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8, damp, Went again to the Sale-But little to sell-Gave my bond, G.Taylor security, for £5.4.0.- 36/- for Breeches & 45/- for plates&c bo't by me & 23/- for Oker bought for G.T. F.Madison paid me £6.0.0. G.Taylor came to J.Taylors, rained a little all day & cold.
9, Snow, hail & fine rain all day. Much ice on the trees & a Sleet on the snow. C.Taylor came to dinner, very cold weather-
10, Very cold & freezing. Reuben Taylor called in the morning, did not stay long. G.Taylor went to C.Taylors in the evening-[Sunday]
11, J Pendleton went with me to Lees store- I exchanged with Maj'r Lee: 6 pair Lea'r breeches bought at Sale £2.0.0.
for Stg.
3 Stamped handk'fs 4.6. 9
1 Silk [do?] 3.9. 7.6
2 yds green plains 4.8. 9.4
1 hat 1.6. 3.
5 1/2 yds lin Drogheda 5.0. 10.
2 lb brown sugar 1.2 = £2.0.0
Paid T.Coleman 2/6 for a bottle Greenough's Tincture brought from Richmond by him. G.Taylor came with us from Court house- Sold J Taylor for his son James 1 pair Leather breeches made by Joel Stoghill for 30/- weather still very cold-
12, Went to Midland-C.Dickinson Glazing the Windows, he was about them yesterday - William Taylor with Mr.Anthony Sale from Kentucky arrived at brother James's in the evening, (he came by Jonathan Taylors) left his (Williams) family and friends at Kentucky well. (Jonathan Taylor did not move to Ky until 1790. See under date Aug.4,1790 W.K.A.)
13, Mr Sale set off down to Caroline in the morning- Reuben Taylor came here very early & went away before breakfast and said would return. C.Taylor & G.C.Taylor came to dinner. Paid William Martin pr C.Dickinson 12/- J.B.Pendleton set out for Culpeper. Reu Taylor, Maj'r Moore, Hd Taylor & Capt Burnley came to dinner, rainy & thaw.
14, Fine morning, clear and mild. Went to C.Taylors, Majr. Moore, Hub'd Taylor, Reuben Taylor, Aunt Thomas, J.Pendleton & wife, Mary Taylor, G.Taylor, W.Taylor & J Taylor dined there. Wm Taylor came to J.Taylors at night.
15, Cloudy & some fine rain. Went to Maj'r Moores, G.Taylor, W.Taylor, C.Taylor, H'd Taylor, J.Pendleton & F Taylor dined there. Miss Throckmorton there. Bad riding & altho' the snow thaws it goes off very little.
16, Maj'r Moore & wife, Reu Taylor & his wife, G.Taylor, J.Taylor, M.Taylor,C.Taylor G.C.Taylor & self dined at H'd Taylors-
17, G.Taylor set off down from C.Taylors intending today to Capt Conways -I heard that Capt Burnley got much beaten last night at Hansfords by Gutrech [Good-rich?] Lightfoot- J.Taylor, W.Taylor, J.Pendleton, Majr Moore, H.Taylor & wife G.C.Taylor & F.Taylor dined at Reuben Taylors, this being the first time of my going there. W.Taylor went to C.Taylors at night. Aunt Thomas & M.Taylor came from C.Taylors at night. [Sunday]
18, Went to Mr. Shepherds Shop w'th W.Taylor who got his horses Shoes removed. I bought a wash-bowl at Mr Shepherds but left it there, paid 1/3 -for it. Maj. Lee told me Mr.Jett had left him a few days before, on some difference. I believe Went to his fathers this day - Came with W, Taylor & J.Pendleton to Uncle E.Taylors, J.Taylor & wife, Aunt Thomas, Maj'r Moore & C.Taylor dined there- Uncle Taylor says he does not Expect John Taylor down before Christmas- Maj'r Cowherd overtook us on our way to J.Taylors in the evening.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING [underscored]: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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