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Diary of Francis Taylor, 1798
23 [373]
3, Fog in morn, Fair warm, some broken clouds. I dined at home & after dinner went to Court house, got the Newspapers - Paid A.Shepherd 3/- which he had paid Acre for bringing Herrings & 1 lb salts from Blair's.
4, Fog in the morning, weather like yesterday, sent Frank with about 30 lb woolen yarn to Joseph Clark's for Mrs.Clark to weave. James Bell sent near 15 yards woolen cloth, being my proportion for the wool I let him have in the summer. I paid Mrs.Day 6/3 for Weaving the cloth. I saw her at J.Taylor's, where I waked after dinner. T.Barbour & wife there. T.Barbour got there to day from Fred'g, left J.Taylor below - says some things got for me. I semt my cart to Herndon's Mill, got 160 feetplank 8/- Zachariah Herndon came with Wagon & got 30 bus! Wheat from M.Biggers. I let him have 1/2 Bar' 1 Corn 7/6 & Cash 6d in pay for the plank, 160 feet. Took out 21st Hhd Corn.
5, Friday. Clouds in morn, soon clear and windy, very dry, warm, C.Taylor came over to breakfast. I let him have 3 pieces of bacon, a Gammon, a Shoulder & s Midling 33 lb. After dinner went to J.Taylor's - Mrs. Barbour there & children.
6, Very clear, warm and dry weather. In the evening walked to J. Taylor's, he got home from Fredricks'g to day - Brought for me the following articles:
2 Sides Soal Leather at 16 & 18 d p/r 3b. 1. 19. 9
1 Sack Salt 24/- 4 boxes pills 6/ -1 lb Salts 2/- 1. 12. 0
& paid Mercer & Carter printer for 1/2 year. 10. 0
I give his account credit for, 4. 1. 9
7. Fair and pleasant, tho very dry and dusty. I walked to Court house. Mr. O' Neil Taylor and Mr. Ben Ellis there. Mr. T. Barbour's waggon brought up the things he got for me. Also 25 lb brown sugar, which T. Barbour purchased at 1/- and I have credited in the Acco'ts or Mess'rs J. & T.Barbour & 3/- for Carriage Salt.
8, Some thin clouds in morn - fair day. I sent J. Taylor's & got 6 lb Coffee of T. Barbour a/c as above. I met Reuben Taylor and R.C. Webb, Surveyor, who surveyed Reu Taylor's entry near Lendrum's old [word crossed out] field, and mine on both sides the road joining Stephen Fox & William Quarries' lands- Rob't cawthon & Toliver Graves Hubbard carried the Chain. A brother of R. Cawthon's present. J.Taylor, C.Taylor & G.C.Taylor was there, but did not stay long. After was done surveying (about 1 o' clock) I came home and after I dinned went to J.Taylor's - C.Taylor & family, G.C.Taylor, Mrs. Wardell, T.Barbour's wife and children there and C.Bell. Maj'r Moore there in evening - J.Taylor jr & wife and Nancy Taylor returned from Culpeper in evening - The Land survyed for me lies in a long narrow slip on the upper side of the road and a triangle on the lower, and of very poor quality. G.C Taylor came up to treat with brother James for his land and the Clerk's office (if the latter can be secured him) I believe nothing is yet concluded on between them.
9, Some scattered clouds, very dry. G.C. Taylor set off from J.Taylor's to Richmond. I had a lock put on shed by the Corn house, and the Wheat put into Hhds there in. One hundred and forty odd bushels- I sent & got 10 Bus Rye from Maj'r Moore for same quality of Corn he had from me in September 1796. Mess' rs John & C.P Howard, J.Taylor, C.Taylor & J.Taylor jr dinned here. Lent J.Taylor 6 Bus old corn.
10, Cloudy morn, fair middle of day, scattered clouds in evening. Began to sow Rye on South end or Corn field, 4 Bus' sown to day. Killed a Wether sent a side to Wm Bell, 20 lb, a hind quatter sent to Wm Stewart, 10 lb & kept fore quarter. Took out 22d Hind Corn. The last taken out. J. Taylor sent & got 2 Gams & 1 Shoulder 29 lb bacon.
In evening walked to Court house - got Newspapers, W.Bell pd for mutton. The Officers were exercising at Court house, by Broaddus.
From the Taylor diary, # 1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection. University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING [underscored] , MOST MANUSTRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
7. Fair and pleasant, tho very dry and dusty. I walked to Court house. Mr. O' Neil Taylor and Mr. Ben Ellis there. Mr. T. Barbour's waggon brought up the things he got for me. Also 25 lb brown sugar, which T. Barbour purchased at 1/- and I have credited in the Acco'ts or Mess'rs J. & T.Barbour & 3/- for Carriage Salt. From the Taylor diary, # 1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection. University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING [underscored] , MOST MANUSTRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 384Diary of Francis Taylor, 1798
23 [373]
3, Fog in morn, Fair warm, some broken clouds. I dined at home & after dinner went to Court house, got the Newspapers-Paid A.Shepherd 3/- which he had paid Acre for bringing Herrings & 1 lb salts from Blair's.
4, Fog in the morning, weather like yesterday, sent Frank with about 30 lb woolen yarn to Joseph Clark's for Mrs.Clark to weave. James Bell sent near 15 yards woolen cloth, being my proporation for the wool I let him have in the summer. I paid Mrs.Day 6/3 fcr Weaving the cloth. I saw her at j.Taylor's, where I walked after dinner. T.Barbour & wife there. T.Barbour got there to day from Fred'g, left J.Taylor below - says some things for me. I sent my cart to Herndon's Mill, got 160 feetplank 8/- Zachariah Herndon came with Wagon & got 30 bus! Wheat from M.Biggers. I let him have 1/2 Bar' 1 Corn 7/6 & Cash 6d in pay for the plank, 160 feet. Took out 21st Hhd Corn.
5, Friday. Clouds in morn, soon clear and windy, very dry, warm, C.Taylor came over 33 lb. After dinner went to J.Taylor's- Mrs. Barbour there & children.
6, Very clear, warm and dry weather. In the evening walked to J. Taylor's, he got home from Fredricks'g to day- Brought for me the following articles:
2 Sides Soal Leather at 16 & 18 d p/r 3b.
1 Sack Salt 24/- 4 boxes pills 6/ -1 lb Salts 2/-
& paid Mercer & Carter printer for 1/2 year.
I give his account credit for,
1.12 0
10. 0
7. Fair and pleasent, tho very dry and dusty. I walked to Court house. Mr. O' Neil Taylor and Mr. Ben Ellis there. Mr. T. Barbour's waggon brought up the things he got for me. Also 25 lb brown sugar, which T. Barbour purshased at 1/- and I have credited in the Acco'ts or Mess'rs J. & T.Barbour & 3/- for Carriage Salt.
8, Some thin clouds in morn- fair day. I sent J. Taylor's & got 6 lb Coffee of T. Barbour a/c as above. I met Reuben Taylor and R.C. Weeb, surveyor, who surveyed Reu Taylor's enetry near Lendrum's old [Dr?] field, and mine on both sides the road joining Stephen Fox & William Quarries' lands- Rob't cawthon & Toliver Graves Hubbard carried the Chain. A brother of R. Cawthon's present. J.Taylor, C.Taylor & G.C.Taylor was there, but did not stay long. After was done surveying (about 1 o' clock) I came home and after I dinned went to J.Taylor's - C.Taylor & family, G.C.Taylor, Mrs. Wardell, T.Barbour's wife and children there and C.Bell. Maj'r Moore there in evening- J.Taylor jr & wife and Nancy Taylor returned from Culpeper in evening- The Land survyed for me lies in a long narrow slip on the upper side of the road and a triangle on the lower, and or very poor quality. G.C Taylor came up to treat with brother James for his land and the Clerk's office (if the latter can be secured him) I believe nothing is yet conculed on between them.
9, Some scattered clouds, very dry. G.c Taylor set off from J.taylor's to Richmond. I had a lock put on shed by the Corn house, and the Wheat put into Hhds there in. One hundred and forty odd bushels- I sent & got 10 Bus Rye from Maj'r Moore for same quality of Corn he had from me in September 1796. Mess' rs John & C.P Howard, J.Taylor, C.Taylor & J.Taylor jr dinned here. Lent J.Taylor 6 Bus old corn.
10, Cloudy morn, fair middle of day, scattered clouds in evening. Began to 80 degrees on South end or Corn field, 4 Bus' sown to day. Killed a Wether sent a slide to Wm Bell, 20 lb, a hind quater sent to Wm Stewart, 10 lb & keep fore quater. Took out 22d Hind Corn. The last taken out. J. Taylor sent & got 2 Gams & 1 Shoulder 29 lb bacon. in evening walked to Court house- got Newspapers, W.Bell pd for mutton. The Officers were exeroising at Court house, by Broddus.
From the Taylor diary, # 1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection.
University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. For Reference Only: Permission to
publish must be requested. Warning: Most manuscripts are protected by copycat. Diary of Francis Taylor, 1798 |