[53] 21
24, Fine clear moderate weather. About half hour before day heard Wolves howl towards Mrs.Thomas's. Went to Court-paid Capt James Walker one half Joe 48/- in part for plank &c G.T. had. Heard that Maj'r Moore, Col.Barbour & Mr.H.Burnley declared themselves Candidates for the next election.
25, Went to C.Taylors to breakfast, ret'd & walked to Court, nothing extraordinary- called at Mr.E.Taylors & supped with Mr.Robb & Mr.W.Martin. Col.T Towles & Mr C.Porter signed their Report concerning the Trustees of Beverleys Estate. I lent my Inkstand & came away without it. Cart went to Walkers Mill for Sand and Plank &c. Heard Wolves howl.
26, [Sunday] I went to C.Taylors (he was from home) I dined with C.Taylor & the family, got my Inkstand.
27, Went to Court house-Hought 4 Chamber locks for G.T. of Joshua Willia for 25/3 they are sorry. Weather Cloudy & cold bot 21b Sugar of Lee 1/6-. I dined with some of the Magistrates &c at Hansfords, Who would not receive pay. C.Dickinson began plastering.
28, Very cold-J.Pendleton & self went to Midland- Dickinson laid on the first coat plaister on the two least rooms above & about the other two. C.Porter & Bramhan only joiners there Mr Hardin Burnley & G.Taylor came home with J.Taylor from Court.
29, They all went to Court- very cold weather. Frost very hard last night, Cloudy day- The Court adjourned till Court in course. G.Taylor came back to J.Taylors from Court.
30, Rob't Taylor came with his gun & went with J.Pendleton by C.Taylors who joined them in a Hare hunt to Capt Brnleys, H.Burnley was there and 5 Hares were killed. G.Taylor went to Hub'd Taylors & came to Capt Burnleys to dinner we stayed till after supper. I p'd Spence Mazingo 3/4- the bal'ce of his acct ag't G.Taylor for repairing Tobacco house.
1786 December
1, Robt Taylor, C Taylor, J Pendleton, the boys and F.Taylor went Hare hunting to Mr.Ingrams, we killed 4 Hares and went to C.Taylors to dinner.
2, Went hunting to Mr.E.Taylors, killed only two Hares-G.Taylor, C.Taylor, J Pendleton & boys dined there, Aunt Thomas was there.
3, [Sunday] I have had a bad cold for several days & sore throat, so did not go to Church, though the weather has been moderate for 4 days. G.Buckner & Mrs James came from Church and dined here. G.C.Taylor & T.Barbour called in evening and agreed w'th J Pendleton to Fox hunt it tomorrow- J.B.Pendleton came at night from Culpeper, Capt Burnley borrowed bro'r James's Chair for his wife & Jenny Taylor to ride in down to Caroline tomorrow-
4, Began to snow before day & snows very fast, cont'd all day and fell 6 inches deep.
5, Cleared in the night. Went to hunt the Wolves -about 20 persons out. Raised two Wolves a little below the Church road- they were shot at several times Reuben Taylor killed one & Ben Winslow wounded the other slightly, but it was not caught.
6, Some went in pursuit of the Wolf that was wounded but did not start it- Went to the sale of Chews attachment on J.P.Adams effects, a good many people at teh Sale, tho' the day cold & cloudy. Bought for G.Taylor [1/2?] Bar's Oker 56lbs for 23/- Bo't for self 7 pr Lea'r breeches for 36/- Terms of Sale 3 months credit, with interest.
7, The sale continued- I went again & bought 2 doz Pewter plates, some thread & scissors for 45/- I gave Jas. Gaines for a Bridle 6/- & for 3 Tin Basters 1/- and sold 1/2 lb thread & 1 pr Scissors for 4/- - Sold John Alcock 1 lb thread for 6/- Exchanged 1/2 lb Thread & 1 pr Scissors with Mr. John Waugh for 1 pr thread Stockings at 4/- Cloudy & thaws some. Aunt Thomas came to J.Taylors.
8, Began to Rain about dark & rained all night small rain, morning cloudy &
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING [underscored]: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
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