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30, Cloudy night, Snowed till about noon, afterwards misty. The snow 2or 3 inches deep,being the first this winter to hide the ground. wind South & mild. I staid at home. Between 11 & 12 o'clock C.Taylor sent a boy to tell me Mr Dade had invited us to dine there to day.
31, Fair moderate, about half the snow melted. Wm Taylor got here about noon, he has been to Fauqueir Court, when he went to Mr John Gibson's he was gone to Fauquier with his family. After dinner I went with W.Taylor to J.Taylor's & returned at night.

Jan 2, Matthew Cambell married Nancy Bell.
9, Tho's Barbour's young child died.
Feb 5, Fortunatus Winslow married Polly Alcock.
9, Charles Taylor had a daughter born-[Named Harriet Thornton,m.Catlett Conway Dan'l Turner to Miss S.Pendleton- Caroline
Mar 2, Mr Tho's Bell died
James Coleman(Springs) and Wm Quarles, Louisa, Died 28 Feb'y.
15, Henry Pendleton to Elizabeth Pendleton
22, Capt Richard Barbour married Miss[Nancy] Oldham (some time ago) Kent'y {Feb 18,]
Alice Taylor (wife of Zachary) died the 6th inst- Kentucky,
Apl 12, Zachariah Herndon died.
Mrs Easton (formerly wife of E.Taylor)died in Kentucky.
Jul 23, Mr Thomas Scott(Madison) died
26, Miss Caty Richards Died at D.Triplett's- Col. Fra's Moore died.
Aug Col. Fra's Moore died.
Mrs Alcock died (formerly Dr. Walker's wife)
21, Geo.C.Taylor's Eliza died at C.Taylor's
Sep , Capt Rob Daniel died about 1, September.
Sep 21, Reu Taylor had a daughter born.--[Mary- m. Jerry Keyes-PFT.]
21, Larkin Chew Died.
Oct 7, Edm'd Pendleton the younger, his wife died.
William Taylor( brother ) married Betsy Courts[Coats-PFT] 20 July last.
T,Barbour had a daughter born
Nov 15, Adam Darby married Caty Shepherd.
28, John Askew died, aged ninety odd years.
Dec 8, Reuben Smith married Milly Glassell.
15, Anthony Buck married Mary Shepherd.

Feb. Ben Porter desired F.T. to settle the Executorship by him as Ex'r of his Father, Ben Porter's Estate.
Mar. 12 Nimrod Long of Ky presented two orders, one from Edmund H.Taylor and the other from Reuben Eastin for Thruston Taylor,some of Edmund Taylor, for their legacies from Geo Taylor, their grandfather.
Apl 6, Tho's Bell's funeral preached(at his late residence) by Rev.O'Neil, who had been engaged as Rector.
7, Zachary Taylor's wife died in Ky.,she was Alice Chew-& he son of Zachary Taylor & Elizabeth Lee.
25, Election for Delegates. I Davis and Ben Johnson. Davis was father of late Tom Davis of Greene Co.
29 Reuben Bell & H.H.Hill elected in Madison.
30, Jas Taylor jr, John T.Moore, Col Campbell & a Mr Bell going to Ky.
Jun 28, Case of Taylor's Ex'rs,vs.Rev.O'Neill in Spotsylvania.
Jul 10, Subscribed $2.00 towards building a bridge at Barnett's ford.
16, Mrs Potter was a Miss Throckmorton, dau of Rob't T. and sister of Mrs Gen
Wm Madison
27, Mrs Wm Glassell mentioned.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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