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Primary County: Davidson

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD):

Petitioner(s): Richard Boyd

Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: To Honble the General Claim Richd Boyd Richard Boyd Jailor Davidson 1803

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: Wilson

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/07/03


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: 16-1-1803-1 To the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee We your petitioners, a number of the Citizens of Wilson County, humbly sheweth, that whereas the last Session of the Honorable House, look measures to ascertain the boundary of said County, and also appointed Commissioners for the purpose of procuring a suitable place for the seat of justice, errecting publick buildings &c. Your Petitioners humbly conceive it was very improper for said Comissioners ot have acted, aftter themselves, as well as the Couty at large being fully convinced said County was not Constitutional as to its limits. Nevertheless, they proceeded to establish said County Town, very contrary in our humble opinion, to public justice, and greatly to the injury of the Community, even as the County now stands, and must of necessity be more so to any who may be added hereafter.- We therefore pray you Honorable Body, to take measures to redress our grievances, and that the [Courthouse?] may be brought to a more beneficial point, as a worse situation, perhaps will not be conveniently found, both as to the prospect of health and other accommodations. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound shall ever Pray. 3d July 1803

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
William Bumpass
David Ireland
George Maxwell
James Chappell
Garrett Bumpass
David Young
Jno W Paydon
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD):


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: 16-1-1803-2

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Alexander W M...spoon
Jno Adams
Wm Hodges
Jno Kelly
Samuel Woods
Hugh Campbell
D... Woode
Jno richards
Jno Woods
Abner Bone
William Richards
Robert Campbell
Caleb Young
Adam Young
Wm Barnett
James Higdon
William Walker
William Thomas
David Walker
H. Bumpass
John Hamilton
Robert Wm Chanpill
James C Hodges
William Campbell
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/01/17


Purpose / Short Description: Inhabitants want town line changed

Text of Petition: A Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitance of Sullivan & Carter Counties to the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee Hum -bly sheweth that where as the line dividing the Counties of Carter & Sullivan is an inaccurate line and does not run Agreeable to the true want and Meaning of the Law and that a number of your Petitioners living on the South Side of the Iron Mountain are by the present line thrown into the County of Sullivan and Lay at an un =reasonable distance from the Courthouse & from our [adegamental?] Betolian & Petty muster ground with an unpasable bed of mountains to obstruct our Convaniant passage thereto while to take the peo -ple of this Settlement three days going to attending & Returning home from Courts, & this inhabitance is known by the name of the Beavar dam Settlement and Consists of About Seven or Eight Familys who lay Convaneant to the Settlement of Carter their Musters &c therefore wee your Humble petiti =oners wish your Honorable body to anex us to the County of Carter by a line to begin at the head of indian Creek then Running a north East wardly Course along the Extream hight of the mountain that lays between Stonay Creek

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD):


Purpose / Short Description: (continued) re-drawing town line

Text of Petition: and Halestone River to the Ritch butt th... take the left Arm of Said mountain & with the Extream hights of that to the Virginia line So as to throw the beavor dam Settlement into Carter County & your Humble petition -ers will ever pray &c

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Benjamin Brown
Sam Cole
Richard Lewis
Wm Brown
Isse Brown
John Jentrey
Thos Johnson
Wm W Culltive[?]
Thomas H Johnson
Wm Jonson
Wil C Lindsey
Rolland Jenkins
John Asher
John Graves
Julius Dugger
William Dugger
John Dugger
Godfray Carriger Jur
Henry Carriger
John Carriger
Godfrey Carriger Senr
Henry Hammond
Nicholas Carriger
Michael Carriger
Christian Carriger
Thomas Williams
Joseph Tompkines
William Tompkines
John Jockson
William Jackson
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 95 in total