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5 revisions | Tintern at Feb 04, 2023 05:19 AM histmss-074996-0012January '99
Thurs. 19. Clear
Straightened up the house. Ed took eggs and chickens to Mt. Olney - Aunt E. went along. Cousin Sarah Miller came to dinner, to see Cousin Mannie and take Christian Science [?] to her. Mrs Griffith and Miss Farmer called - In the afternoon Aunt Eliza made a wreath, and took up to Addie - Mrs Chapin ate supper with us, and was very bright - Heard from J.J. in the morn.
20.Partly Cloudy.
Father went to Willie Child's funeral at Olney. Mother and Aunt Eliza with Newman to drive went to Mr. Zion to John Snowden's - three hours late dinner. Father to Fair Hill to dinner - I took care of the good little baby while Agnes went to the funeral. Mrs Chapin down stairs all day. About 5.30 Mary Strain telephoned to me of my dear little Georgia's [?} death. Such a grief to me - she has always been one of my dearest friends. I never cared for anyone else in the same way - and it came so hard that I can never see her again. Wrote to Mrs Webster - Father & I went to the Lyceum lecture [?]Hudson River
January '99 histmss-074996-0012January '99
Thurs. 19. Clear
Straightened up the house. Ed took eggs and chickens to Mt. Olney - Aunt E. went along. Cousin Sarah Miller came to dinner, to see Cousin Mannie and take Christian Science [?] to her. Mrs Griffith and Miss Farmer called - In the afternoon Aunt Eliza made a wreath, and took up to Addie - Mrs Chapin ate supper with us, and was very bright - Heard from J.J. in the morn.
20.Partly Cloudy.
Father went to Willie Child's funeral at Olney. Mother and Aunt Eliza with Newman to drive went to Mr. Zion to John Snowden's - three hours late dinner. Father to Fair Hill to dinner - I took care of the good little baby while Agnes went to the funeral. Mrs Chapin down stairs all day. About 5.30 Mary Strain telephoned to me of my dear little Georgia's [?} death. Such a grief to me - she has always been one of my dearest friends. I never cared for anyone else in the same way - and it came so hard that I can never see her again. Wrote to Mrs Webster - Father & I went to the Lyceum lecture [?]Hudson River
January '99 |