[108] 21,
18, J.Taylor was here, said his son continues very ill. G.T. let him have 2 shoulders & 1 Midlind Bacon 27 1/2 lb. Cask Brandy brought from J.Clark's. G.C. Taylor dined at C.Taylor's. Made 2 Bottles Grape bounce. Sent my shoes by George & got Orient to mend them.
19, [Sunday] G.Taylor and self dined at home. G.C.Taylor went to C.Taylor's and returned at night.
20, Rained a good deal last night & rainy day-which prevented our going to Gen'l Masater. G.C.Taylor went again to C.Taylor-*Misses Sally & Fanny Madison there.[*Sarah Madison, born Aug.17, 1764, m.Feb, 1790, Thomas Macon, FrancesTaylor Madison, born Oct 9, 1774, m.1800, Dr.Ribert Henry Rose, both daughters of Col.James Madison Sr., and his wife, Eleanor Rose Conway and sisters of the President.-PFT]
21, Last night was rainy- cloudy morning. Ja's Taylor called here and said his son, Harry is better. My father & I went with J.Taylor to *Hub'd Taylors with letters for William Taylor &c. H.Taylor intended to set out to day for +Redstone & Kentucky. #Col James Taylor had just left his sons before we got there- I let Hub Taylor have Ten dollars, for which he is to account- he left some bonds & papers with me to do some business for him. There was sundry persons to see him- He was waiting for some Company from Caroline to go with him. we came home to dinner- G.C. Taylor went out and did not return. Killed an Ewe this morning. Windy evening.
[*Hubbard Taylor, son of James Taylor IV. married Miss (Clarissa) Minor-WKA]
[+Redstone was a settlement on the Monongahela River, directly South of present City of Pittsburgh, about 50 miles on direct line-W.K.A.-All of the Pioneers who went down the Ohio during the first settlement of Kentucky had their flast-boats built at and embarked from Redstone-PFT]
[#Col.James Taylor, of Caroline Co., born Dec.27, 1732; d.Mar.12, 1814; son of James III. and his first wife, Mrs Alice (Thornton) Catlett; married first, June 1758; Ann Hubbard, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Todd) Hubbard (or Ann Todd?), born 1738, d.May 27, 1789. Col.James Taylor's place was "Midway," Caroline Co.-PFT-]
22, I rode to Hub Taylor's early. Wm.Buckner had come up to go with him to Kentucky I breakfasted with them and rode to Court house with them, they went on, I returned. John Pendleton dined at Midland, said J.Taylor's wife was very ill- G.C.T. dined at home. A little frost- warm weather.
23, James Bell dined here.
24, Went to Court house- Mr.Reader singing there. Doolin had not finished coat- Geo Taylor dined at Uncle Taylor's- J.B.Pendleton & F.Conway jr came home with G.C. Taylor at night & supped.
25, We went to Singing at Court house again- I rec'd my Coat from Doolin & paid him 10/- for making. Warm weather.
26, [Sunday] Reuben Taylor dined here with my father. G.C.Taylor, he & I walked after to J.Taylor's. G.C.T. went to *Mr.T.Bell's.
[*Thomas Bell, Captain Gist's Regiment Apl. 22, 1779; retired Jan 1, 1781; died Nov.2, 1796; married Elizabeth Taylor, b.about 1743, youngest child of Zachary and Elizbeth (Lee) Taylor. Zachary Taylor, b.Apl. 17, 1707; d.about 1768; was son of James and Martha (Thompson) Taylor, and brother of Col.George Elizabeth Lee, his wife, was daughter of Hancock Lee Sr (son of Col Richard Lee), and Sarah Elizabeth Allerton. The children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Taylor) Bell, were: 1. Thomas; 11, James, m._____ Gwatkin; 111. Elizabeth, m.Dec.18, 1781, Maj. John Lee-they were parents of: Sarah Lee, who married Hon.John J.Crittenden: et al-iv Nancy, m.Nathaniel D.Anderson; v.Margaret, m.Gen.Thomas Sandford, who was grandfather of John L.Sandford, of Newport, Ky. killed by Wm. Geobel-PFT]
27, Went to Court-called at J.Taylor's & got him to take my Int-Warrants for £54.6.6 and some plats & a Patent, to carry to Richmond, where he intends to set out tomorrow-Garland Burnley Ret'd 24/- he borrowed the 16th. I dined at Hansford's and had some punch.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
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