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In 1850, when I was pracising medicine in Cincinnati-;
some 15 years later than this, I met Tom Kernachan, on his
return from attending Lectures in New York-; he came to my
office to see me. We had a lively talk about old times-; I
believe that a son of his - (Dr. W. J. Kernachan) is now
practising in Florence.

I was a bright scholar. It was never any trouble to me
to learn -- father taught me French when I was very young. I
could read the language quite fluently when I was not more than
12 years old -- Father used to employ me to help the girls
& young ladies at their French lessons-; but my extreme
bashfulness stood in the way of my usefulness. A pretty
girl, named Bettie Pope was dull at her French exercises, and
father one day asked her why she did not get "Charles" to
help her -- She said that she was not acquainted with me-;
whereupon father called out aloud "Charles -- come here Sir" --
When I came, wondering what he wanted, he had Miss Bettie by
him, and said aloud, before the whole laughing school --
"Charles, this is Bettie Pope." "Bettie Pope, this is Charles" --
now sit down and help her withher lesson, -- sir --" In after
years, when I had out grown my diffidence, I met Miss Bettie
in Louisville, Ky., a grown and handsome lady, & we had a merry
laugh over this -- and other memories of the past.

A Miss Rosannah Grey -- a large, masculine Irish lady, a
near relative of the Simpson family, who afterwards married

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