Manuscript Volume 3, 1852-1854



Needs Review


Ma/ 17th. 1852. Rain in the fore noon to day, It a light one in the morning ft a heavier one in the evening, yesterday. Sot out aeao Potato slips, 17 rows, sowed Red Popper in the garden Gathered turnip seed The rain to day hindered our operations some. The 16 scrapers passed over the U acre field, It the Bluff field, excepting about 20 rows - In all about 50 acres. The hoes chopped out the Bars field, the 11 acre field, It about lit acres of the Bluff field, In all about hi acres. The Corn plows (9) finished the Kenedy field It plowed about 10 acres In the Bostwick field. Thermometer at U8 at sunrise Wrote to my son W. J. Leak. Received a letter from W. B . Miller inquiring as to the solvency of Jno Redus. Wrote to him on the 20th. May 18th. 1852.

The oats are beginning to head. The smallest seem to be heading first The scrapers finished the balance of the Bluff field, a l l of the Pores field, & about 15 acres of the Mil Jam field - In all about 66 acres The hoes finished the balance of the Bluff field It about 35 acres of the Ponds field - in all about 63 acres


Last edit over 1 year ago by guest_user


The corn plows lacked about 12 acres of finishing Bostwick field. The Bostwick field is planted, about 2/3 of it, 3 1/2 X 3 1/2 , 1 stalk , & about 1/3 of it , 5 1/2 feet, drilled. In the drilled part of it, entered this evening, we ran 5 furrows - in the other portion 2 furrows. The plows went over about 30 acres to day

May 19th. 1852.

Thermometer 54° at sunrise. The scrapers finished the balance of the Gillian field the 2 Barn fields & about 15 acres of the Spencer field, - in all about 66 acres. The hoes finished the balance of the Ponds field, all the Gillian field & about 17 acres of the larger Barn field, - in a l l about 61 acres. The Corn plows run around the balance of the Bostwick field, & about 12 acres in the 68 acre gin field - in all about 24 acres with 7 horses. The 8th. horse is still at work in the Bostwick field throwing out the middles, 3 furrows to the row

May 20th. 1852.

Thermometer at 52º at sunrise & 68º at 12 M. 14 scrapers finished the Spencer field to day about 11 oclock, which completes the 1st round. The boys then took shovels & passed over about 23 acres of the Lewis field

The hoe hands finished the balance of the Barn fields & the Spencer field in all about 73 acres

Nine Corn plows going to day - 7 in the 68 acre field .

Last edit over 1 year ago by MKMcCabe


i 2 In the Bostwick field* The former ran round about 28 aorea The Corn gave out at the Bread Orlba tonight, leaving ua little more than the half of a crib at the stables, to carry us through the season May 21st. 1852. Planted some water-melons The Corn in the garden planted the 26th Feb'y It coming up 12 March, is beginning to tassel Wrote to David Laughlin, Philadelphia, to day* giving him a list of his notes in my hands Planted the balance of our patch in water-melons on the

The shovels (12) lacked about h aorea of finishing the Huckaby field, having gene over about 50 aorea. Qrlndlng to day The hoe hands went over Lewis field and about 10 aorea in Huckaby field - in all about $$ aorea* They replant as they go in the Lewis and Huckaby fields The Corn plows (8) finished the 68 acre Gin field It ran around about half of the N. Qln field having passed over about 50 acres. The N. Qln field ia planted in rows 7 feet apart It is probable there was not as much land to go over to day in the 68 aero field, as one supposed May 22nd. 1852. The shovels finished the Huckaby field It passed over about

Last edit over 1 year ago by Amber51176


Hi acres of the Strlcklin field It about 8 of the Negro house field - in all - about 2k acres - k finished by 11 oclock 12 plows going The hoe hands finished Huckaby field by 8 or 9 oclock k

The Corn plows finished the N. Gin field about 10 oclock It stopped Mey2Uth. 1852. Working the Corn in the Pond to day with 3 plows It 6 hoes Wo are running round with turning plows throwing the dirt from the Corn, It taking out the grass with the hoes The plows went ever about 2/3 of the ground, It the hoes about half Hi shovels running around the Cotton, It finished the two fields they were in on Saturday It all to within about 9 acres of the negro field - in all about $$ acres The Hoe hands passed ever the Stricklin It 12 acre negro . house fields - in all about U6 acres* Sene of the hands were otherwise engaged The Corn plows, 5> in number, commenced running around the Dick N x field with turning plows, throwing the dirt to the Corn, going over about half the field Wrote to Laughlin 6 sy son John Light shower of rain in the evening* The warmest day of the so aeon. Thermometer at about 86

at 1 oclock

Last edit over 1 year ago by Amber51176

May 25th. 1852. The Cotton shovels finished the negro field & the Arnold & S. Gum fields & about 3 acres of the N. Gum in all about 56 acres

The hoe hands passed over the Negro field and about 4 acres of the Arnold field in all about 44 acres. The Corn plows finished Dick N x field and passed over about 3 acres in Kenedy field about 26 acres

The force in the Pond finished that field A good little shower of rain about sunset

May 26th 1852. Another shower of rain last night

I had the head-ache pretty severely last night, & vomited

Set out about 26 rows of Potatoes in the forenoon

The Cotton plows passed over about 25 acres in the N. Gum field & about 17 acres in the Thomas field In all about 42 acres They were hindered by rain & by some plowing in Potato patch

The hoe hands finished the Arnold field, the S. Gum field & passed over about 5 acres in the N. Gum field, in all about 45 acres

The Corn plows, 7 in number, passed over about 23 acres in the Kenedy field

Replanted some peas to day

Rain in the morning & Rain in the evening, very heavy

Many of the Melons planted Saturday are up to day

Last edit 10 months ago by Laura Hart
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 360 in total