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2 revisions
maxineh at Sep 28, 2020 09:40 PM


9[326] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1797, 1797, April, 11, Tuesday, White frost, fair pleasant day. C.Taylor came by going to Mrs Burnley's his son Charles came with him & staid till he returned,before noon. Sent Frank with 3 Bus'Wheat to Dade's Mill. Little Frank carried Corn,got both ground. 90 lb Flour, 7 lb seconds, 23 lb Shorts. After dinner Sally & Betsy Taylor with Fanny Payne and Harriet Triplett walked here from C.Taylor's and staid an hour or two. 12, Mild fair morning- Cloudy smoky evening. Had one sow Shoat Spayed. Had 18 Geese picked,got 3 lb feathers. Sowed Scarcity,Beets & Carrots in Garden, also sowed Cabbage, Radish, Cresses in border next to the Stable- And some Early turnep seed(R.Wilson gave me) in the border this side of mint. Planted two sorts Early Cimblings in the borders where the peach trees & the common sort in the border bu Cluster Cherry trees. Gourds etc. 13, A little rain in morning. Finished planting Corn. Sowed Cucumbers in borders in garden. I walked in evening to J.Taylor's- he & family & Fanny Pendleton invited to Culpeper tomorrow- Mrs Day was at J.Taylor's. 14, Fair, pleasant. Had the Cows(with young Calves) & some of the other cattle,12 in the whole, turned into the Woods. The Red Cow had a male calf. I walked to Court house- got my Newspaper, came by Aunt Taylor's-dined there- Robert Taylor & family, Wm Dade & wife- Allan Massey & E.Chew there. Mr Dade cut a colt for C.P. Howard. 15, Slight rain in morning, most of day moderate. C.P.Howard and Rob't Taylor dined here. 16, Easter Sunday. A goof rain last night-small rain to day,all day, the wind North and chilly. I bought about 3 gallons Spanish potatoes of Joe p'd 1/6. I staid at home. 17, Cleared in night. Cloudy evening and mist. I staid at home. Wrote my will,was alone. 18, Rained much last night, ceased about day. very cold and windy- The Mountains white all day w'th snow. Flying clouds & snowed here several times. Heard that Mr Dade & C.Taylor had several sheep killed. Had Seeds planted in potatoe patch Davy making shoes, only 2 pair made. 19, Hard frost- Ice- ground froze,but some clouds & wind last night & hope not much injury. C.Taylor came here and got Tobaco & Cabbage seeds- he dined here. Had the 11st,Hhd Corn removed from new to old house. Col.Campbell with a man & Stud horse came here in evening from Court house-where the Militia officers were Exercising to day. 20, Sharp frost & ice- appeared to bite tender growth. Col Campbell's horse covered my Black mare & Sylvana- the black mar had a sorry cover- I paid him 15/- I rode with Col.Campbell &c to Court house,where the Officers were Exercising- I dined there. Paid A.Shepherd 1/1 1/2 postage of a letter I got yesterday from G.C.Taylor dated 5, March last. Macon Biggers told me he cut 5 yearlings & left one a Bull to day. 21, The ground a little frozen & white frost- Warm fair. I walked to Court house- Fell in with C.P.Howard who went with me. I ret'd home to dinner, felt very heavy- 22, Saturday, Cloudy,smoky and warm, rainy evening. I took Jallap & Ipecac and staid at home. Began to plow over my corn land 2 days ago. 23, Sunday, Heavy rain in morning- Cloudy day. I staid at home. 24, Cloudy,misty morning- Evening CloudY & warm. Had a shoat killed 1/4 to M.Biggers. Had 2 Hhd Corn removed into Old house. Had two Squares planted with Cabbage plants. I went to Court and Election. Isaac Davis & Jno Wright were Elected- Ja's Barbour 3d, & Jno Spotswood 4th. I paid Joseph Clark 2/9 for 1/2 Bus Potatoes had 10th. 25, Some little rain in morn- Fiar warm afternoon- Moses taken very unwell, gave him a Purge of Jallap and John Bickers bled him. C.Taylor sick and could not come. Moses better in evening. I rode to Court, got the Deeds from Jas Coleman to E.Chew and from E.Chew to J.Coleman proved. Left my Watch with Mr. Shepherd to carry to Fred'g Paid Pearce Sandford 2/6 for Transfer my land. From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chaple Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

11, Tuesday, White frost, fair pleasant day. C.Taylor came by going to Mrs Burnley's his son Charles came with him & staid till he returned,before noon. Sent Frank with 3 Bus'Wheat to Dade's Mill. Little Frank carried Corn,got both ground. 90 lb Flour, 7 lb seconds, 23 lb Shorts. After dinner Sally & Betsy Taylor with Fanny Payne and Harriet Triplett walked here from C.Taylor's and staid an hour or two.
12, Mild fair morning- Cloudy smoky evening. Had one sow Shoat Spayed. Had 18 Geese picked,got 3 lb feathers. Sowed Scarcity,Beets & Carrots in Garden, also sowed Cabbage, Radish, Cresses in border next to the Stable- And some Early turnep seed(R.Wilson gave me) in the border this side of mint. Planted two sorts Early Cimblings in the borders where the peach trees & the common sort in the border bu Cluster Cherry trees. Gourds etc.
13, A little rain in morning. Finished planting Corn. Sowed Cucumbers in borders in garden. I walked in evening to J.Taylor's- he & family & Fanny Pendleton invited to Culpeper tomorrow- Mrs Day was at J.Taylor's.
14, Fair, pleasant. Had the Cows(with young Calves) & some of the other cattle,12 in the whole, turned into the Woods. The Red Cow had a male calf. I walked to Court house- got my Newspaper, came by Aunt Taylor's-dined there- Robert Taylor & family, Wm Dade & wife- Allan Massey & E.Chew there. Mr Dade cut a colt for C.P. Howard.
15, Slight rain in morning, most of day moderate. C.P.Howard and Rob't Taylor dined here.
16, Easter Sunday. A goof rain last night-small rain to day,all day, the wind North and chilly. I bought about 3 gallons Spanish potatoes of Joe p'd 1/6. I staid at home.
17, Cleared in night. Cloudy evening and mist. I staid at home. Wrote my will,was alone.
18, Rained much last night, ceased about day. very cold and windy- The Mountains white all day w'th snow. Flying clouds & snowed here several times. Heard that Mr Dade & C.Taylor had several sheep killed. Had Seeds planted in potatoe patch Davy making shoes, only 2 pair made.
19, Hard frost- Ice- ground froze,but some clouds & wind last night & hope not much injury. C.Taylor came here and got Tobaco & Cabbage seeds- he dined here. Had the 11st,Hhd Corn removed from new to old house. Col.Campbell with a man & Stud horse came here in evening from Court house-where the Militia officers were Exercising to day.
20, Sharp frost & ice- appeared to bite tender growth. Col Campbell's horse covered my Black mare & Sylvana- the black mar had a sorry cover- I paid him 15/- I rode with Col.Campbell &c to Court house,where the Officers were Exercising- I dined there. Paid A.Shepherd 1/1 1/2 postage of a letter I got yesterday from G.C.Taylor dated 5, March last. Macon Biggers told me he cut 5 yearlings & left one a Bull to day.
21, The ground a little frozen & white frost- Warm fair. I walked to Court house- Fell in with C.P.Howard who went with me. I ret'd home to dinner, felt very heavy-
22, Saturday, Cloudy,smoky and warm, rainy evening. I took Jallap & Ipecac and staid at home. Began to plow over my corn land 2 days ago.
23, Sunday, Heavy rain in morning- Cloudy day. I staid at home.
24, Cloudy,misty morning- Evening CloudY & warm. Had a shoat killed 1/4 to M.Biggers. Had 2 Hhd Corn removed into Old house. Had two Squares planted with Cabbage plants. I went to Court and Election. Isaac Davis & Jno Wright were Elected- Ja's Barbour 3d, & Jno Spotswood 4th. I paid Joseph Clark 2/9 for 1/2 Bus Potatoes had 10th.
25, Some little rain in morn- Fiar warm afternoon- Moses taken very unwell, gave him a Purge of Jallap and John Bickers bled him. C.Taylor sick and could not come. Moses better in evening. I rode to Court, got the Deeds from Jas Coleman to E.Chew and from E.Chew to J.Coleman proved. Left my Watch with Mr. Shepherd to carry to Fred'g Paid Pearce Sandford 2/6 for Transfer my land.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chaple Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.


9 [3z.t,] l7. 97il Apr • 11, j tt~a t.iaf ., wnue rroet,. . talf pleaaarti _~• ~ht~lor ~ ~, .go~g t,o Mrs Burnieyt a J:1a son cnarle .s Oa.til6 with h1m & s·~a.11_till :.neretu .med,betore noott~ sent Prank W).th 3 Bus•Wheat to . Da<te·i s m.µ.1t · i1i~1t Jn.nlt o.a.rr.le4 o·oni,gc;t bQtn g.rou.mt• . 90 l.b FJ.ou.r. 7 J.~ ueo.on'.111> 23 lb .s.bort's. Arter (l1nnar sa.u.y & aatsy 2:ayi_or . with Fo;nny J:ayJ~ . an<t narr1e\ trtpletat waJ.ktHt here rrQm o ~ra.y1or• s and. otaia an hotu• or two• 12 1 Miltt tau• mornUlg• o.touay amoicy evenini• Ba(l 0.ne. · 00:w snoa.i spayet.1. Ma.a 18 oeeae p1Ckett,got 3 lb ..c ·ea.r.11era.sowo<ttn,a~o1i1-.1aeet•& ca.note 1n oaru~n.: a.@O $0W4 Cabbage, Ra<U.sh•. cros .aea 1n bore1e .r 11ext .to ·t.tw stabl e- Ant.\ sum · Eax-17 tu.mop seed{ a. wuaon gave .me) 1n i.ne uo.rder t.tt.~lJ el~e t>t m1nt~ Plant.Gd two sorta .i¾ ar.JS o~bl1ngs 1n the tmri:tttrs wne,.e p.,aoh treea & the comr:txmsor, · 1n tile borner bu ol.ueter Cllerry tree,s. o.ourds e~c. l.3, A littJ.e ra1n in Dr;)mwg. Y1nlabe<l l?lARt-lng oort1, sowed aucU11'1ers in oortler- 1n _gnl'(t~n. I walked. 1n evex11ngto J. 'l·ay;i.pr• B• ha &. 1'atr4ly &i FWU\YPew.U~ton 1nv1• . tad to Culpeper t<:>morrow"!"' lira 'Day wae. a.t J•i8'flor 1 s. · . 1••• Fair; p1eastu1t .. ua.a tne ouwe(w1t.tl youug Oal.ve1}& eoute 01· u:.e otller o~ttt1.e.12 . in t,t10 w.nole t tlU!'llC<l 1-U'~O tile WOO ·Clth Ille Re(t cow bad a lnale oalt. 1 wal.~tl 't9 court house- itot l'¢I liewavaper 1. ca.maby Aunt ?6'Ylor• e- .11.t..edtntre~ .Rtibert t ·"loJ & 1~am111.• wm. 1,a.(te& w1te- All~>. Maouey & E,Cuaew·t,nexe~ Mr 1>at1e cut a ~lt tor t.. 1 l!h . c .P .Heward'.. nere. Sl.1g.ht rat.u 111.rourul,ng. nJQst ot t$lde:-a10. 0.1>.nolfa.rd an~ Rol)' t taylor · · <lUied. :·{/~'· · sumta.y, A goo<l t""J.1n iast ru..gn~-amuJ.l.ra.in to <l&y,al.1 day, tne w1n<l lkir\li anct cll1ll.Y- I l>ought about .3 gallons span18h l'JO'Ga.toes gt Joe .P'd 1/6. i ata.1<1 .at nome. · · O.leare-,1 1n night. Olouay evening a.rut JI\1ijt., .I sta1d at none. wrute my w1U 1 waa 16, Easter 17 1 ~ al.one• .13; muon last n1,~t • CEta.sed a.bout 11a,y. vary col.d an<1 Win(l.Y• %be MOUl'ltalrur wll1r.e all. t.tay w•tn snow. FlYine oJ.~s & snowea neru several ti~e. nea~<lthat J:tt Darte & o .Taylor halt s >V8:ral. steep kUle«. Ha.4 seeds pla.ntetl in p0ta.toe patOl navy ,n;:.-. king shoes, only a pair made., 19. Rrtrrt trout- Ice- ground tro~.but some clottl.is & Wind .iaet nlt41t & llo.pe not Wtoll . 16 • RaUte<t tnjttry. c.!raal<>r orune he~ anti .got -1'0'bacQO& cabbn.ge soe<te,.,.be ~11t1e,1 nere. Hall the l.at,Hnrt oorn rernovet.t trQm new to ol<J 110use.Ool.,Campbell w1tt1 a man & stuct twrae oame llero .ln evening i-rom oourt !10 .uae•where the JO.J.l\1a ~,ricers were EXerc1a1n t\ to <tey. · 20. Sharp trast & 1oe- appearod to b1te. tetHter gx-<.mtJ:1-. cul oam;p1>e11• s .norae e.ove:rect 1,,.., . lI\Y BlaOk mare & DYlVal\ei• 'th.a .,,-lacit nnre- bl\f'l a a.urr:, cove~ l l)a1(L ll1m I ro«.e w1th 001.oampt>e.l.l. &;() ·tc oqur\ oou-ae.wne.re tfie or.t1aeru were liXeroltJln&I a1, :~ <i trMtre. • Pr:t.1(lA.sneJ.)her<1 1/lt l)Qa\a.geor a let .tar X got .veate~aa.·,;: t-rom o~o.:ra31or <la.ten 5 • March last.. ka.0011B~re tol.4 ,ne ne out !> yaar1111ga,'& J.ert one a. .suu. to uay. . · 21, 'lh(a groUll<ta :.t.1ii1e n·ozeu & w.n.u.atl"Qsl- i"f.j,J1a t·air. l waJJte,1 to OQW-t muaei'ell in w1tn c .1) .u.ona.t(t wt.LOwen~ w1.tfi me.. I ~ t. • {1muie ~o dinner• tal.t var;( 1ieavy.... · 22, sa.tur~ay, Oluu ccy-,umok.y W'l(t \"'la.ntt11 ,-a1ny 8Vi\tn1ng. I tool:t JaJ.l.tiP & I,PeQac and. u·ta.li at , noma. ·.aegan to plo\Y over fl\V earn. larl<l 2 tl!\JO a,f!P• 23• Sun<tay, uaavy i-ai1n in iOQrni.ng-- OlOl,VlJ r.iay·. J: sta1d at nome. 2r~. 01out\Y~-m1aty r.norn1.n~~Eve111ng c1ouey & warm.114<1a 8bcat ,U.ll.~ ¼ to u •.»1gger1). corn ro~ve<l 1rito oia house. Hatt two uquarea plan.te <l with Cat>bage aa <t Eleo\1on. I~o 1>av1s& .nw ·w:ra,~t, wer~: ElaoteOr• Ja• a »arbour .3<1.& z110 SP<Jtawo(Hl l~t.n. I 1.J0.1tlJoaep.a Cl.ark 2./9 tor t auo Fot.atoe fJ.a(l 2 llhd plants. x v~ent to oou.rt ha<l 10th. a5,, so~ l1ttlt:i r~1n 1n morn- l1~1r : · W"drln att.e:11con-- lt<.a3eo t~en vo-q w1weJ.l., gave .n11 ot Ju.J..J.ap a.nu.J~bll JUOki:trs t.>la<ltam, c.ie.yior u1o.tt W1{1 oou.i.u not 01,nwh .M.oaee oattar 1n u•oiung. I roue to court. got tn0 Daedt;J .r.romJas O-oleman to a Purge E.otiew amt 1..ro,ma.o:nen, to J .001 ,eman prove<! ., LG:t.'t, io.y wa.toh w1·th cax·ry t.o J1:·e<i•&1?a1<1 Pearce sanro ·rd 2./6 ror ira.ruster ltW' l.ani'l-. -.-, ,. Kr.s.ne,pher<l. 10 . . From the /;:/Y.1...0I< IJ1A--RY H /907Z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING:MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT.