 1/ 1 1/2 for 2 fish had some time ago. 3, Very warm, Sunshine and smoky. I rode to Court house with J.Taylor,Reuben Taylor & James Taylor jr, C.Taylor,Rob't Taylor, John Moore,Rob't Moore, Jas Bell, Chas Bell, Capt R'd Barbour &c were there- Reuben Taylor & J.Taylor jr set out for Kentucky from Court house by 11 o'clock: met Harry Samuel who is going with them, & they expect Wm Tomlinson wou'd join them.*Gave J.Taylor jr a Letter for R'd Taylor jr. I came home before noon.Gave Onion,Carrot & Cimbling seeds to M.Biggers to sow & plant in Meadow. Alex'r Shepherds wife died this morning. [ * The letter from Francis Taylor to Ric'd Taylor jr., is (in 1913) in possession of P.F.Taylor and has been copied in the first part of this Mss.-PFT] 4, Cloudy & a little rain in morn. Sunny,smoky,warm evening. M.Bigger's wife came here and got some garden peas to sow. Asked for a Cow, the two there having gone dry. 5, Wednesday, Warm,fair,very dry. Thunder to South,smoky. Let M.Biggers have one of the young Cows for Milk. Gave M.Biggers some powder & Shot to shoot squirrels. I walked down the run before breakfast, saw no game, was fatigued & unwell all day. 6, Fair morning, very warm- A shower of rain in the evening with thunder & another in the night at Col Taliaferro's but hardly laid the dust here. I went to*Col L.Taliaferro's to an entertainment given on account of his sons Hay & Baldwin's later marriages- the Company was genteel but no large and the entertainment genteel. I staid till 11 & got home at 12 o'clock. Tho's Jenkins & Rob't T. Moore came home with me.--[Col.Lawrence Taliaferro,m. Sarah Dade-P.G.T.] 7, Warm,smoky, cloudy & mist. J.Taylor came over to breakfast,brought his Newspapers. After Breakfast, Thomas Jenkins & R.T Moore & J.Taylor went away. I walked in evening to Mr.Shepherd's and got my Newspaper. While I was gone, J.Taylor, his wife, Fanny Pendleton, Nancy Gibson & Nat Taylor was here,but went away before I returned- I met all but J Taylor at the run,walking round their field. Finished Listing Corn ground yesterday. Packed Bacon away in ashes 8, Cloudy with moderate rain, most of day,but chiefly in the evening. The People had leave to hill their potatoe patches, but it was too wet to do much. I was not very well, at home. 9, Cleared in night, windy &cool. Mr Shepherd said he saw ice. Fair morning- Couds & cool evening. I went to sermon at Court house. Came to C.Taylor's to diner- None but his family there- Sally Taylor was at Mr Shepherd's- The Girls from D.Triplett's are expected with her in the evening at C.Taylor's 10, Clear and cold. Some drops rain with hail last night. Snow on Gg.Mountains this morning. C.Taylor sent & got 5 lb butter. Sent bag by his boy for 1/2 Bushel Spanish & Bermuda Potatoes,which the boy brought here and I got them planed by Meadow ditch. Killed a shoat which was weak in field. Cut off old wax from the Bees in the hives Planted a few Potatoes in Peach row in Garden. I walked to J.Taylor's evening, staid an hour or two.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
9[326] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1797, 1797, April, 11, Tuesday, White frost, fair pleasant day. C.Taylor came by going to Mrs Burnley's his son Charles came with him & staid till he returned,before noon. Sent Frank with 3 Bus'Wheat to Dade's Mill. Little Frank carried Corn,got both ground. 90 lb Flour, 7 lb seconds, 23 lb Shorts. After dinner Sally & Betsy Taylor with Fanny Payne and Harriet Triplett walked here from C.Taylor's and staid an hour or two. 12, Mild fair morning- Cloudy smoky evening. Had one sow Shoat Spayed. Had 18 Geese picked,got 3 lb feathers. Sowed Scarcity,Beets & Carrots in Garden, also sowed Cabbage, Radish, Cresses in border next to the Stable- And some Early turnep seed(R.Wilson gave me) in the border this side of mint. Planted two sorts Early Cimblings in the borders where the peach trees & the common sort in the border bu Cluster Cherry trees. Gourds etc. 13, A little rain in morning. Finished planting Corn. Sowed Cucumbers in borders in garden. I walked in evening to J.Taylor's- he & family & Fanny Pendleton invited to Culpeper tomorrow- Mrs Day was at J.Taylor's. 14, Fair, pleasant. Had the Cows(with young Calves) & some of the other cattle,12 in the whole, turned into the Woods. The Red Cow had a male calf. I walked to Court house- got my Newspaper, came by Aunt Taylor's-dined there- Robert Taylor & family, Wm Dade & wife- Allan Massey & E.Chew there. Mr Dade cut a colt for C.P. Howard. 15, Slight rain in morning, most of day moderate. C.P.Howard and Rob't Taylor dined here. 16, Easter Sunday. A goof rain last night-small rain to day,all day, the wind North and chilly. I bought about 3 gallons Spanish potatoes of Joe p'd 1/6. I staid at home. 17, Cleared in night. Cloudy evening and mist. I staid at home. Wrote my will,was alone. 18, Rained much last night, ceased about day. very cold and windy- The Mountains white all day w'th snow. Flying clouds & snowed here several times. Heard that Mr Dade & C.Taylor had several sheep killed. Had Seeds planted in potatoe patch Davy making shoes, only 2 pair made. 19, Hard frost- Ice- ground froze,but some clouds & wind last night & hope not much injury. C.Taylor came here and got Tobaco & Cabbage seeds- he dined here. Had the 11st,Hhd Corn removed from new to old house. Col.Campbell with a man & Stud horse came here in evening from Court house-where the Militia officers were Exercising to day. 20, Sharp frost & ice- appeared to bite tender growth. Col Campbell's horse covered my Black mare & Sylvana- the black mar had a sorry cover- I paid him 15/- I rode with Col.Campbell &c to Court house,where the Officers were Exercising- I dined there. Paid A.Shepherd 1/1 1/2 postage of a letter I got yesterday from G.C.Taylor dated 5, March last. Macon Biggers told me he cut 5 yearlings & left one a Bull to day. 21, The ground a little frozen & white frost- Warm fair. I walked to Court house- Fell in with C.P.Howard who went with me. I ret'd home to dinner, felt very heavy22, Saturday, Cloudy,smoky and warm, rainy evening. I took Jallap & Ipecac and staid at home. Began to plow over my corn land 2 days ago. 23, Sunday, Heavy rain in morning- Cloudy day. I staid at home. 24, Cloudy,misty morning- Evening CloudY & warm. Had a shoat killed 1/4 to M.Biggers. Had 2 Hhd Corn removed into Old house. Had two Squares planted with Cabbage plants. I went to Court and Election. Isaac Davis & Jno Wright were Elected- Ja's Barbour 3d, & Jno Spotswood 4th. I paid Joseph Clark 2/9 for 1/2 Bus Potatoes had 10th. 25, Some little rain in morn- Fiar warm afternoon- Moses taken very unwell, gave him a Purge of Jallap and John Bickers bled him. C.Taylor sick and could not come. Moses better in evening. I rode to Court, got the Deeds from Jas Coleman to E.Chew and from E.Chew to J.Coleman proved. Left my Watch with Mr. Shepherd to carry to Fred'g Paid Pearce Sandford 2/6 for Transfer my land.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chaple Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
10[327] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1797, 1797, April, 25, [Continued]Sent 3 Cows & 1 Horse hides to J.Taylor's to be tanned. I came home & dined-Afterwards walked to see C.Taylor,who is mending. J.Taylor,W Dade & Allan massey got there about the time I did- C.Taylor's daughters Sally & Betsy & Sally Burnley got back from Mr Triplett's at night. 26, Fair and pleasant.Had Sugar Beans planted in hills and Snaps from Mrs Madison's in drills, in pen by Stable & Saddle straps in pen beyond the garden. Moses continues ill, tho'better then yesterday. Pied Co had calf. Turned Oxen & young Cattle into the Woods. 27, Fair and warm.Had Irish potatoes taken up, planed a bushel. Planted Muskmelon & Cucumber & Watermelon seeds in pen by Stable- Watermelons one sort. Muskmelons from Hay Taliaferro. 28, Fair and warm. Had melon seeds planted in potatoe field. Sowed Sellery & Planted Watermelons in Garden. I walked after dinner to C.Taylor's.Oyster shells burned to make lime for Hides &c. 29, Warm & hazy, some clouds,distant thunder. J Taylor came here very early- I lent him five half-Jo's $12. which he said he wanted to pay to C.P.Howard, and wou'd repay me at May Court and also what he owed before. Delivered to D.Triplett's 2 Waggons driven by Richard Harrod & Duff's Bob, 3 1/2 Bushels of Wheat each. John Taylor walked here from Ja's Taylor's about 11 o'clock & staid till 12-when I went w'th him to his mothers- Mr Belmain & wife, Jo'n Taylor & family Mrs Burnley & family, C.P.Howrad &c & E.Chew dined there. 30, [Sunday] Warm,clouds,a good shower in evening. I went to Sermon at Court house, D.Triplett promised to pay my old acco't at May Court. I went to J.Taylor's to dinner- Capt Richard Gaines, Mrs James & Mrs Bickers there. Nat Taylor unwell- I sent C.Tartar for him.
May, 1, Monday, Warm-with thin clouds. Good rain before day. I sent Frank with some red potatoes to Aunt Taylor's & got some blue in exchange. The Widow Madison had 1/2 Bus' Hemp seed by Jacob. Had Cabbages planted. Had Sheep trimmed:which were foul. Had 3d Hhd Corn removed into old house. 2, Clear,windy, Cool evening. J.Taylor called here early- I let him have a half- Joe 48/- and gave him mem'dum to get me some things at Fredericksburg, to which place he is going. Wm Edwards sent me a hamper of Tobacco, I sent the same full of Potatoes & a dose Salts for Polly Edwards by negro woman. I was unwell, head ached & feverish. After dinner I walked to Mrs Burnley's- John Taylor & family, Aunt Taylor, Mrs Howard- Brother James's wife, Nancy & Nat Taylor, Maj'r Moore, C.Bell &c were there. Planted Red Potatoes in this end Clover pen. Blue do from Aunt Taylor's next to Nursery. 3, A little FROST, clear morning, turned cloudy by mid-day,some drops rain, still cool. M.Biggers Limed the leather I have to tan at J.Taylor's and helped dig a trough. 4, Some clouds, more sunshine, and warm. 5, Clouds, a very little rain. Had Indian Peas planted. Sowed Hemp seed in Hog pen the Flax did not come up which was sown there. I walked to Court house, got Newspapers. Sent 2Bags corn to mill & got grounds. 6, Clear and windy. J.Taylor sent me a note he had bought some things at Fred'g for me- I went over with Frank and got a side Leather 12/4 1/2, 26 lb Brown Sugar 31/3 and 1/2 lb Cream Tartar 3/- & Carriage 10 1/2d & 6 to make 48/- I sent by him- He paid me $9.1.2. inpart for money I lent him($12.) the 29th ulto. Three of D.Tripletts Waggons called here. I delivered 87 Bushels of Wheat to E.Herndon, J. Hill & J.Robinson. J.Taylor came home with me to dinner. Mr Alex'r Balmain C.P.Howard & John Taylor were here. I p'd John Taylor 5 dollars for a p/s Roll 62 half ells. 7, Sunday, Clar and windy cool evening. Charles Taylor came here, Maj'r Robert Powell & C.Taylor jun'r, and dined here
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Souther Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
Diary of Francis Taylor, 1797
1797, August 20, Fair, Pleasant, C. Taylor sent & got 3 3/4 lb butter- invited me to dinner- I was very unwell-Headack, sore throat, mouth & e Maj'r Moore & Reu Taylor called here. I went w'th them to C. Taylor's- Rob't Taliatferro (Caroline) & wife, Mrs. Wardell, Tho's Jenkins, And'w Shepherd, Jun'r, Wm Stewart, were there. 21, Some clouds in morn, a little rain about noon, Treading last Stack of early Wheat. I walked to Court house-- A vestry was appointed, but only 4 met of the Vestrymen, & Mr. O'Neill. I came by Aunt Taylor's, dined there-- Ch's Taylor & family, Rob't Talliaferro & do., Ch's Wardell & wife, Mrs Smock-- Tho's Bell & wife, Tho's Jenkins, Cha's Bell, J. Taylor jr & wife, Nancy Taylor, R. Smith's wife. 22, Tuesday, Fair pleasant day. James Sebree came here early in the morning & got 9 1/2 lb Wool for which he paid 12/- Macon Biggers got 1/2 Bushel Salt, had 1 Bus before, 1 1/2 being his allowance for present year. Began to read Red Wheat by the Barn. I walked by wheat yeard to C. Taylor's- Rob't Tailaferro & family, Aunt Taylor, Mrs Smock, Charles Wardell,& his wife, C.P.Howard and his wife, R.Smith's wife, Tho's Jenkins &c, dined there. Began to dry Peaches. 23, Fair morn, a very little rain in the evening. Rober Bell got 16 lb Wool. paid 12/- in part, 80/ due. T. Bell sent for and got basket peaches. Running Early Wheat through the Fan & putting it into Wheat house. I walked to Court house to T. Bell's- Aunt Taylor, Mrs Smock, C.P . Hoard & wife, C. Wardell & do., R. Smith's wife-- Mrs Brnely, Sally Burnley, Hob't Taliaferro & family- C. Taylor & daugh-- ters Sally, Betsy & Polly, A. Shepherd jr, Betsy Shepherd &c. 24, Fair, warm. Macon Biggers' wife got 12 lb wool. Col.E.Pendleton jr., rode here and rec'd from A. Thornton, trusee &c.-- I signed a bond to indemnify & .Thornton if he had no legal right to pay the sums I have received from him,viz't: 25, Au--gust, 1796, $23.2.0 & 24, August 1797, $5.18.g, which En. Pendleton settled and said was right. Col. Pendleton went from here by J. Taylor's to Aunt Taylor's where I went to dinner- Mrs. Pendleton, E. Pendleton younger, Rob't Taylor's wife Mrs Burnley, Mrs. C.P Howard & wife there. 25, Some Clouds in morn, fair day. Began to sow wheat in Orchard field. G.C. Taylor, C. Taylor and son, came here & staid till evening- If they had not come, I should have gone to Rob't Taylor's. Had 14th Hnd Corn removed. 26, Fog in morn, some drops rain in evening- Thunder and great Clouds to North & South. I was unwell & staid at home. Con't to sow wheat. 27, Sunday, Fair warm, a little for in morn. I walked to C. Taylor's- he drew a a tooth for me, it was the farthest in my jaw & some bone came with the tooth. G.C. Tay-lor(at C. Taylor's) has boils & a bad stye. H.Fitzhugh & wife, H. Taliaferro jrs. wife and Lucy Fitzhugh at C.Taylor's. 28, Fair morn. I went to Court. Tho's Bell sent Jack & got a pot of butter, 26 lbs gross including pot & coarse towel. Mr. D. Triplett gave me a draft playable on gross including pot & corase towel. Mr. D. Triplett gave me a draft playable on sight for 70 dollars on Mr.Rob't Patton. I paid G. Grasty, Dr. Sheriff, $2.15.8., for Taxes & Levies & a fee bill ag't G. Taylor, dec'd. 3/6, included. Paid $18. to W. Pollock for the Colt bought the 10th Augs't. Rec'd 7/6 from Jos Clark for shoes sold him last Court, also 18/9 from T. Proctor for 15 lb wool & 6 dollars & 1/3 from Wm. Stewart. Lent Jos Clark 12 dollars which he borrowed for Thomas Clark & sadi shou'd be repaid to me at next Court. Finished plowing in Wheat, Clark & said shou'd be repaid to me at next Court. Finished plowing 29, Pleasant morning, dry weather. Reu Taylor called here, I went with him to Court I got Mr James Blair to take D. Triplett's dare in my favor on Robert Patton for 70 dollars, & requested him to receive payment- to send me 3 doz Port wine-Sack Salt & Hat. Reuben & Charles Taylor came with me from Court, we had a rine Watermelon- they dined here. Had a bed or Wheat trod by Barn 2d day. 30, A very little rain feel last night-foggy morning. Had Turney seed sown in their parts of patch. Mr. D. Triplett'sent James Bebree & wagon, to whom I delivered 50 Bus' Early Wheat, the price to be settled hereafter. I walked in evning to Court-- unwell.
From the Taylor Diary 1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of NOrth arolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
32 [349]
Diary of Francis Taylor, 1797. 1797, Cash account, Dr. To balance from last leaf, 168. 2. 2. Oct 15. Rec'd of C.Conway for 13.5 lb butter had 13th March last 0.13.2. 16. Rec'd of Tomas Bohan balance due for Wool & bacon 1. 10. 8. 23. Rec'd of Roger Bell balance for wool 0.8.0. Nov. 3. Rec'd of Wm Stanard, for Wool & butter 1.10.9. 27. Rec'd of Thomas Bell in part a half Joe & 3 dollars. 3.6.0. Dec. 1. Recieved of C.C.Taylor 20 dollars 6.0.0. 4. Recieved of Thomas Bell, balance for steer &c. 3.7.0 8. Rec'd of Reuben Taylor, 3.6.0. 18. Rec''d in part for cloathing this for E.Chew, 7.16.9. 23. Recieved of Wm Twisdale(Lent 1st Oct'r last) 3.6.0 28. Honey 1/6 0.1.6 199.8.4 76.19.0 ----on hand---- 122.9.4
CASH ACCOUNT, CR. Oct. 16, Paid Joe for bringing Salt & leather from Blairs 0.3.0. 19, Paid Hay Taliaferro in full for Smiths work bal'ce 2.18.5. 23, Lent Reuben Taylor (to pay Biship about leather) 4 dol's 1.4.0. Paid gloves 3/9. 3 fish 29th 9d of Smith's negro, 0.4.6. 30, Paid Jane Cilden balance for knitting &c. 0.9.9. Nov. 3, Postage Letter F.S.Taylor 40 cents 0.2.5. 9, Paid John Obannon in full for his locating 5,000 acres of military land for me in Northwest or the Ohio at £12.p/rm 60.0.0 17, Cabbages 6/0 Oysters the 18, 3/0 waggoning to Joe 1/3, 0.10.3. 27, For cutting Negroes clothes sent Mrs.Burnley 0.4.6. Lent Reu Taylor to buy school books for his sons 3.6.0. Paid W.Pollock jr for Colt &Calf bo't the 20th instant 6.13.0. Dec. 4, Grog 1/6, Brooms of Sam Daniel the 18th 2/6 0.4.0. 23, 400 small nails 2/0 scrubbing brush 25th 2/3 0.4.3. 25, Postage 7.5d. Expenses 2/3, Alm'k 6d, Silk & twist 1/0 0.4.4 1/2. 2 yards Linen of Pedlar for E.Chew 0.9.3. 29, Paid A.Shepard Sr. for Mares Shoes removed 0.1.3. 76.19.0.
From the TAYLOR DIARY #1907-Z in the Southern Historcial Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERNCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT
Census of 1782 shows no whites, 84 blacks on Baylor's plantation. the elder John Baylor (of Carolina) was County Liuetenant of Orange in 1755. The Baylor grant was very large, and [introduced?] some of the most valuable farms in the county. Charles P. Howard owned part of it; Col. John Willis, a larger part. Young Jaqueline Taylor, son of [illegible?] Erasmus [?] of Orange, now owns part of the Howard place, Wm G. Crenshaw Jr owning the main part of it. W.W.S.
From the Taylor Diary, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.