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Original Document in Possession of P.F.Taylor.
A Pay Roll for a Detachment of Different Reg'ts on their March to Headquar-
ters Under the Com'd of Capt.Burnley and Lieut Sam'l Gill.April 14th 1778
For the Month March.

No. Mens Names Rank Dollars per Month [pound symbol] s. d.
1, Garland Burnley Capt 40- 15. 00. 00.
2, Sam'l Gill Lieut 27- 10. 2. 6.
3, John Smith Serg't 8- 3. 0. 0.
4, George Chisholm Do 8- 3. 0. 0.
5, John Carroll, Do 8- 3. 0. 0.
6, John Roberts, Do 8- 3. 0. 0.
7, James Knight Corpl. 7,1/3 2. 15. 0.
8, John Fleece Do 7,1/3 2. 15. 0.
9, Coonrod Penneybacer F.M. 8.1/3 3. 2. 6.
10, Edward Sturrs, F. 7,1/3 2. 15. 0.
11, Rubin Sturrs, Drmr 7,1/3 2. 15. 0.
12, John Horn, Private 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
13, Edward Travis, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
14, George Tomberlin, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
15, George Shevellen Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
16, Thos Adkinson Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
17, Wm Willoughby Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
18, Thos Bill Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
19, Shadrach Hill Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
20, Randol Abbitt DO 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
21, Wm Turner, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
22, James Taylor, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
23, Charles Eastwood, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
24, Thos Burk Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
25, Wm.Brown Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
26, Daniel Collard Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
27, Edline Willoughby Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
28, James Pearthalls, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
29, George Johnston, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
30, John Drain Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
31, John Traphorn, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
32, Henry Duckwall Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
33, Jones [Groves?] Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
34, Shurman,Adam, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
35, Thomas Aris Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
36, Joab Lucas, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
37, John Smith Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
38, David Cochran Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
39, Charles Harris, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
40, John Stackpole, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
41, John Parkason Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
42, Henry Barns Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
43, James Lemmon[Lemmon] Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
44, John Bell Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
45, Alexander Stuart, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
46, Andrew Skillen DO 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
47, John Wallis Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
48, Robart Cowan, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
49, Jacob Sowder, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
50, Robert Keen Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
51, Richard Henderson, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
52, James Riley, Pay'd. Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
53, James Meays Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
54, Stephen Verdi, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
55, Conrod Casnor Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
56, Wm Warrant, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
57, George James, Do 6,2/3 2. 10. 0.
58, Henry Duchen Do 6.2/3 2. 10. 0.
Dollars 4[5?]3.1/3 [pound symbol] 166. 5. 0.

From the Taylor Diary, #1907-Z in the Southern Historical Collection,
University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO

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