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3 revisions
michellezitney at Apr 28, 2020 08:03 PM


[68] 6. DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1787. 1787 April 1, [Sunday] We went from here to J.Taylors, and after dinner returned, C.Taylor also dined there. J.Pendleton, T.Barbour, their wives, G.C.Taylor and J.Taylor jr went to Col.Ja's Barbour's. 2, Ben Taylor set off for Caroline in Company with John & Rob't Taylor, the former intends to Norfolk on business, the latter to Spots' a Court. Saw the Bird, Martin. 3, Rode with G.Taylor to Court house. Capt.Callender there, he & Maj'r Lee went with us to Col.Alcock's where we drank punch- Uncle E.Taylor came about 10 o'clock & he & G.T. went & had some more, we dined at Uncle Taylors, Aunt Thomas & Mrs Rob't Taylor there. 4, Moses raised his house- Staid at home, weather very windy-warm & very smoky. 5, I went to Wilson's store, bo't some things and came to Col Alcock's where G.Taylor, Uncle E.Taylor &c were drinking punch- Fruit & shrub exhausted. Heard that Geo.Shepherd left home on Monday morning without speaking to the family-supposed gone to Fred'g or Port Royal. Weather warm & smoky-dry-Sowed Parsley, Carrot, Cresses & Cabbage Seeds. Jos Clark began to make a gate 6, Staid at home, Jos Clark about gate- J.Taylor came over after dinner- G.C. Taylor [18 yrs old- W.K.A.] came to Midland from C.Taylors. Set off down the Country to go to Hanover Academy- He said he saw Reu Taylor yesterday & that he had sold his Certificates for one-third to Mr.Glassell, there was a years interest not drawn- 7, C.Taylor came here. I went with him, Capt Burnley & Jas Taylor jr., fishing in the run, the two latter killed a fish each. C.Taylor went home to dinner- Jos Clark finished the gate & dined here. Got Some beans from Mrs.Burnley & lettuce seed from do. & C.Taylors & Cucumber seed from John Leathers' sowed Lettuce & Onion, planted Cimblings, Cucumbers, Musk-melons & Beans- Weather continues very dry & smoky. 8. Foggy morning & some showers, cleared about 10 o'clock, went to Church. Mr.Waddill preached to a small congregation, came with G.Taylor from Church & dined at J.Taylors, J.Pendleton, T.Barbour & wives & Mrs James at dinner: Aunts Taylor & Thomas & Jenny Taylor [probably dau. of Erasmus- W.K.A.] came after dinner. Sent to Mr Shepherds for 1 doz Lemons w'ch Mr.Wilson had sent me with Curry comb & Brush. had bowl of Punch. Thunder & small shower in evening. [Sunday] 9, Clear, dry, windy weather. Hub'd Taylor called in morning & wanted My father to assist in making a fence on Mountain line. I rode to Maj'r Lees & bought 1 doz Lemons-returned home & intended to C.Taylors, but he being from home G.Taylor & self went to a Cock-fight at Berrys Run, where we dined- a good many persons there-got back before sunset. 10, G.Taylor & self went to C.Taylors after breakfast, he was gone to see Col.Madison, who is sick and sent in the night for him-we came back, dined at home, G.T. went again to C.Taylors. J.Taylor, Col.J.Pendleton & Mr Harry Taliaferro walked over after dinner, we drank a Bowl of Punch. 11, C.Taylor set off to Caroline & his family went to Capt Conways. James Gaines came to collect. I paid him my taxes & parish Levies- G.Taylor also paid the same, pr Rec'ts. Heard Whip poor Will. 12, Planted some Water melon seed, amongst the Muskmelon & Cucumbers. Sent Frank to Mr. Ingram's for jug Vinegar & some Sugar beans, got 2 Gall's Vinegar &c from W.Ingram's & a few beans from J.Taylors. Planted the sugar beans- Frank brought 3 Bus' Irish Potatoes from Jos Clarks- 13, Sent Frank to Wqlkers Miss with wheat. G.Taylor went to Col.Madison's. Jos Clark was here this morning & said he would spare a Bus' Sweet Potatoes to plant. George is hilling some ground for that purpose. Frank ret'd with about 40 lb. flour from near 2 1/2 Bus Wheat. Ch's Porter wanted some business in the office & came here & dined- I went with him & left mem'o for J.Taylor- Sent Frank to Jos Clarks & got some Sweet Potatoes & Beans to plant. G.T.ret'd in evening, Col. Madison better. remarkably dry weather. From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

[68] 6.
1, [Sunday] We went from here to J.Taylors, and after dinner returned, C.Taylor also dined there. J.Pendleton, T.Barbour, their wives, G.C.Taylor and J.Taylor jr went to Col.Ja's Barbour's.
2, Ben Taylor set off for Caroline in Company with John & Rob't Taylor, the former intends to Norfolk on business, the latter to Spots' a Court. Saw the Bird, Martin.
3, Rode with G.Taylor to Court house. Capt.Callender there, he & Maj'r Lee went with us to Col.Alcock's where we drank punch- Uncle E.Taylor came about 10 o'clock & he & G.T. went & had some more, we dined at Uncle Taylors, Aunt Thomas & Mrs Rob't Taylor there.
4, Moses raised his house- Staid at home, weather very windy-warm & very smoky.
5, I went to Wilson's store, bo't some things and came to Col Alcock's where G.Taylor, Uncle E.Taylor &c were drinking punch- Fruit & shrub exhausted. Heard that Geo.Shepherd left home on Monday morning without speaking to the family-supposed gone to Fred'g or Port Royal. Weather warm & smoky-dry-Sowed Parsley, Carrot, Cresses & Cabbage Seeds. Jos Clark began to make a gate
6, Staid at home, Jos Clark about gate- J.Taylor came over after dinner- G.C. Taylor [18 yrs old- W.K.A.] came to Midland from C.Taylors. Set off down the Country to go to Hanover Academy- He said he saw Reu Taylor yesterday & that he had sold his Certificates for one-third to Mr.Glassell, there was a years interest not drawn-
7, C.Taylor came here. I went with him, Capt Burnley & Jas Taylor jr., fishing in the run, the two latter killed a fish each. C.Taylor went home to dinner- Jos Clark finished the gate & dined here. Got Some beans from Mrs.Burnley & lettuce seed from do. & C.Taylors & Cucumber seed from John Leathers' sowed Lettuce & Onion, planted Cimblings, Cucumbers, Musk-melons & Beans- Weather continues very dry & smoky.
8. Foggy morning & some showers, cleared about 10 o'clock, went to Church. Mr.Waddill preached to a small congregation, came with G.Taylor from Church & dined at J.Taylors, J.Pendleton, T.Barbour & wives & Mrs James at dinner: Aunts Taylor & Thomas & Jenny Taylor [probably dau. of Erasmus- W.K.A.] came after dinner. Sent to Mr Shepherds for 1 doz Lemons w'ch Mr.Wilson had sent me with Curry comb & Brush. had bowl of Punch. Thunder & small shower in evening. [Sunday]
9, Clear, dry, windy weather. Hub'd Taylor called in morning & wanted My father to assist in making a fence on Mountain line. I rode to Maj'r Lees & bought 1 doz Lemons-returned home & intended to C.Taylors, but he being from home G.Taylor & self went to a Cock-fight at Berrys Run, where we dined- a good many persons there-got back before sunset.
10, G.Taylor & self went to C.Taylors after breakfast, he was gone to see Col.Madison, who is sick and sent in the night for him-we came back, dined at home, G.T. went again to C.Taylors. J.Taylor, Col.J.Pendleton & Mr Harry Taliaferro walked over after dinner, we drank a Bowl of Punch.
11, C.Taylor set off to Caroline & his family went to Capt Conways. James Gaines came to collect. I paid him my taxes & parish Levies- G.Taylor also paid the same, pr Rec'ts. Heard Whip poor Will.
12, Planted some Water melon seed, amongst the Muskmelon & Cucumbers. Sent Frank to Mr. Ingram's for jug Vinegar & some Sugar beans, got 2 Gall's Vinegar &c from W.Ingram's & a few beans from J.Taylors. Planted the sugar beans- Frank brought 3 Bus' Irish Potatoes from Jos Clarks-
13, Sent Frank to Wqlkers Miss with wheat. G.Taylor went to Col.Madison's. Jos Clark was here this morning & said he would spare a Bus' Sweet Potatoes to plant. George is hilling some ground for that purpose. Frank ret'd with about 40 lb. flour from near 2 1/2 Bus Wheat. Ch's Porter wanted some business in the office & came here & dined- I went with him & left mem'o for J.Taylor- Sent Frank to Jos Clarks & got some Sweet Potatoes & Beans to plant. G.T.ret'd in evening, Col. Madison better. remarkably dry weather.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.