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2 revisions
maxineh at Nov 24, 2020 08:38 PM


DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1797, 21 [338] 1797, September, 21, Fair day,very dry-cool evening. J.Taylor was here in morn- I lent him a Case bottle of Whiskey-he got basket Peaches. Began to sow early wheat the left or West side of the Valley in Mountain field. I walked to Ja's Taylor's(he asked me in morning) Aunt Taylor,Mrs Burnley & children &c.,Maj'r Moore, John Moore, R'd Barbour's wife, Lucy Barbour- C.Bell,T.Bell, J.T.jr., &c there- Tho's Bell sent his girl and got a small pot butter, Towel, pot & butter 9 1/4, Butter M't 6 1/4 lb. Sent corn to Dade's Mill to have meal tomorrow. 22, Pleasant, sunshine & clouds- very dry.I walked to Court house,met Maj'r W.Moore & Charles Taylor about settling A.Shepherd's account against Jos Woods'Estate- Mrs Wood was unwilling that we should proceed as her lawyer was not present, and the settlement was deferred- Mr.Shepherd,Alex Downey-Mrs Wood,B.Winslow & P.Sandford were there- Dined at T.Bell's Left off sowing E.Wheat to-day - only 3 Bus' sown. 23, Cloudy-sometimes dropped rain very little. Began to cut Corn Tops. Gathred Leathercoats & White apples, about 5 pecks. 24, [Sunday],Rained a little moderately-distant thunder- I agreed to keep Macon Biggers to look after my business next year on following terms- If the hands as at present-to give him 1/6 part of Wheat & Corn,deducting seed wheat- If a plow boy be added 1/6 Wheat 1/7 Corn. Find provisions- 8 Barrels Corn, 500 lb Pork, 100 lb Beef and 1 1/2 Bushels Salt. Also a Cow to milk. I walked after dinner to J.Taylor's, their own family as common only there. Last night Aunt Taylor's James brought me a hat from Blair's.To night Joe brought me from do. 1 Sack Salt, 20 yds Ozn'a & 1 lb. Sulphur. I paid Barbour's Joe for bringing above, 3/- 25, Fair morning and day, warm. I went to Court. T.Babour told me he had some cash for me at J.Taylor's,but not so much as promised. Tho's Clark paid 12 dollars, Jos Clark borrowed for him. Rec'd a letter from brother William,Edmund Taylor brought from Kentucky- John Taylor sent it. I saw Mr.James Blair,who told me that Rob't Patton had paid $21. to him for D.Triplett's order to me. 26, Fair,warm morn some clouds after, cool evening. I staid at home to dinner.A stack of Fodder tops made by Wheat yard. I walked to J.Taylor's in evening. 27, Fair,cool- I rode to Court house- Had mare shod, paid A.Shepherd jr 3/- for do. I got home to dinner. 28, Very Clear-pleasant,but very dry. Had Cow & 2 Ewes put in Meadow. Had Geese picked. C.Taylor breakfasted here & returned home. Reu Taylor was here after breakfast, a little time- J.Taylor & son Nat. dined here- J.Taylor paid me 46 dollars which settled his account-except a small balance for Cards &c. I took Castor oil and feel better to day. 29, Warm- some clouds and hazy. I rode to Court house-read Newspapers-went down to Mrs James's.Geo. Morris preached to not a large audience- I returned home to dinner. Finished sowing wheat- 15 Bus'Early to the left, or West side of mountain field, 21 Red in same field(See Aug.28) 7 1/2 Do. in Orchard field.Total 43 1/2 3 small p/s bacon by his boy. 30, Cloudy,very dry. I went to J.Taylor's-expected to meet Tho Barbour jr there-he did not come- I received money he left with J.Taylor $52.1.6. Edm'd Henshaw, Geo.Newman,W.Daniel's wife :& daughter dined at J.Taylor's- J.Taylor after dinner set out for the District Court at Fred'g. From te TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the South Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Lirary, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISHH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

21, Fair day,very dry-cool evening. J.Taylor was here in morn- I lent him a Case bottle of Whiskey-he got basket Peaches. Began to sow early wheat the left or West side of the Valley in Mountain field. I walked to Ja's Taylor's(he asked me in morning) Aunt Taylor,Mrs Burnley & children &c.,Maj'r Moore, John Moore, R'd Barbour's wife, Lucy Barbour- C.Bell,T.Bell, J.T.jr., &c there- Tho's Bell sent his girl and got a small pot butter, Towel, pot & butter 9 1/4, Butter M't 6 1/4 lb. Sent corn to Dade's Mill to have meal tomorrow.
22, Pleasant, sunshine & clouds- very dry.I walked to Court house,met Maj'r W.Moore & Charles Taylor about settling A.Shepherd's account against Jos Woods'Estate- Mrs Wood was unwilling that we should proceed as her lawyer was not present, and the settlement was deferred- Mr.Shepherd,Alex Downey-Mrs Wood,B.Winslow & P.Sandford were there- Dined at T.Bell's Left off sowing E.Wheat to-day - only 3 Bus' sown.
23, Cloudy-sometimes dropped rain very little. Began to cut Corn Tops. Gathred Leathercoats & White apples, about 5 pecks.
24, [Sunday],Rained a little moderately-distant thunder- I agreed to keep Macon Biggers to look after my business next year on following terms- If the hands as at present-to give him 1/6 part of Wheat & Corn,deducting seed wheat- If a plow boy be added 1/6 Wheat 1/7 Corn. Find provisions- 8 Barrels Corn, 500 lb Pork, 100 lb Beef and 1 1/2 Bushels Salt. Also a Cow to milk. I walked after dinner to J.Taylor's, their own family as common only there. Last night Aunt Taylor's James brought me a hat from Blair's.To night Joe brought me from do. 1 Sack Salt, 20 yds Ozn'a & 1 lb. Sulphur. I paid Barbour's Joe for bringing above, 3/-
25, Fair morning and day, warm. I went to Court. T.Babour told me he had some cash for me at J.Taylor's,but not so much as promised. Tho's Clark paid 12 dollars, Jos Clark borrowed for him. Rec'd a letter from brother William,Edmund Taylor brought from Kentucky- John Taylor sent it. I saw Mr.James Blair,who told me that Rob't Patton had paid $21. to him for D.Triplett's order to me.
26, Fair,warm morn some clouds after, cool evening. I staid at home to dinner.A stack of Fodder tops made by Wheat yard. I walked to J.Taylor's in evening.
27, Fair,cool- I rode to Court house- Had mare shod, paid A.Shepherd jr 3/- for do. I got home to dinner.
28, Very Clear-pleasant,but very dry. Had Cow & 2 Ewes put in Meadow. Had Geese picked. C.Taylor breakfasted here & returned home. Reu Taylor was here after breakfast, a little time- J.Taylor & son Nat. dined here- J.Taylor paid me 46 dollars which settled his account-except a small balance for Cards &c. I took Castor oil and feel better to day.
29, Warm- some clouds and hazy. I rode to Court house-read Newspapers-went down to Mrs James's.Geo. Morris preached to not a large audience- I returned home to dinner. Finished sowing wheat- 15 Bus'Early to the left, or West side of mountain field, 21 Red in same field(See Aug.28) 7 1/2 Do. in Orchard field.Total 43 1/2 3 small p/s bacon by his boy.
30, Cloudy,very dry. I went to J.Taylor's-expected to meet Tho Barbour jr there-he did not come- I received money he left with J.Taylor $52.1.6. Edm'd Henshaw, Geo.Newman,W.Daniel's wife :& daughter dined at J.Taylor's- J.Taylor after dinner set out for the District Court at Fred'g.



- DIARY 0.11 Fl~Cl 1797. $ fAl'LOR, --· -··--. --- . --· .. ··. ~ . -·- -- ·- - - - -- - ----...- l 797, se1,tember, 21. Fair · mliY •wJry qry-cocl eveu1ng_. J ,tuylor was ller!i4 1n :raorn- I len ·t ium a case bottle or Wn1$key ...no. got baGket J>Ga®e.s.• Began to sow· ea:r1y w11eat tne .let\ or west S1(le Ol' ·tll~ VaJ.ley a,;nUoWlta.\Jl 1'1&14. · l wa.llce~· to ~ahf ~a.ylor ·• S( hO askei.t me in morn.tng) . Aunt. 'iey.lor.llrs Burnley• ®1.l.dre.n, &c • .,HaJ•r wore. John score, . .. R'<1 nar'botir• ·s w1re. Lucy- Barbour- o•.1;,e11·.,i • .1e11. J.t.Jr.,.&e ·tne,rt- · ;.tn.Q•.eaell . : · sent h1s g1rJ. amt got a atnfll.l..f'Ot · but .ter ., :ro11•1• ,vot · ci>J. butter 9¼, But tor ll' t _ 6J lb. sent corn tc, l.>a4e•a 11u1. to have meal .. tomorrow·• 2a, Pleasant, · aunsh1n.e &a elou'1a-- very tU"y• .t Walke4 to court oou.oe.•1uet Ma.J'r W.¥QeN & Cha.rl$$ i~1or a.b()Ut 1ottl1n.g A.s11ep,iertJ.1 s account. ao;a.1nst, Joo fiioo<1a•JstateMra woo«• watj u.nw1ll.1ng that. we s110ul.d.pr0,ceea. as .ner lawyer r1as not preaeAt. a..n.<ltoo settl.ement wae de.t'(o.,.rea- 11r.ahephE1nt.Al.G,X Downey-Mrs woo<1,.a.w1nsiow & P.san.t:ortt were tz1ere- n1nea. at i.:ael.l• ·s :Lett err ·.ow·1n,g Jt.,Wnea:r.to--<i~ ,. 01Al3 .3 .ifU$ • sown.. 23. C.lou,ly-some uinea o..roppe.c,. ra1n V'1ry-·l1 t.tle 4t J:leg&n to out C<,1rn l10pu. CH.\.tt1e1·0<1 · watnercoats & Whlte apple», a~out 5 pecks. 21~.tsu.N.PAYJ • .Ra.inert a 11 t"tl• · moe1era;tieJ.y•cU.st.ant · trumcier-• l agee,;i to keep Mo.con'3lggers to l<Jok a1·ter ray butaimse •,next ·year on rouow~ ·terma- 1.r tne llan<ls ~s at presant-to g1ve 111m1/6 pa.rt or , wneat ·&. oom.~e<iuctlng aeea :v11eat•Ir a. plow boy be a<1'le<1-l/ 6 wneat 1/7 corn. »1.nd prov1e1one- s Barrel• corn. !)OO· lb Pork. 100 lb .Beet Gil<\ lt .Bt.lSh8lS Salt.AJ.80 a cow to mllk~ I -Wal.lted ari ·,r '<\ln.tltli ur to J .~a.Y"lor•s"t:neir ofm. tamuy as ·commononly there -. taet a1gni Aunt T..a¥1or1 s Jan.es brougnt me a bal ·ttom l3la1r•s ..~ n1gnt Joe brought me trom ®• l s-aek saJ..'t • .20 y(ls ozn' a. & l 11:>SUlpnur. I pa1<1 .Barbour.• s J'oe tor as, 26 1 21. above, 3/~ · Pa1r 1ao.nung an'1 daf .. warm. I went to Court. · t.Ba.rboul' bt1ng1ng · tq1,.1 me- :neha.1 some cash tor me ut .r.raylor• e,but not so mu.Ch-as _prora1se.e1. i'h0 1 s ciark :pai'l 12 __ u_clJ..arsjJoa CJ.ar:t borrowed ror ?Um. aec•<1 a .letter trom brother w1u1.am.1auo.und tey-ior brought n-om 1.tentucq-. John S:8.1.t.<.>r oent it. I saw .Ltr..JameslUa.1r• Who·. tol<t ~ tna.t Rqb• t l:'attou lla4 pa1<1 .£21., -to h1ro. tor D.?r1plett• s ord.er to m(h 1a.1r.warm .mom aame c1ou<1a t.U'ter., cool e'ten.tng. I trta1<1 at hOUS to Cllnnex-•.A ata~ ioo.<ter to.PS moo.eby Wheat- yar<i'" ·t Wf1.J.ket.1 \Q ·J. ta.ylor• e 1n ave.n.ng. · Fa1r,coo1- 1 ro ,:te to c.ourt nouse-,i Rall m~ enor:i,, pa1d A.s11epner<1 .Jr tor ·<io. or 37.- I got home to «1nner.. , . 28 , . ver.1 c1ear-p1,~asan.t ;butt v~ry. dry-. Hatl cow ~ 2 mvas put in Mea1.10,1. Ha.<1 oeeae p1cke<1. c.iaylor bl'Oaki'ut .ad .tiere & .returned· Jtome• .Reu ia,~ot was here arteii breu.t·atJt.,a .little · t1ms- J' .~ayl.or & son Nat. <11ned Jtere-. J:.l'a.Ylor 1.-a.id. me t~6 t.10llara wn1on aatt .le<t h1n account-ex .oept a small balance tor Carda &e. · I toot caster '11.l an.tt 1·ee1 better tc a.ay. ·· 29 1 warm-some 01ou<1s and riazy. I roue to court- r10uae.... read liewspal-)e1 ·1-went ctoiln tc J.trs James• e •.oeo.1torr11 preaellEUl to not a luge autt.1enc~- l return.ea. heme to · '11nner. F1nishe 11 sow1ng \meat- l!> :aua•EarJ.y t.o . tM iett., or .west s1tle or mcun--:· to.in tiel<l, 21 ~e,1 1n same 1~1,1Q.(see AUg.28 J 7t Do·. 1tl oronar4 _r1eld+fota.l. 4.3t li.Wll6t.J:.L,11<1ourn removed....1~ HWtUlf4 ·ra . ta.ken out las ~ week. sent naunen tayior 3 amall p a bacon by h1a ll<JY• . · 30• 01out.ty • very ttty. I went to J, ta.ylo~• a--e.xpeoted to uieet- tAo Baroour Jr tMrt-ne r.11tl not c,uo.e- I rece1vea. . moneyne ;a.en w1th J •.ta,ylor £:,2.l. ♦, 6. E<1Ia. 1 a. nensnaw, oeo .uewm.an,w.Dw1.iei•s wu ~@ & awgnter · ~unot at J. ~eyl.or• s- • J .1ey1.0r arter <11nner set out :tor ttte Dlstr.iot oourt. at Fre,1, g . 1· I _ __ __ _ _ _ ___ _ -:--.~- --- __ _ From the //lYJ...OI<. tJJJ'.'J-R'r' • Ii: /907Z. in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUSTBE REQUESTED.WARNING:MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT. _ -.._.,,_.J