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2 revisions
maxineh at Aug 22, 2020 09:42 PM


13[298] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1796, 1796, June, 7, Cloudy & fine rain forenoon- likely to clear in evening. I sent negro George & got 1/2 doz queen's China plates from Mr.Jenkins,to be paid for when I see him. John Pendleton was hero here in evening two hours. 8, Rained a little last night, cloudy morn, scattering clouds &c. Had a Ewe Lamb killed- 1/4 to M.Biggers next morn. Widow Day was here, I gave her 6 1/4 lb Wool & a little salt. Peggy Gildern was with widow Day- J.Taylor & family, J.Pendleton & do, T.Barbour & do, J.Taylor jr's wife, Cha Bell, Nelly Green, Ch's Taylor Sally, Betsy,Polly & C.Taylor jr, dined here- Sally Burnley was here in evening- 9, Foggy morning. Clouds & sunshine, some drops rain & warm. Mr.Jno Howard sent Harrison to get me mare & c to ride to D Tripletts- I sent her,tho' her shoes were loose. I went to C.Taylor's, the company here yesterday(nearly) were there. Also Aunt Taylor,S.Burnley & Jenny Glassell. 10, Warm-hazy. Thunder & heavy rain with wind. J.Taylor sent for 1 lb butter, I delivered it to Grandison. I had Melon seeds replanted in New Ground plant patch. Had Irish Potatoes planted, about 4 bushels. I walked to Court house- paid Jenkins 2/9 for the plates I had the 7th instant- I returned to dinner. 11, rainy night, do & cloudy, a little rain to day. Mr. Howard sent my mare home by Harrison,who informed me she had been shod since I lent her. Had the 7th Hhd Corn moved into New Corn house. After dinner I walked to Aunt Taylor's, returned C.P.Howard's pamphlets I had borrowed formerly & got some others- I offered to repay Mr J.Howard for having my mare's shoes removed but he would not receive anything. I returned by J.Taylor's- T.Barbour & family & J.Pnedleton's family were there. 12, Sunday, Rained in night & to day moderately, cleared at night. I went to J.Taylor's. J.Pendleton's family & T.Barbour & do dined there- T.Barbour went home after dinner. AMr___Fields of Culpeper called at J.Taylor's, had business in Office, did not stay dinner. 13, A little Fog- Pleasant morn, hazy. M.Biggers' wife & Wm Bowling's do.came to breakfast, weighed 13 lb wool for Wm Bowling,which they sent for, also 15/- for 12 lb. 1/3 due. In evening I walked to J.Taylor's, J.Taylor jr arrived to day from Kentucky- W.Dade also- I rec'd a letter from Brother Richard[Commodore Richard,-WKA-] who writes his old wound not well- friends Generally were well. Mrs Eastin dead. 14, Tuesday, Fair morning, Cloudy evening, Thunder & heavy rain at night. J.Taylor called here returning from Court house, said he wanted to borrow some flour. 15, Clear at day, thick fog & mist succeeded, cloudy evening. M.Biggers cut & marked 14 Shoats. I went to J.Taylor's- Mr J.Howard,C.P.Howard & wife, Maj'r Moore & family, Reu Taylor, Mrs Burnley & family- C.Taylor & family, Jas Bell, his wife & brothers, J.Pendleton & family, T.Barbour &family, J.Taylor jr & wife &c there. 16, Rained before day, cloudy; heavy hasty rain, afternoon. 17, Fair. J.Taylor borrowed 9 1/2 lb Flour, Wallet 1 lb ret'd. Cut some of my Early wheat before noon, my people went after to C.Taylor's. I walked to J.Taylor's- J.Pendleton & family, Mrs Burnley & do., Rob't Moore, Sally & Betsy Taylor, J.Taylor jr & wife there. 18, Good harvest weather. I did not cut wheat to day. 19, Hazy morning. Clouds & some drops rain in evening. J.Taylor sent & got 3 lb butter. I rode to Court house- Mr.O'Neill was unwell & did not attend- C.Taylor was at Court house with family, Reuben Taylor & I went home with him to dinner- Miss Sukey Conway also was there. ----[SUNDAY]---- 20, A little rain in morning, good afternoon. Cutting wheat in morning- Cocked in evening what was cut last Friday. I was unwell & took a dose of physick- C.Taylor sent a quarter Lamb. 21, Foggy morning, warm,cloudy & sunshine. Had Hhd Corn moved into Old house(8) Cutting Early wheat. In the evening- J.Taylor jr's wife- Nancy Taylor, Sukey Conway, Sally Taylor, Nelly Green &c were here and staid about an hour- From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

7, Cloudy & fine rain forenoon- likely to clear in evening. I sent negro George & got 1/2 doz queen's China plates from Mr.Jenkins,to be paid for when I see him. John Pendleton was hero here in evening two hours.
8, Rained a little last night, cloudy morn, scattering clouds &c. Had a Ewe Lamb killed- 1/4 to M.Biggers next morn. Widow Day was here, I gave her 6 1/4 lb Wool & a little salt. Peggy Gildern was with widow Day- J.Taylor & family, J.Pendleton & do, T.Barbour & do, J.Taylor jr's wife, Cha Bell, Nelly Green, Ch's Taylor Sally, Betsy,Polly & C.Taylor jr, dined here- Sally Burnley was here in evening-
9, Foggy morning. Clouds & sunshine, some drops rain & warm. Mr.Jno Howard sent Harrison to get me mare & c to ride to D Tripletts- I sent her,tho' her shoes were loose. I went to C.Taylor's, the company here yesterday(nearly) were there. Also Aunt Taylor,S.Burnley & Jenny Glassell.
10, Warm-hazy. Thunder & heavy rain with wind. J.Taylor sent for 1 lb butter, I delivered it to Grandison. I had Melon seeds replanted in New Ground plant patch. Had Irish Potatoes planted, about 4 bushels. I walked to Court house- paid Jenkins 2/9 for the plates I had the 7th instant- I returned to dinner.
11, rainy night, do & cloudy, a little rain to day. Mr. Howard sent my mare home by Harrison,who informed me she had been shod since I lent her. Had the 7th Hhd Corn moved into New Corn house. After dinner I walked to Aunt Taylor's, returned C.P.Howard's pamphlets I had borrowed formerly & got some others- I offered to repay Mr J.Howard for having my mare's shoes removed but he would not receive anything. I returned by J.Taylor's- T.Barbour & family & J.Pnedleton's family were there.
12, Sunday, Rained in night & to day moderately, cleared at night. I went to J.Taylor's. J.Pendleton's family & T.Barbour & do dined there- T.Barbour went home after dinner. AMr___Fields of Culpeper called at J.Taylor's, had business in Office, did not stay dinner.
13, A little Fog- Pleasant morn, hazy. M.Biggers' wife & Wm Bowling's do.came to breakfast, weighed 13 lb wool for Wm Bowling,which they sent for, also 15/- for 12 lb. 1/3 due. In evening I walked to J.Taylor's, J.Taylor jr arrived to day from Kentucky- W.Dade also- I rec'd a letter from Brother Richard[Commodore Richard,-WKA-] who writes his old wound not well- friends Generally were well. Mrs Eastin dead.
14, Tuesday, Fair morning, Cloudy evening, Thunder & heavy rain at night. J.Taylor called here returning from Court house, said he wanted to borrow some flour.
15, Clear at day, thick fog & mist succeeded, cloudy evening. M.Biggers cut & marked 14 Shoats. I went to J.Taylor's- Mr J.Howard,C.P.Howard & wife, Maj'r Moore & family, Reu Taylor, Mrs Burnley & family- C.Taylor & family, Jas Bell, his wife & brothers, J.Pendleton & family, T.Barbour &family, J.Taylor jr & wife &c there.
16, Rained before day, cloudy; heavy hasty rain, afternoon.
17, Fair. J.Taylor borrowed 9 1/2 lb Flour, Wallet 1 lb ret'd. Cut some of my Early wheat before noon, my people went after to C.Taylor's. I walked to J.Taylor's- J.Pendleton & family, Mrs Burnley & do., Rob't Moore, Sally & Betsy Taylor, J.Taylor jr & wife there.
18, Good harvest weather. I did not cut wheat to day.
19, Hazy morning. Clouds & some drops rain in evening. J.Taylor sent & got 3 lb butter. I rode to Court house- Mr.O'Neill was unwell & did not attend- C.Taylor was at Court house with family, Reuben Taylor & I went home with him to dinner- Miss Sukey Conway also was there. ----[SUNDAY]----
20, A little rain in morning, good afternoon. Cutting wheat in morning- Cocked in evening what was cut last Friday. I was unwell & took a dose of physick- C.Taylor sent a quarter Lamb.
21, Foggy morning, warm,cloudy & sunshine. Had Hhd Corn moved into Old house(8) Cutting Early wheat. In the evening- J.Taylor jr's wife- Nancy Taylor, Sukey Conway, Sally Taylor, Nelly Green &c were here and staid about an hour-

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.


l} 1796, Jwie, 7., CloU<lf 8• [lff'f] j .. r1ne ra1n t\:rtnoon- , 11:toly to .clear . 1n even1ng. I •Gent . negro George .& ' got t aoz queen's Oh1na :pl.ate, tronr1tr.J'enk1ns,to be y a1(l ror wnenI see .n1m. John Pernueton \taa hel"e 1n even ·1ng two ·hOurs •· Rained a l1ttle ia.st n1gl'lt, clot.tq mo·m 1acait.e~1ng Cl,oud,s &o. 11at1 a .mweLamb k1lle('1 ......¼ to M.B1.ggers ne~t morn. w1ttew· J:>a.,v .was nere, · 1 · gave ner 6;t .lb wool & a llttle aaJ.t. Peg{fJ' ~•»l'!lX 011aeru · ·as w1-th w1<1owDay- J ..iaylor & tam.Uy,. J.Pemtleton & d.o. X• .B' a rbour & <10~. J.Taylor .Jr 1 e wire, Ona.·Hell-. Nelly G.reen; 1 Oh s taylcr, Sal17.1Jetsy 1 1>o11; ·~ c..,faylor Jt, · dined here- sally Burnley -was· here 1n even1ug. , · .: & 9 • .Foggy iuorn1ng., 01our.ts& . eUt1ahi.ne1 . eome· ~1 .rops .ra1u & warm. ur •.Jlw Howard sent 1tarr1eon io get my ma:e &c to . r1o.e to D friplett f'·s· I sent wr, t r,Kf' ne.r s.bOes 10 1 11 1 I were loose~ I . we11t. to c.i~lor••, ti:'le compan;.y llerli · yester<1ay(.noa;rl,y) were~·;~:uierei Also Attnt · Ta.,ylor.s •.nurrlltey & Jenny , OJ.aesae:u. .. . , .., ~ :..·: . wa~11azy. thun~er & he·avy rain wlth ·w1n'1-.J.Taylor sent tor ·4 lb ·butter, l 1e11verea 1 t to O'ran<11rso11.I llatt ltelQn ·seeds .repJ.antect 1n Bew oroW1<1plant _patch. Har.1Ir1ell Potatoes pl.anted• about ,. 4 '.bushel.a. t walkEHt · to court house- ··. paid Jenkins 2/9 tor the pl.ate$ . I ht:ut tbe 7th 1nstantI • returned to <11nnar~ -· Ra 1ny n1ght. do & 01ou,1y~ a. lJ .ttl~ raln to flay • . Hr , lluwarrt sent ray mare home ~ I I. * in:rorme.,i me s11ehad been shod since l lent .. bar, ,, Ha<l tne 7th llhd . Ccl'n moved. 11l to New corn house. After d.1n.ne-r I wa.l.kel.\ ~ .Aunt ta,-.lo;X-••• re t.• e<l C,P .RowartP • :pamphlet a I had oorrcav~<l :tormerl.y & got soma other•~ I oti·ertt4 I s snoea removed but ·ne. woUJ.a to re!,Jay JLr J .Howar<i tor ha.vinSihm:J'ma.re not re- :::~~-:~ qe1ve a.nytn1ng. I. returnect. oy J. taylor• ,- . T.Baroour & ram.11¥ & J.Pen<11eton• a Harri sonJ wnQ tamily were tnere. . 12, sundS3 • Rained 1n .n1,IJ,llt & to ttay moue:ratelY, olearau at 1u.gnt,. I went to J .•.1.a:,1or• e. J .Pendleton• a tam1J.Y &· f,Ba:r'bou:r & ao d1nen tnere- t.BarbOlU' went :noma atter 'il1nne~. AMr_1,1elcts or ou1pep,,~ oa.lled ai J. ?aylo:r -t s, · 11act bus111e11s1n ott1oe • ~u11 not $·ta:, cU•.mier. . . .. . .. 1:51 A l1t\le Jog- Pleasant raorn1 :ttazy. u~B1.g,geta• · w1te & wra. BoWl1ngt s (lo,.caraa to breaktast, weighed 13 lb woo).. tor wm ..Bowl1ng,wh1ch they sent i-o·r, . al.so 1;/- • tor l..2 l.1:>.. 1/3 oue. In evening I wa:uced to J ,taylor• s, J .Taylor Jr arr1v-ea to <lay rrom KentuCky- w.Da.rte also- I reo•d a letter rrom llrotner R1o!:ard[Oommodorc R1cnarct •.-WKA- ·] wno writes his old ·wound not -well- rrten<ts oen~raJ.J.y were v,e11• .Mrs :rtacSt1n uead, . . . 11J.. Tuosrtay" li'atr mornlng, 010ucry even1ng, Thunaer &· heavy rain a.t n1ght.- J.iey1or ca.l.ll.l<1here returning rrom coutt ·nouse, sald lle wanted. to borrow some nour. 15,. Clea.r at 1ay. thick tog & rrlist . sucaeeu•.~i 01ou<11 evo111ng. ·Jl.B1ggers eut & muke<t 14- 81100.ts, I weHt t0 J.:a.~ay1.o:r•1- ·Mr; ·J .11uwara :,o .•P.Howa.r(l' & w1tt. & ra.milY, . neu Taylor. Mrs BUrnley & ram11y.- o.Xaylor fQ ra.m11y, Jaa w1l'e & brothers. J ,Pendleton & 1:aia1J..Y , . t .:Barbour &family, J. Taylor &Cl} there. , JlaJt.r Bell; J·r MOOre n.te & w1te 16 ., Rained oetore <ta,y. clouxly _; bJiJ ;,lVY hasty ra.1n 1 at'trernoon,. 17,, l1a1r. J.·£a,ylor borr<>we4:19! lb FJ.our, ·wallet l lb ret,tt. out some ot. ffl3 Ea.rl.y 'ttnaat before noon, my ,J;>eopl.ewe.rrt art .er to c.taylorfs. I walked to J'.'J:ayiorr .a .. J .Pend. eton & family, Mrs .Bur .iley- & do., Rob•t ?itoore• Sally & :aetsy r3rylor; . · J ..i'aylor Jr & \Yi.te ta1e:e.. · · 18., Goo,:t harvest weatner. r uia not cut vth&at to day. 19., Hazy morn1ng. Olou<ts.& some ctrops rain 1n evening. J. 'J:a,y__or sent & gQt 3 lb butter. I rode to Court ll.Ou,se-.,.M.r.O•lie111 was unwell & a1c:t not attend- c,:ray10:r was ~t Court i»Use w1·t11 tamlly~ ·Reut>en· tay~or & I went home w1th him to t.Unnex.. lliaa SUk~y Conway al~o wa.athere. ----tsONDAYJ-. 20, A little ·ra1n 1n morni.n&. gooc:t atternoon. out't1ng whea.i 1n morn:Lng- 00-0:tett 1n i1r1<l&Y. I was unwell & took. a dose ot pnys1oksent a quarter La.mu~ . · 21, Fa~ mo:ming, warmt cJ..oucty& _sunsll1ne., Had lllld Oorn moved. 1nto Ola .nouse( g) cu~ ting ~ Early .·waeat. In ·'the even1r1g- J. ias.10r Jr• s w1re- i~ancy xa.,v1or• Sl.l.keyConway-. aa.1..1y· :reylor_. Nolly oreen · &c were 11ere am1 sta.1<1 @out an Jloutevening what was cut last c. taylor - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - -· ---' From the //JYJ..01<.. tJ11+/2..~ /i: /907 - Z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina tibrary, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING:MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT.