DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1797, 13, [330]
June 7, Warm, some clouds- continues very dry. I went to J. Taylor's. Mrs Bell & family,
Jas Bell & wife, Mrs Gambell, Mrs Burnley & family, C. P. Howard & wife, Robert
Taylor & wife, C. Taylor & family, J. Pendleton & do., T. Barbour's family & E.
Chew, dined there. I paid Sally Taylor 6/- bal'ce due for making vest & breeches.
8, Thursday, Cloudy, warm, some drops rain before noon, a cloud in evening & Rain
South and North. J. Taylor sent Sawney & got a Gallon wine.
9, Clouds in morn, warm fair evening. Sent Frank & boy to Mill with 2 1/2 Bus Corn as
and for Sand. Frank says the river very low. I staid at home.
10, Fog in morn, a good rain at night. Two of Mr Triplett's waggons called in evening
but M. Biggers being from home, they did not load, it being near night.
11, Remarkably clear. I went to Sermon at Court house. Went to J. Taylor's to dinner
T. Barbour & family, J. Pendleton's family, R'd Gaines (Culp'r) & E. Chew there.
12, Monday, A little hazy. Began to Cut Early wheat. I dined at C. Taylor's - J. Taylor
& family, J. Pendleton & family, T. Barbour's family, Widow Gaines, S. Burnley,
E. Chew & C. Bell, there.
13, Tuesday, Hazy morn, very windy, some thin scattering clouds and drops rain.
Cutting wheat and cocked that cut yesterday. James Taylor sent Charles and got
a pot of butter 16 lb Nett- Sam'l Brockman came here and got 19, 1/5 lb Wool,
for which he paid 4 dollars. Wrote to F. S. Taylor & sent the letter p/r S. Brock
man to get Mr Shepherd to forward to care Mr Ja's Blair.
14, Clear morning, warm & dry. Killed a small Black ram, poor but good. About Har-
vest, sut some & cooked afternoon. John Pendleton came over- Ja's Taylor &
Cha's Taylor & son were to dinner- In evening C. T. went home, I walked with
J. Taylor & Jno Pendleton to J. Taylor's- J. Taylor jr & wife there. He got home
from Kentucky to day with Reu Taylor- Had the satisfaction of hearing our
friends were well. I have E. Pendleton 30/- to buy chickens &c at Springs.
Aunt Taylor, Mrs Howard, Mrs Burnley, Mrs Gambell, Mrs Gaines, John Pendleton
& family- T. Barbour's family, Cha'Bell & E Chew there.
15, Thursday, Dry and warm, rain. Reuben Taylor called here & gave me letters
he brought from Kentucky. I got some by J. Taylor jr. R. Taylor had letters
which he carried to Go't house and returned here- Ch Taylor, C. P. Howard and R.
Taylor dined here. Got my Early Wheat Cut down & cocked, part of it. Sent two
bottles wine to E. P. to use at Springs.
16, Hazy, dry, warm, windy. I walked to the road- Saw J. Pendleton & wife & T Bar-
bour's wife & some of their children & Nancy Taylor Going to Coleman's Springs
Had a swarm of bees (the first this year) hived in a Gum. Finished Cocks of
Early wheat by 3 o'clock. Put 6th Hhd Corn in Old House.
17, Clear warm morning, hot sultry day, clouds at night. C. Taylor sent & got 2 1/2 lb
butter & invited me there. James Sebree rec'd 31 Bus Wheat for Dan'l Triplett.
18, Sunday, A moderate slight rain last night. Cloudy, a fine rain afternoon, plen-
tiful. I staid at home, walked to look at a Bee tree. Frank found last year, and
discovered one near it. Col Madison Sen'r sent Sam for a horse, which came here
last friday morning, belonging to him, Sam got the horse.
19, Pleasant- flying clouds- clear, cool. I met C. Taylor, C. P. Howard & wife at Court
house and went to D. Triplett's Store- I bought Sundries & dined at Mr Triplett
with the above. Miss Peggy Miller was there, also Sally Taylor who went with
Harriet Triplett from C. Taylor's this morning. We left C. P. Howard & wife & Sal-
ly Taylor, C. Taylor & I came back by Walker's Hill- I paid A. Shepherd 1/6 post-
age Let're from F. S. Taylor, I got it this morning- dated Boston, June 2d. Plowing
Corn over 4th time.
20, Fair cool morn, Clouds & a little rain afternoon. I sent 6 lb butter to Wm Stewart
by George, who brought a Novel of Mr Darby's I borrowed. My young brown
dog appeared distracted- I shot him.
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