Mobile -- The Bishop was in town & was going to see her that afternoon -- How natural that did sound -- She was visiting a Mrs McAlpine, a very delightful lady-, she said, a particular friend of one of her reverend friends -- She says her health is much better than it was in I -- Alas! for poor human nature! requiesat in pace -- She cannot, could not injure you -- You are too well-known & have too many friends there -- I thought Mrs Herbert was proffering what she would in time, be glad to withdraw, but she certainly must have been aware of some of the peculiar traits of her character, as she had twice been a member of her household -- She said she pitied her so much, without a home, & almost without friends, she could not help asking her to come, even without the prospect of any remuneration -- I told Mrs H, that I knew she had received favours & kindnesses from you & Mr S -- That never could be repaid & which were worthy of eternal gratitude I think in justice to yourself you ought to let the world know, how heavy these obligations are -- Did she speak before she left of the debt she owed, & offer any hope of cancelling it? -- Friday Morn -- The weather is very rainy & inclement -- cold, driving winds -- Yet we have nearly twenty girls -- Mr Hentz is hearing a class, Miss Fellows another, & rather than be idle, I thought I would lengthen my letter -- You ask if Julia assists me in school -- there is no occasion yet, & her presence is necessary in the house, which is entirely separate from the school -- She has assisted me a great deal in sewing & pursues some of her
made the deep-toned cannon speak their joy & triumph -- We heard its thunders even here -- There is a very commanding site, selected for the new Capitol -- Its removal must effect the interests of many individuals -- Mr Duffie, for instance & through him many others -- I omitted to speak of the dangerous accident which befell Mr Stafford, but it was not because I did not think of it -- I hope he is entirely recovered from its effect -- You must have been terrified, when he returnesd, in such a plight -- Mr Howard was thrown from his horse also, a few weeks since & was much injured -- He is now however entirely recovered -- Mrs. B. is very kind & obliging -- She has sent me nice preserves & sardines several times I took a very handsome mahogany bedstead & bureau of hers, which she offered low for their value -- They have moved into the country in so small a house, there is not room for their furniture & she wishes to dispose of much of it -- Folks say, they are whole-hearted people -- & I believe they are -- I think Mrs Brumby (would) wd be very glad to have Susanna Brumby stay with her & come to school to us -- One seems extremely fond of her & has expressed such a desire often -- I wish her parents wd send her, for I should like to have her as a pupil again -- She is one whose mind can be reached through the heart, a beautiful avenue-, to wind through -- I shall be very much pleased to see Harriet here -- who accompanies her? ----- Do you think it probable that Mr Meek will be associated with your faculty? -- He would indeed be an acquisition, but I thought his wishes were now directed in a political channel -- I am
told he is greatly improved, though in mind & manners I thought there was little room for it -- I always thought him one of the most interesting men I ever knew & Elizabeth an extremely lovely girl -- I think if you cultivated her acquaintance more, you would become much attached to her & the whole family -- They have a great deal of heart, as well as mind, two immortal things which ought never to be separated -- You ask me to send you Ugly Effie -- I will as soon as I have the whole series -- Mr M [gap] has never forwarded the letters or papers which came before we made known to him our present residence -- I wd be very much obliged to Mr Stafford if he wd inquire about them & have them sent-Mr Hentz wrote, but he has only forwarded those which arrived after we came here -- I wrote to the Editors, & they sent me as they supposed three copies, but three of the papers were wrong numbers & the set is incomplete, when I get the whole -- I will send it you-, for I am anxious you shd read it -- It came up here, just after I came & won me some golden opinions -- I have no time to write as yet -- There is so much solicitude in the mind in making a new establishment, you feel so much depends on a right setting out, that the wings of the imagination are too heavy to fly -- It seems to me, that I never felt the weight of responsibility rest so heavily on me before -- I never felt so anxious to do right for the cause of right -, so willing to suffer if it were necessary, in the defense of truth & religion -- Quite a martyr frame of feeling-, but I don't think I shall be called to wear the crown of martyrdom -- The people here so far, think every