at the advanced age of 84.
My father had read medicine in the Hospital Val-de-Grace in Paris; he dressed the wounds of many of the Soldiers of Napoleon. I remember hearing him tell many scenes & interesting anecdotes connected with those days. He attended also a course of Medical Lectures at Harvard University in the class of 1820-21. I have his old tickets for that course - lectures on Anatomy by Dr. J.C. Warren-; Materia Medica by Dr Jacob Bigelow; practice by Dr Jas. Jackson; Chemistry by Dr. J. Gorham; Med Jurisprudence by Dr. Channing; but he gave up the idea of practicing; very wisely so too I think.
He was an accomplished artist; having attended thorough courses of instruction in Painting &c in France; he painted miniatures exquisitely; and employed himself in teaching painting and French to classes, mostly of young ladies, in various places - Boston & Philadelphia chiefly - At one time he was employed as tutor in the family of a wealthy South Carolina planter on Sullivan's Island, by the name of Morris -
He was an enthusiastic student of Natural History, and devoted his leisure hours to the study of insects; especially of spiders; in which department of entomology he was a pioneer in this country. He was an active member of the Academy of Natural Sciences; an organization that flourished in those days in Philadephia. An ardent friendship, cemented by a kindred enthusiasm, with regard to the study of insects, existed for many years between him, and Dr. Thaddeus Wm. Harris,
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