


Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/09/28


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: Senate Sept ?? 1803 - Recd from ????? read & referd to Com mittee of Propositions & Grievances I Trimble C S

House of Representatives Sept. 28th 1803 Read and referred to the Committee of propositions and Grievances & sent to the Senate Ed Scott C?? Reported on:

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD):


Purpose / Short Description: Petition for the formation of a new county

Text of Petition: 9-1-1803-1

To the Honorable Legislature of of the State of Tennessee

The petition of {} Inhabitants of the Counties of Robertson & Montgomery Humbly showeth that From the extreme inconvenience under which they labour the distance being From thirty upwards of fifty miles to their Court House having to cross Cumberland river and a very uneven road your petitioners pray that in your wisdom you cause to be laid out to them a new county bound =aries as follows

Beginning on the Duck river ridge where the North Boundary of Williamson county intersects with said ridge running with said line till It intersects the Davidson line thence North to cumberland river thence down said river with its various meanders until It intersects with Bartens creek the thence up said creek to the confluence of the {} fork of said creek thence a Direct line that will intersect the mouth of the Leatherwood fork of yellow creek and continue with that same course so far as will include six hundred twenty five square miles thence a direct line to the beginning and your petitioners will Ever pray &c

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Last edit about 3 years ago by jakeu21
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image-condition: PLEASE CHOOSE

primary-county: PLEASE SELECT

date-filed-format-yyyy-mm-dd: 1803/01/09


purpose-short-description: Names

text-of-petition-drag-lower-right-corner-to-enlarge-box: 9-1-1803-2 Total amt of subscribers Is 257 in Ao

Given Name(s) Surname Name Prefix Name Suffix Signed X (or other mark) Transcriber's Comment
West Clifft 125
John Bonn 126
Jacob Phillips 127
Solomon Poller 128
James Woods 129
Eli Hutchens 130
Thomas Mitchell 131
George Clark 132
Joseph woods 133
Joseph dorley 134
Laken Walters 135
James Gillespie 136
????? Holland 137
John ??????? 138
Stephen ?????? 139
??????? ???????? 140
John ????????? 141
Wm Doughton 142
Philison Howel 143
Wm Griffith 144
William B ???????
John North??landgg
Aaron James 100
Abel James 101
John Paxton 102
John Forbus 103
Vann St Walker 104
John McClish 105
Ambrose Williams 106
M. Lamb 107
N. P. Thompson 108
Joel Hobbs 109
James Hobbs 110
John Hobbs 111
Solomon Hobbs 112
Fedrick Goss 113
Vincen Ennoss 114
Steven ???rd 115
Isaac Chaddoch 116
Isaac West Senior 117
Isaac West Junior 118
John West 119
Abner West 120
D?????? Hackleroad 121
George Ross 122
D. Ross 123
Jesse S. Ross 124
Last edit 3 months ago by guest_user
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD):


Purpose / Short Description:

Text of Petition: Petition for County 6 Named Galliton or Livingston

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Page Status Needs Review


Primary County: PLEASE SELECT

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/01/09


Purpose / Short Description: Names

Text of Petition: 9-1-1803-3-A 9-1-1803-3A 9-1-1803-3B

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name Transcriber's Comment
John [Harmon?] 1
John Law 2
James Maccan 3
Wm Cox 4
Charles Walker 5
Charles Walken Jnr 6
Lewis Russell 7
George Russell 8
Ihon Robinson 9
Thoma Hall 10
William Stone 11
Wm ??????? 12
James Foster 13
James Larkins 14
Willis Russell 15
wm Russell 16
thomas panal 17
James Bennet 18
A Richardson 19
George Clark 20
Bartholomew Smith 21
Isham H. Baird 22
Robert Stephenson 23
J. F????n 50
John Rogers 51
Andrew Havard 52
[Joseph?] Brown 53
Elias Napier 54
Thomas Smith 55
Ezekiel Smith 56
Jessesse Russell 57
Vinson Emmit 58
Iaac Robertson 59
Simon ?????? 60
Charles Teal 61
Michael Benson 62
John Brown 63
Isaac Barr 64
Wm Wynne 65
Wm Griffith 66
Randall Rumny 67
Aron Rainor 68
Francis Hatton 69
Wm Brigham 70
Martyn Goss 71
C Matthew Gelin 72
Isaac Walker 73
Last edit about 3 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Displaying pages 86 - 90 of 95 in total