14[268] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1795,1795
18, Warm,sultry & clouds. C.Taylor sent for W T. & I to dine there, and for some butter. I sent John, 3 1/4 lb. We went to .T's. Mr Macon & family there & went away in evening- I have been unwell all day-W.Taylor went by J.Taylor's in evening.
19, Sultry morning,slight shower in evening. I paid old George 2 dollars for 6 days work in Harvest. bo't & paid 4/- for 1 doz Chickens of Miller's Gabriel. I went to J.Taylor's-Phil Pendleton,Harry & Bowie Pendleton,Wm Taylor,Lucy Barbour,there. W.Taylor came home with me.
20, Fair morning,some clouds & distant rain- W.Taylor & I went to Court house-The Militia officers exercised by W.Broaddus,Brigade Inspector. W.Taylor dined at Mr Shepherd's, I was invited but did not go & dined at Nooe's. W.T.ret'd with me.
21, Fair day. We went again to C.house to see Officers exercised & came hone to dinner.C.Taylor called here & I lent him 100 dollars,which he said h wanted to pay in part for a Carriage.
22, Warm Day-fair. I had a male lamb killed.M.B.had a hind quarter.Wm Banks, Gab'l Barbour,And'w Shepherd jr, C.P.Howard,J.Taylor,J.Taylor jr. Ch's Bell, John Moore, Robert Taylor &Reuben Taylor, & Wm Taylor (Bot't) dined here.
23, Clouds &a light shower in evening. W.Taylor went from here after breakfast to go to Capt Conway's
24, Very warm, moderate showers in evening. Sent to Mill, Frank says could not get the corn ground till late- W.T's George bro't a bag sand.
25, Cloudy morning, a little mist, fiar evening. Old Peter has absented himself a day or two past on account of a Difference with the Overseer. M.Biggers received half a Bus' Salt,being the whole of the Articles I agreed to find him for this year-Very little Salt,being left-Turnep Seed Sown by middle Gate.
26, [SUNDAY] Fair weather. I went to C.Taylor's to dinner-W.Taylor was there & came home with me in the evening. J.Taylor was here a little time after I got home.
27, Rained alittle last night-Rainy afternoon. W.Taylor & I went to Court. Receied a letter from Bro William- Engaged for M.Biggers to produce property for an Ex'on served on his body- W.Taylor & I came home in the rain, dined at home, Mr Hyde came afterwards.
28, Fine day. B.Hyde was talking to W.Taylor of getting him to locate & survey some Military lands &c & to let him know friday next-he went away afte breakfast- J.Taylor jr dined with us-We went to look for lines of the Entry I made near Black Walnut. Wm Taylor went home with J.Taylor jr.
29, Wednesday- Fair morning,Cloudy evening & mist at night. Wm Taylor came here after breakfast, I returned with him to J.Taylor's & dined there- W.T. & J.T.jr,went to C.Taylor's in evening. I returned home, was very unwell last night & today
30, Thick & moderate rain, a good deal of rain. Wm Pollock,D.S., came here, informed me of the amount of an Ex'on, Wm Reynolds vs Wm Biggers & M.Biggers, w'ch with interest to 5, August & costs & his Com'n is $36.5.6 and promised to try &buy it up for M.Biggers &c- He showed me the amount of my taxes &c wich I promised to pay him August Court.
31, Cloudy and small rain most of the day. Wm Taylor & J.Taylor jr came from C.Taylor's & dined here- they went to Court house in evening. Miss S.Conway, Miss S.Gibson & C.Taylor's daughters sent word they were going. C.Taylor sent John with a small butter pot & got it filled.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
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