to my infinite astonishment that my good brother had gulled
me with stories "made out of wholecloth" -- But I had a fine
time of it-; eating apples from the trees, & frolicking with
Tom -- the only son-; burning yellow jackets out of the garden,
at night -- &c &c. Whilst I was there, I witnessed an old
fashioned barbacue given to the negroes by their owner. There
was a camp meeting going on in the neighborhood amongst the
colored people; and old man Kernachan, who was an irreligious
man, did not wish his slaves to go-; he was a kindhearted
man, & wishing to see them enjoy themselves, he bribed them
with this babacue-; giving it to all who did not go to the
meeting. It was gotten up on a grand scale-; "a feast of fat
things sure enough-; the negro cabins were in rows through a
beautiful grove-; barrels of cider were stationed here & there --
and the happy darkies given unlimited license to drink as much
as they could-; free to all-; and vast wooden trenches filled
with barbacued pork were laid out on the green grass with
piles of bread & potatoes, in the greatest profusion. I
saw lots of little nigger "picaninnies" here & there literally
in these trays-; up to their knees & elbows in the savory
pottage, cramming it down by the handful.
Those of older growth got happy on the cider -- One old
African darky, who claimed to have been a king in his native
country got gloriously drunk-; and danced and shuffled on the
green sward, to music made by the young ladies, by singing
through a paper & comb -- a jolly scene of purely animal
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