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10[264] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1795, 1795
13, [Continued], intending to carry him away when he goes- I paid G.C.Taylor 5 dollars specie for a Bank note left by J.W.Berry,for him,with me. _____Bartlett came for an affidavit(J.Taylor jr left with me) with the Seal of the County affixed & paid 11/- for tax & fee which I p'd J.T. jr next day. Mr. Hay Taliaferro sent me a dozen herrings and for some water melon seed- I sent some Anthony.
14, Clear and pleasant. J.Taylor sent & got 11/- I rec'd yesterday & went to Culpeper. I sent Frank to Court house for Knitting pins & Newspapers. I went to Ch. Taylor's. Mr. Williams, Jonath Gibson, G.C. Taylor,Elijah Brockman's wife & her mother & E.Chew there. Jos Clark brought me a Wheat fan which he 'id Miller $4.16.0 of the money I sent & ret'd the rest except 13/- for bringing that- And a Barrel Tar, Keg of Rum, 50 yds Ozn'a, a Tin Coffee pot & 10 lb Seed Cotton from Blair's. He brought sundries &left for C.Taylor & he sent for. Elisha Jarrel got 140 lb Hay Tho's Richards' note. Mess D. & J.Blair wrote me they had paid F.S.Taylor's Draft for $15.
15, Some Clouds, a little rain in evening. Had Water melon seeds &c planted nigh Wheat house.
16, A little rain last night, fair & dry. John Leathers came her to see Advertism't about Slave his son George took up. I staid at home.
17, Cool, some clouds. I went to Court house, heard Mr Balmain preach. Went to Rob't Taylor's to dinner. Mr W Dade & wife, Dan't Triplett & Wm Madison dined there.
18, A light shower of rain before day, cloudy. Rob't Wilson came here. I went with him to J.Taylor's, he wanted some blank writs. Roger Bell said the Office key was not left with him.
19, Some rain last night, misty to day. I sent Frank to Reu Taylor's, he brought the mare I bought- she is very poor. Z.Webb brought me some nails, I suppose 2M-8& M-10, I wrote Mr Triplet for.
20, Moderate rain last night, warm day,Thunder in evening,without raining here. Planted Cabbages in morning. I walked to J.Taylor's, he & family(except J.Taylor jr) returned from Culpeper two days ago. My Horses beat and hurt very much the Mare I bought of Reu Taylor.
21, Warm, a light shower in evening & appeared as if much rain with thunder below. The mare the horses beat yesterday appears badly, got M.Biggers to bled her.
22, Cloudy dripping day, tho's but little rain. I staid at home. Two of the widow Day's children came here to ask me to send a Bag of Corn to Mill for her- I sent word she must send for it.
23, Cloudy morning-fair evening. I met at Nooe's with Col.Madison,Maj'r Moore and Capt J.Taylor [Note- The Diarist here gives his eldest brother,James, the title of "Captain."-PFT.], Com'rs to Settle the Exers accounts of Wm Bell, dec'd the parties concerned & Lawyers, R.Taylor & J.Barbour attended, we made some progress but did not conclude the business. Hear that Reu Taylor is very unwell
24, Sunday, Clear & pleasant,dry.Zach Webb came with his waggon & received 382 lb Hay,being the last I had, making with what was before delivered,2965 lb. I went to J.Taylor's. Maj'r Daniel & wife, Nancy & Milley Bell, Rob't Moore, Sally Burnley & E.Chew dined there. Mr.T.Bell was there in evening.
25, Clear, pleasant, but dry. I walked to Court- did no business.
26, Cloudy, cool morning-clear afternoon. I rode to Court-Spoke Mr.D.Grinnan to buy me a negro boy if he could get a suitable one.
27, clear & warm morn. Mr.D.Henning called as he was going to Court & got some Cabbage seed. Sheared 25 Sheep, the wool from them weighed as it came off 100 lb- 1 skin of Wether that died not included. Had 7 Lambs cut- marked 1 Ram & left 4 uncut & unmarked- 7 Ewe lambs- Total 19 Lambs. J.Taylor's boy came & got half Barrel corn to carry to Mill for the Widow Da.
28, Thursday, Cloudy morn, moderate rain in evening. I staid at home, had peas for dinner. Macon Biggers opened the swelled place on the mare I bought of Reu Taylor, it bled a good deal.

From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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