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13[267] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1795,1795
29, Some clouds in morning,Shower in evening. Cutting Wheat- Hired T.Proctor's Bob to Mow & George to Rake &c.
30, Showery, bad for securing grain. Hired same as yesterday-Wm Taylor's boy, who has worked in my harvest-Sic to day- M Biggers sent me a fine Quarter of Shoat

1, Wednesday, Fine morning-very heavy rain in evening. I went to C.Taylor's-carried Nankeen to get Vests & Breeches made- I went by my Wheat field- The people coc[?]ing. Had a Swarm of Bees hived in small knotty gum. J.Taylor rode here in evening-left last Newspaper,which T. Barbour jr brought up,returning from Baltimore
2, Cloudy morn, Fair noon,rainy night,very wet. About my wheat in Barnfield.Rob't Taylor jr came here from school to ask for Linseed oil. I sent about a pint. Z.Nooe jr was with him. discharged Bob at night, he has worked 4 days.
3, Rainy morning. Discharged T.Proctor's Negro man, he had cut 4 days. Cha's Leathers came here & says he will (if he can get timber) get me 2,000 pales.
4, Fine day. I rode to Court house,dined at Mr Shepherd's,no stranger there- J Taylor came here in evening. Finished Cocking wheat in the Barn field.
5, Sunday, Some Clouds,a very little rain at night. J.Taylor called here & I went with him to Bledsoe's meeting- He dined here on his return- Wm Taylor got here from Fred'g in even'g to dinner. Ret'd the money I gave him to buy me a boy.
6, Very fine harvest weather. Cut my wheat at home & had some Cocks put up. W.Taylor & I went by J.Taylor's & C.Taylor's & they went with us to Rob't Taylor's to dinner. Mrs Burnley was there: R Taylor was gone to Triplett's- W, Taylor went with Mr.Howard to Aunt Taylor's-
7, Some clouds in morning, fair evening. Finished cocking my wheat at home,being the last. I walked to Aunt Taylor's- J.Taylor & family, C.Taylor, Rob't Taylor & family, Mrs Burnely& do, dined there- W, Taylor said he was going to J.Taylor's, I came home.
8, Fair cool day. I was very unwell last night & this morning, better in the evening, was at home alone. Sary began to spin wool, had 3 lb.
9, Fair, Began to cut hay in meadow. Elijah Brockman came & got a half Joe changed
10, Cloudy warm, with a Shower of rain. Finished cutting hay-put in small cocks. Wm Taylor came here from J.Taylor's- I rode with him to a Race at Barnett's ford- Came back with J.Taylor by a sale at Mrs Thomas's- Dined at J.Taylor's- Some young people gathered there in evening to dance- I came home.
11, Warm, some clouds, Shower in evening. J.Taylor sent here for Butter, I sent some in White bowl-w'ch with butter weighed 8 lb. I went to J.Taylor's to dinner. The young people in the neighborhood, C.Taylor, Mrs Gaines & E.Chew there.
12, Foggy warm morning, Fair evening. Bought 1 doz Chickens of Col Willis's Phil- he had a pair Breeches & to pay me 1/6 worth more. I rode to Mr.T.Bell's- J.Taylor jr, Nancy Taylor, Wm Taylor,C.P.Howard & WM Banks dined there- Mrs Burnish, Nelly Madison & Miss Lee came after dinner. ---[SUNDAY]---
13, Very warm fair day. My Oats cut and Hay stacked. Wm Taylor & I went to Col Madison's,were met at Courthosue by J.Taylor,J.Taylor jr, & C.Taylor- W Madison was there. Mr Macon & family, who came up last night, & their usual family of Col Madison jr, his wife & Miss Payne- We went up together(except J.Taylor) & ret'd back-
14, Fair morning,very warm, Rain in evening.Stacked my Hay yesterday, 2 Stacks & 1 cock. Cocked my Oats to day- 3 cocks.I was alone
15, Cloudy day,some mist or small rain. I was at home.
16, Pleasant day. W.Taylor & I went to C.Taylor's, J.Taylor, J.Taylor jr and Mr. Banks dined there. I paid Sqlly Taylor 4 dollars on acco't of work done by the family.
17, Fair pleasant day. Wm Taylor & I went by C.Taylor's,who with his daughters-Mr. T.Macon & wife, went to a Barbecue at J.Waugh's given by Mr.W.Banks, W.Madison, W.Dade,Hay Taliaferro, Gab'l Barbour & J.Taylor jr- A numerous agreeable company was present- A good Barbecue &c ice &c. W Taylor came to my house at night

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the South Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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