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7, Rained all night, J.Taylor jr went home after breakfast, his father and he came and dined here. W.Taylor & F.Conway jr came here in evening from Capt Conway's
8, My father, G.C.Taylor, W.Taylor, F.Conway jr & myself went to J.Taylor's to dinner. G.C.Taylor, W.T. & F.C. jr, went after dinner to C.Taylor's - Hubbard Taylor went to Caroline- same day his wife delivered of a *son before he set out.
[*The son of Hubbard and Clarissa (Minor) Taylor born this day was the eldest son, Hubbard Taylor, who married, 1814, Mary Ann Taylor Arnold, daughter of Thomas and Susannah (Taylor) Arnold. -PFT]
9, Walked with my father to School house where several persons attended, about making a School up for next year- Uncle E.Taylor, J.Taylor, John Taylor and Capt Burnley came and Dined here, we had a Bowl of Punch.
10, G.C.Taylor & W.Taylor & F.Conway came after breakfast from C.Taylor's- We went to singing at Church. G.C. Taylor & W.T. went to Reu Taylor's, dined & returned F.Conway went to Col Madison's-
11, I went to Court house, saw *Phil Taylor moving to Kentucky, his wife with him & unwell- did not see her. C.Taylor was there & we went to Church & home to dinner- Geo Porter & Jas Bell dined here- G.Taylor sent for to see a sick child of H.Taylor's & went there- the young man went to Court house after dinner. G.Porter came home with G.C.Taylor & W.Taylor- [*probably a descendant of John Taylor, son of James the emigrant-WKA]
*[This was Rev.Philip Taylor, born Jan.15, 1765, d.1856, m.March 18, 1788, Elizabeth Poor b.1761, d.Mar 17, 1845. He was son of Maj.Francis and Ann ([Graddock?]) Taylor, and grandson of James Taylor III., and Alice (Thornton) Catlett the latter(James III.) being brother of Col.George Taylor. Rev.Philip Taylor was one of the Pioneer preachers of the Methodist Church in Kentucky.-PFT]
12, [Sunday] We all went to Church, The Congregation more numerous than I have seen there for several years. Mr.Reader stood Clerk and we had better singing than usual. G.Taylor & myself only came home to dinner. At Church Capt Wood returned my Interest warrants which he carried to Richmond & had Registered for me some time ago-
13, G.C.Taylor, W, Taylor, Jas Bell & F.Conway jr came here after breakfast-went to J.Taylor's and came back at night.
14, After breakfast J.Bell went away- Tho's Barbour, Ja's Bowie Pendleton & J.Taylor jr came here to dinner & went immediately after to Court house to play at Fives- G.C. & W.Taylor & F.Conway jr came back at night.
15, Wm Taylor set off for Betetourt- intends to his uncles & went away at same time- G.Taylor & myself went to Court house- Dooling took my measure & got Cloth & trimmings to make me a Coat. I bought [Shallon?] Buckram &c at Lees, am't 5/6- G.T. & I came to Uncle Taylor's & dined. Capt & Mrs Burnley there.
16, G.Taylor sent & borrowed a Cask of Uncle Taylor to put Cyder in- had a head hoop put on it- I got a basket of Walnuts in hulls from Uncle Taylors- Capt Burnley came here about 12 o'clock & said he had sent a Hnd Tob'o by Lewis which had got out of order at the Wilderness, where it was left- and requested that I would lend money to get it to Fredericksburg. I lent him four dollars which he promised to repay at our next Court- He said he intends to set off this day & went away before dinner.
16, I rode to Court house, carried a bag & dollar & left with Mr.Shepherd for Griffy to buy Sugar for G.Taylor. G.C.Taylor came from Col.Burnleys & home to dinner, after dinner I walked to J.Taylor's- his son Harry very sick since the 12th instant- Col.Barbour got there from Fred'g & set out home in evening-
*Hubbard Taylor's Waggon set off for Redstone. G.Taylor sent a Negro girl, Doll, for WmTaylor [His son in Ky.-WKA] a Midling Bacon & bread for her provision &c. Jno' Leathers went with Waggon. Got Cask Cyder Beat of White Apple.
*[Hubbard Taylor, son of Col.James and Ann (Hubbard) Taylor, b.Aug.4, 1761, d.1845; m. July 27, 1782, Clarissa Minor, daughter of Col.Thomas Minor. They left a large family. He moved to Clark Co. Ky at his place "Spring Hill." He was elder brother of Gen'l James Taylor, of Newport, Ky. -PFT]
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
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