1797, May,
24, Fair, pleasant morn. M. Biggers went to D. Triplett's- I sent for Scythes, Salt,
Leather &c. Only got 2 Scythes 13/- & 1 lb perrer 3/6.
25, Fair, very dry warm and windy. I staid at home. Finished plowing Corn ground,
third plowing.
26, Clear and very dry. a little hazy. Took 6th Hhd Corn out of new & put in old
house. I walked to Court house, put a letter to G. C. Taylor in post office -
the rider did not arrive by noon. C. P. Howard was there- I came with him to
Aunt Taylor's- She was gone to see Mrs Moore, who is very ill- Mrs Balman,
John Taylor's wife & family- Rob't Taylor's wife & do. C. P. Howard & wife, dined
27, Hazy- smoky- dry, warm, windy, clear even. I walked to J. Taylor's, his wife gone
to see Mrs Moore but returned to dinner. Mrs James with her. J. Pendleton, wife
& children, E. Chew & C. Bell there.
28, (SUNDAY) Cool, remarkably clear and very dry. Sary had her child's burying by
S. Daniel. I went to James Taylor's- Thos Barbour and family came there from
Madison before dinner- J. Pendletons family & E. Chew there.
29, Monday, Cool-Hazy morning-fair evening, James Taylor came here very early to
get some butter and sent when he returned & got a pot 13 1/2 lb Net. After dinner
I walked to C. Taylor's- he said Mrs Moore continues very ill. Sally Taylor got
home from a visit she made with Capt Conway's family down to Caroline & Staf-
ford- I went from C. Taylor's to J. Taylor's- T. Barbour & family & J. Pendleton's
family there- Sister Taylor gone to set up with Mrs Moore.
30, Some drops rain- Cloudy day & some drops rain, about 5 o'clock in evening rain
from N. East, little. J. Taylor sent Ben about 8 o'clock to get old Peter about
Oven, Peter ret'd about 10 o'clock from Mill and went over. Nancy Taylor sent
a long bottle & got some wine, the girl said She was unwell. Davy making Shoes
yesterday & to day- 5 pair made in all, 3 now & 2 formerly.
31, Cool and clear. J. Taylor sent for me, he expected Col Madison jr & wine to din-
ner but they sent that they declined coming to day. John Taylor got to his
mother's to day, came to J. Taylor's to eat Cherries and dined there- J. Pendle-
ton's and T. Barbour's families, E Chew & C. Bell there.
The month of May remarkably dry and windy and rather cool. Corn very low.
1, Thursday, very clear morning, a few thin clouds in evening. I wrote to brother
Jonathan, walked to J. Taylor's, he was going to Col Johnson's to see Capt Ja's
Barbour, who intends to start for Kentucky in a day or two. I requested J.
Taylor to take a letter out of the post office at O. C. house for G. C. Taylor
& give both the letters to Capt Barbour- which he did. Mrs Moore died yesterday
& was intered to day- T. Barbour's wife, John Pendleton & family, T. Barbour
& family, E. Chew & myself dined there. -Jas Taylor went away before noon.
2, Thin clouds with a very little rain. I was invited to a Barbecue at Waugh's
ford, but expecting rain did not go- staid at home. Had Replanted Watermelon &
Cucumber seeds.
3, Fair, want and very dry. J. Taylor, John Pendleton, T. Barbour, Charles Bell &
C. Taylor dined here. Had 7th Hhd Corn removed into old house.
4, Whit Sunday- Windy, warm & flying clouds- very dry- J. Pendleton's wife, Nancy
Taylor and the Boys, came here after breakfast and staid about an hour, then
returned- I went to J. Taylor's to dinner, the above with J. Pendleton, T. Barbour
Mrs James, Mrs Bickers and E Chew were there.
5, Fair cool and dry. I walked to the Court house- came to Aunt Taylor's, she was
gone to Mr Glassel's- Mrs Bell, Mrs Gambel, Cha's Bell Tho's Bell, John Taylor
& family, Rob't Taylor & family and Mrs Burnley, dined there. Rob't Moore was
there in evening-
6, Fair, dry weather. J's Taylor, C. Taylor, J. Pendleton & Benj'a Hide dined here.
B. Hyde looked at my sheep & said he wanted to purchase them. - Brown from
Culpeper was here, wanted to Search Clks Office.
From the Taylor Diary #1907 - z in the Southern Historical Collection,
University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO
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