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25, [Continued]Sent 3 Cows & 1 Horse hides to J.Taylor's to be tanned. I came home & dined-Afterwards walked to see C.Taylor,who is mending. J.Taylor,W Dade & Allan massey got there about the time I did- C.Taylor's daughters Sally & Betsy & Sally Burnley got back from Mr Triplett's at night.
26, Fair and pleasant.Had Sugar Beans planted in hills and Snaps from Mrs Madison's in drills, in pen by Stable & Saddle straps in pen beyond the garden. Moses continues ill, tho'better then yesterday. Pied Co had calf. Turned Oxen & young Cattle into the Woods.
27, Fair and warm.Had Irish potatoes taken up, planed a bushel. Planted Muskmelon & Cucumber & Watermelon seeds in pen by Stable- Watermelons one sort. Muskmelons from Hay Taliaferro.
28, Fair and warm. Had melon seeds planted in potatoe field. Sowed Sellery & Planted Watermelons in Garden. I walked after dinner to C.Taylor's.Oyster shells burned to make lime for Hides &c.
29, Warm & hazy, some clouds,distant thunder. J Taylor came here very early- I lent him five half-Jo's $12. which he said he wanted to pay to C.P.Howard, and wou'd repay me at May Court and also what he owed before. Delivered to D.Triplett's 2 Waggons driven by Richard Harrod & Duff's Bob, 3 1/2 Bushels of Wheat each. John Taylor walked here from Ja's Taylor's about 11 o'clock & staid till 12-when I went w'th him to his mothers- Mr Belmain & wife, Jo'n Taylor & family Mrs Burnley & family, C.P.Howrad &c & E.Chew dined there.
30, [Sunday] Warm,clouds,a good shower in evening. I went to Sermon at Court house, D.Triplett promised to pay my old acco't at May Court. I went to J.Taylor's to dinner- Capt Richard Gaines, Mrs James & Mrs Bickers there. Nat Taylor unwell- I sent C.Tartar for him.

1, Monday, Warm-with thin clouds. Good rain before day. I sent Frank with some red potatoes to Aunt Taylor's & got some blue in exchange. The Widow Madison had 1/2 Bus' Hemp seed by Jacob. Had Cabbages planted. Had Sheep trimmed:which were foul. Had 3d Hhd Corn removed into old house.
2, Clear,windy, Cool evening. J.Taylor called here early- I let him have a half- Joe 48/- and gave him mem'dum to get me some things at Fredericksburg, to which place he is going. Wm Edwards sent me a hamper of Tobacco, I sent the same full of Potatoes & a dose Salts for Polly Edwards by negro woman. I was unwell, head ached & feverish. After dinner I walked to Mrs Burnley's- John Taylor & family, Aunt Taylor, Mrs Howard- Brother James's wife, Nancy & Nat Taylor, Maj'r Moore, C.Bell &c were there. Planted Red Potatoes in this end Clover pen. Blue do from Aunt Taylor's next to Nursery.
3, A little FROST, clear morning, turned cloudy by mid-day,some drops rain, still cool. M.Biggers Limed the leather I have to tan at J.Taylor's and helped dig a trough.
4, Some clouds, more sunshine, and warm.
5, Clouds, a very little rain. Had Indian Peas planted. Sowed Hemp seed in Hog pen the Flax did not come up which was sown there. I walked to Court house, got Newspapers. Sent 2Bags corn to mill & got grounds.
6, Clear and windy. J.Taylor sent me a note he had bought some things at Fred'g for me- I went over with Frank and got a side Leather 12/4 1/2, 26 lb Brown Sugar 31/3 and 1/2 lb Cream Tartar 3/- & Carriage 10 1/2d & 6 to make 48/- I sent by him- He paid me $9.1.2. inpart for money I lent him($12.) the 29th ulto. Three of D.Tripletts Waggons called here. I delivered 87 Bushels of Wheat to E.Herndon, J. Hill & J.Robinson. J.Taylor came home with me to dinner. Mr Alex'r Balmain C.P.Howard & John Taylor were here. I p'd John Taylor 5 dollars for a p/s Roll 62 half ells.
7, Sunday, Clar and windy cool evening. Charles Taylor came here, Maj'r Robert Powell & C.Taylor jun'r, and dined here

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Souther Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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