


Status: Complete




13, Thin clouds smoky, cool, some drops rain about sunset- I walked to Mr.Shepherd's
read Newspapers, ret'd to dinner. Went in evening to C.Taylors, who had been
very ill &had Doct'r Shepherd whith him, and had got easier. J.Taylor &Doct'r
Shepherd was there. I left the Doct'r at C.Taylor's.

14, Some Snow on Great Mountains, some clouds, appeared to Westward, cold Wind N.West.
The negroes had this day to plant potatoes &c. Reuben Taylor came here before
noon. I walked with him to see C.Taylor, who appeared to be recovering, tho'
still very unwell and in bed. We returned and Reuben Taylor dined with me.
William Twisdell sent his negro women here for Hog's lard, I let her have
10lb- he spoke to me some time ago for it.

15, Sunday, Frost, Cold morning, ice from piggin or water, snow on G.Mountains, continued
cold oall day- Clear evening . I went to C.Taylor's dined therem he continues
to mend, tho' slowly- he was in bed whilst I was there. Came by J.Taylor's.
Only he, his wife, E.Chew, Gibson &Nat at home.

16, Very cold, frost & ice 1/5 inch thick on piggen- sunshine morn, broken clouds
& windy cold afternoon. Began to plant corn. I went out with a gun & killed 2
squirrels. Turned some cows into Woods. C.Taylor sent & got a little Barley.
Boy said he is better.

16, Turned most of the old Cattle & Oxen out.

17, Very hard severe dry frost- Ice full 1/2 inch thick on Piggen- Fair Windy, milder,
evening. Packed part of my Bacon in ashes.

18, Some white frist and a little ice- Fair &warm. Continued planting corn-3d day.
I walked out with my gun but killed nothing.I continue unwell- 5 weeks since
I was taken ill. Had Irish potatoes taken out of trench in Garden.

19, Sunshine, smoky warm. Finished planting corn (except a little in wet ground) got
done in 3 1/2 days. 20th planted the balance. I was at home till evening, walked
to C.Taylor's met with J.Taylor, who went with me. C.Taylor has got much better
of his indisposition.

20, Thin clouds, windy, smoky, some drops rain. Had first Hhd Corn taken out of New
house- sent 6 Bus' Corn to F.Taliaferro's Mill & got meal. I was very ill last
night & to day. took salts. John Smith sent 9/- by his son & got a midling
Bacon, 9lb. Had the low places broke up & planted in Corn.

21, Thunder & a good shower of rain last night, fine morning. Windy with thunder &
showery- fine evening. I walked to J.Taylor's in the evening. J.Taylor jr &
wife and the rest of family Roger Bell's wife there.

22,[SUNDAY] Windy, some broken clouds, but mostly fair. I went to sermon at Court
house a tolerable number of people there- Came to J.Taylor's yo dinner. Reu-
ben Taylor & wife, J.T.jr & family, dinere there- *Mr.Noel & wife, Salley & Bet-
sy Taylor there after dinner[*Warner Taylor, son of Reuben Taylor, m. Fannie Noel, WKA].

23, Windy and broken clouds- warm. I was very unwell- fever & heavy. I went to Elec-
tion- J.Barbour Jr & John Wright chosen- Jno.Spotswood near 100 behind.

24,Fair moderate morn, Evening hazy & smoky. Court sat to day- I rode to Court.
had my mare's Shoes removed, pd A.S. 1/3, Pompey 3d. Came home by 4 o'clock
Gave J.Blair mem'dum to send me a Loaf of Sugar, a p/s Steel & 10lb. Brown

25, Cloudy with sometimes drops rain. Had Irish Potatoes abour 2 Bushels planted by Nursery, Do. 3/4 Bus Sweet do. got of old Peter. Had the Geese picked. I went to
Court house, met Maj'r Moore, C.P.Howard & John Moore and proceeded with them
in examining & Stating account referred to us between A Shepherd jr.Comp't
ag'st the Adm'rs of Jos Wood dec'd. did not finish. Got Wm Stewart to fasten
Pad & of my saddle. Alwx'r Shepherd & Pearce Stanford were present(exept the
former) we dined at Wm Bell's- And'w Shepherd sen'r was present but none of
the defendants.

From the TAYLOR DIARY #1907-Z in the Southern Historical Collection,
University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO

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