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3 revisions
29445 at Sep 03, 2020 11:53 PM


slender cord Flooding abundantly; had
been for an hour or more; had fainted
pulse exceeding faint most gone; cold
yawning restless os uteri very patulous
By pushing down uterus thro' abdominal
parietes with one hand, I cd pass the index
of the other to fundus uteri, I hook the placenta
pull at it with index & thumb; it was finely
adherent I removed a good deal of it
left some; introduced tampon; used cold
applications over hypogastrium & vulva, & gave
infus ergot Arrested the flow thus, & she


slender cord Flooding abundantly Had
been for an hour or more Had fainted
pulse exceeding faint most gone cold
yawning restless os uteri very patulous
By pushing down uterus thro abdominal
parietes with one hand I cd pass the [index]
of the other to fundus uteri I hook the placenta
pull at it with index & thumb It was [finely]
adherent I removed a good deal of it
left some Introduced tampon Used cold
applications over hypogastrium & vulva & gave
infus ergot Arrested the flow thus & she