[67] 5,
20, This day makes me forty years of age. James Taylor came over with his Court papers. I assisted him to make out his Docket. Capt Scott was here, wanted to see J.Taylor on Office business-they went over to J.Taylors, the latter returned, finished his Docket and with his son James dined here. Reuben Taylor sent & borrowed Saddle bags, I believe he is going tomorrow to Richmond.
21, Negroes George & Tom set off to Mr.F.Conways for some Cows &c belonging to G.Taylor. Benjamin Taylor came up from Caroline and got here about 4 o'clock. [Benjamin Taylor, bro. of diarist]
22, We went to James Taylor's to the marriage of Thomas Barbour & Mary Taylor. Mr. Stevenson married them. There was a large Company. G.Conway Taylor got there to dinner, he came to day from Maj'r Willis's. We staid Supper & J.Pendleton came & lodged with Ben Taylor. [Mary Taylor was eldest daughter of James Taylor, son of Colonel George Taylor-W.K.A.-]
23, Went to James Taylors to Breakfast, most of the Company there again to-day & went away in the evening. We staid to supper. The weather very cold and windy.
24, Severe frost last night and this day windy and very cold for the season. G.Taylor, B.Taylor and F.T. [himself-W.K.A.] went to Ch's Taylor's to dinner, B.Taylor staid G.T. & F.T. came home. Reuben Taylor sent home my saddle bags in the evening.
25, Hard frost again last night, not so windy & cold to-day. I believe most of the peaches & cherries, and I fear other fruits are killed. Dined with my father at home. B.Taylor staid at C.Taylor's till evening-Aunt Thomas, James Taylor & all his family (except sister), J.Pendleton, T.Barbour & their wives walked to Midland in evening and staid two or three hours & returned-George got up from Mr.Conways with some Cattle belonging to my father. [Sunday]
6, Walked with Ben Taylor to J.Taylor's on way to Court, found bro'rWilliam at J. [26]
26, Taylors, he got there last night, is on the way to Kentucky and intends going from hence the day after to-morrow. He, J.Pendleton, T.Barbour & J.Taylor jr. walked to Court with us. G.Taylor, W.Taylor & Mess'rs Glassell & Robb & F.T. dined at Uncle E. Taylor's Mr. Ben Porter spoke to me for Interest warrants to pay his Taxes & his Brother Abner's for which he promises to pay me for in Nov'r or Dec'r next- Ben Porter paid me 10/- Cash for which I am to pay the Sheriff for him 30/- Cert'e. W.Taylor, Ben Taylor & Col.Madison came to J.Taylors. I called there & came home after supper.
27, Rained a little last night and misty morning. Went to Court. My father borrowed of Mr.Blair, Capt W.Bell, Col.Madison & Rob't Taylor, about £30. for Wm.Tay- money with difficulty borrowed, and lent with reluctance. Went to Court- G.Taylor came to J.Taylors at night with W.Taylor-Ben Taylor came to Midland-
28, Went to Jas Taylor's to Breakfast, Bro'r James let me have 2 Guineas, which I let Wm Taylor have to be applied toward my Land expence at Kentucky. Wm Taylor set off after breakfast by the way of Winchester, Redstone, and down the Ohio- Reuben Taylor came to Breakfast and went with Wm Taylor intending to Frederick where he had some Certificates- Rub'd Taylor brought my horse to bro'r James's- The Horse appeared my fatugued, after his riding- I walked to Court, my father & Ben Taylor came to Midland at night to supper.
29, Turned cold, rained in the night and rained and snow with it in the morning- sent Frank for my horse-J.Pendleton came over to Midland, also Ch's Taylor, they dined here & had a game at Whist and went away in the evening. G.C.Taylor also dined here & went to C.Taylors, B.Taylor went with them-
30, Went with G.Taylor to Court, horse very stiff- Saw John Taylorfrom Rickingham. Drank punch and dined at Alcock's-Ret'd with G.Taylor to Midland. B.Taylor went to C.Taylors.
31, Ben Taylor came here in the morning and went with G.Taylor & myself walked to Uncle Eras Taylor's Aunt Taylor & cousin Jenny at Mr. Glassell's-Rob't Taylor & his wife, John Taylor, John Pendleton, T.Barbour & James Taylor dined there G.T., B.T., & F.T. ret'd after supper- Saw Asparagus up-
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z, in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
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