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Primary County: Davidson

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/01/15

Petitioner(s): John Boyd

Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: 15-1-1803-1 State of Tennessee [??] To Richard Boyd Jailer To Cook paid John Boyd Junr sheriff for arresting of Robert Smith Slaughter - 1-00 To Commitment & [Releasment?] - 0=60 To Keeping of Robert Smith Slaughter in Jail from the 27th day of May 1803 Untill the 16th day of September 1803 both days included at 35 Cents Pr day 28=25 To Turning the key in and out at 62 1/2 Cents Each - 1=25 Dollars 31=10 Rich. Boyd Jailor Nashville Septr 16: 1803 I, John Boyd Junr Sheriff of Davidson County do Certify that the above statement is Just and true and that said Slaughter was delivered up to John Harbin by me in pursuance of and order to me directed from Archibald Roam Governor for the state of TennesseeWhich order was commaunding of me to deliver him up the the agent appointed for the Indianna Dirrectory in witness where of I hereunto set my hand and Seal this 16th day of September 1803 - and do further Certify that Richard Boyd is Jailor - - Boyd [?] Davidson County

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Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/09/12

Petitioner(s): R. Boyd

Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: Petition of R. Boyd Sepr 12th 1803 House of Representatives September 26th 1803 Read and Referd to the Committee of Claims & sent to the Senate Ed Scott CHR Senate. Sept 26 1803 read & refered to Committee of Claims I humble

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Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/10/06


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: Senate October 6th 1803 Read and refered to the Committee of Proposition & Grievances - and sent to the H. Repl James Trimble C. Senate

House of Representaties Oct 6th 1803 Read & refered as above Ed Scott C. [M?]

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Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Incomplete


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/01/15


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: 15-1-1803-2 State of Tennessee Dc To Richard Boyd Jailor To Tending of Robert [?] in Jail from the 2nd day of June 1803 untill the 10 day of July 1805 both [?] [?] at 25 Cents [?] who was apprehended for th[?] I was [?] his [?]

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Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD):

Petitioner(s): Richard Boyd

Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: To the Honble the Genl Assembly of the State of Tennessee The petition of Richard Boyd respectfully representes, that a certain Robert Wiley was committed to the Jail of [Mino?] District, on a charge of Horse stealing, said to have been perpetrated in the State of Kentucky. That said Wiley remained in Jail of said District, for the space of time within stated, at which time he was by the order of the Governor of Tennessee deliverd up, and taken to Kentucky at the request of the Governor of that State - Your petitioner prays that a law may be passed allowing him compensation for the keeping of said Wiley, and also to embrace similar cases in future - & your petitioner &c &c - Richard Boyd Jailer of [Meno?] District

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Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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